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2023考研英语一小作文范文 第1篇




2023考研英语一小作文范文 第2篇

knowledge is power recently there has been a discussion regarding the issue of knowl- edge in the newspaper. as can be seen from the picture,knowledge is symbolized by a clenched fist as power. the fist sends out a message for “obedience”,threatening to crack with power any hard nut. the more demanding and challenging a task is,the more powerful the fist seems to grow. similarly,knowledge,the strongest power for human beings,feeds up the field of science and technology. the more ad- vanced and developed a field is,the more profound knowledge seems to become. a specific eample is the dunaping of mir,russia‘s space station. as is the case of the russian space program,the country could no longer afford to keep mir aloft in orbit because of lack of financial support therefore,rus- sia decided to dump the space station. the effect is both immediate and far -reaching. as far as the present is concerned,the successful launching and dumping of ivrlr has proved to the world that mankind,armed with pro- fca. md knowledge,cannot just build things but can operate them welt. for the distant impact,the once- in- a- lifetime success of/vftr provides man with valuable and indispensable eperience for manned space flight in the years to crane. then,someday in the furore,them might appear in space more mirs,visiting mars,spreading friendship,parading the perfect maste- ry of knowledge. as to the best way to master knowledge,i suggest that everyone of us “ask not what others will learn from you,but what you can learn from the others.” by so doing,i sincerely believe each person,pro- tected by’ the “fist”,will be learned and knowledgeable.

2023考研英语一小作文范文 第3篇

The above two pictures have shaped sharp contrast to each other. In one picture, a flower grows in a greenhouse and is in full bloom in spite of the outside rain. But in the other, the flower, moved outside and without the protection of the greenhouse, is withering in the thunderstorm. The two pictures show us that the flower, which is raised in a greenhouse and carefully protected, cannot stand natural wind and rain at all.

It is most likely that the drawer means to compare children in our country to the flower in his drawings and reflect a problem in the present education of our children. For one thing, nowadays, most children are brought up by their parents with tender care. Parents always try their best to meet the children’s demands, to provide them with the best environment of growth and study and to protect them from any possible harms, setbacks and sufferings. For another, owing to the present examination’ oriented education system, most children are too heavily burdened with studies to have time to take part in social activities, so they learn little about the society, the real world outside their family and school. Growing up in such a manner and such an environment, the children will inevitably and naturally lack the ability to stand sufferings and overcome obstacles when they leave their parents and step into the society.

To sum up, the problem of children’s education must be solved timely and effectively because it is they that constitute the future of our country.

2023考研英语一小作文范文 第4篇

This is a tremendously interesting and thought-provoking picture. From the left picture, it describes a young mother holding a little girl’s hand. However, when you look at the right part of the drawing, you will see another picture which stands in marked contrast to the right part: an adult female supporting an old mother’s with her hand. As is vividly shown by the picture, the issue of the aging population in China has become a major concern around our society, which is increasingly serious.

The picture is attempting to convey a thought-provoking message.

Filial piety has been advocated as a traditional Chinese virtue throughout history. In the first place, every step of a child’s growth, from birth to death, bears so much time and energy of the parents and above all, their unselfish love. So our parents rightly deserve our reward-love, respect, care and support. Whatis more, family relationship is very much like a mirror. If you smile upon it, it will smile back upon you. By treating our parents kindly, we will set an example for our sons and daughters and gain their respect and love in return.

In a word, it is our innate obligation to be filial to our parents.

2023考研英语一小作文范文 第5篇





2023考研英语一小作文范文 第6篇

In the pictures above are a father and her beloved son. In the left cartoon, smoking a cigarette and sitting in a sofa comfortably, the father is watching a football match on TV and shouting, “Son, study hard for me!” On the contrary, in the left portrayal, at 9 . , the father is studying together with his son, both totally absorbed in their books. The caption indicates, “Instead of merely making a request, setting an example.”

The purpose of the pictures is to show us that utmost significance should be attached to practicing what you preach. On the one hand, parents teach much more by their actions, than by their words. Some of them may say to their children, “don’t say nasty things about so and so”, and then the children will hear them criticize their friends and neighbors. On the other hand, parenting is such a crucial responsibility, yet there are no required courses to prepare one to undertake this role in life. The only learning is the example from one’s own parents.

To sum up, parents are the best teachers.

Obviously, if parents’ actions don’t conflict their own words, they would have the opportunity to be outstanding examples of their children. Just as an old saying goes, “Action speak louder than words.”

2023考研英语一小作文范文 第7篇



2023考研英语一小作文范文 第8篇




2023考研英语一小作文范文 第9篇





2023考研英语一小作文范文 第10篇

In the picture, there shapes a sharp conflict between the goal keeper and the ball player. The former exaggerates the goal and minimizes himself in his mind while the latter thinks otherwise. Actually, both the goal and the keeper are just in normal size. What causes the problem is that they have overestimated the difficulty they are each faced with. Such attitude towards difficulty will surely produce negative effects on the results.

Difficulties are in the pathway of everyone. To overcome them, we must at first make correct judgment on the situation, which is based on confidence, courage and rational thinking. Lets take memory for example. In the process of learning, students need to remember a lot of things, such as Chemical Elements Periodic Table, ancient articles and mathematical formulae. But many complain that it is hard to remember them accurately and they are ready to give up when they feel so. On the contrary, those who learn successfully are confident about themselves and willing to try although they also feel difficult at first. And later they find the more they practise the memory, the easier it becomes to remember.

In conclusion, if we are to succeed in handling the difficult things, we must have self

confidence, judge the situation rationally and be courageous enough to keep trying.

2023考研英语一小作文范文 第11篇


2023考研英语一小作文范文 第12篇

From the picture above,we can see a spical _hotpot_,which contains many unique ingredients,stand for _LAO SHE_,_KONG FU_,_Decompostion_ and some things to that the bottom of the picture,a sentence stands there extremely prominent,which can be brielf interpreted by this way:culture _hotpot_ is not only good tasting but also strongly good for one`s health. A bit exggerating picture is,however,through careful observation,we may discover that behind this strange senario,what the cartoonist intends to show us is extremely obvious:the significance of integration between Chinese culture and other countries` culture.

With the implementation of the China`s reform and opening up,an emerging tendency is that more and more foriegners are getting fascinated with our Chinese come to China to learn Chinese language,taste delicious Chinese foods,make friends with Chinese people,and these make them pretty comfortable and the same time,however,this phenomenon also stirred a heated dated in our society,so,how to render the other countries` culture be more compatible with our Chinese culture has caused wide public concern.

As far as I am concerned,before giving my opinion I think we should take closely look at the culture`s function should be more aware of that culture integration not only benefits to our making a further development but exerts a great contribution to the world peace.

2023考研英语一小作文范文 第13篇

For over a decade, the craze of Chinese college graduates taking qualifying examinations to become civil servants has remained unabated. An important proportion of graduates view civil service as their top priority in job selection and they spare no efforts in preparing for those examinations, sometimes years before their graduation.

To some extent, this craze is a modern revival of the ancient notion that “those who excel in academics end up in officialdom.” In the present-day China, however, there are complicated reasons underlying this phenomenon. The jobs in sectors other than civil service are insecure and unstable, and employees have to work under greater stress faced with growing competitions in the workplace and the industry. Some government departments are related to monopolized industries and civil servants can enjoy unusually high salaries and welfare benefits. Finally, government officials are usually regarded as occupying the highest rung of the social hierarchy and a student who succeeds in becoming government official is considered the pride of the family, adding prestige and glory to the entire clan.

For all the apparent attractions of the officialdom, the craze of entering the civil service is a distorted one. In the United States, truly ambitious students enter the industry instead of civil departments, where they apply their individual initiative to achieve personal success. It has already been pointed out that, with so many best minds of the nation fighting their way into the civil sectors, the consequences are catastrophic. The civil servants system, with its inherent bureaucracy and rigid rules, would inevitably turn the otherwise energetic and aggressive young people into docile followers of their superiors’ instructions and dutiful but mediocre implementers of executive orders. This will considerably undermine the vitality of a whole generation and the competitiveness of the entire country in the international arena. All forms of craze are accompanied by elements of irrationality and abnormality and, the sooner this craze vanishes, the better.

2023考研英语一小作文范文 第14篇


比如,最简单的一个单词address,大家都知道是_地址_的意思,看到address a problem就蒙了,address作为动词,意思为开始解决问题。这个简单的例子就解释了为什么单词都认识就是读不明白文章的原因,大家的单词没_背明白_。





2023考研英语一小作文范文 第15篇














2023考研英语一小作文范文 第16篇

How impressive the set of pictures are! In the first picture, the mother takes the daughter by the hand, while after thirty years the daughter hold her mother’s hand which is depicted in the second picture.

The meaning conveyed in the two pictures reveals that to respect the old and love the young is the traditional virtue and should be passed on from one generation to another. In real life, our parents not only give us life but do much in bringing us up. As the time goes on, they grow so physically weak that they no longer have the power to support themselves. So it is human nature for us to take our responsibility of taking care of them when they are old. Meanwhile, the virtue of willing to support the graying parents should be educated among Chinese people, no matter how young they are. It is necessary to drill the idea to the young all the time, so that they can better respect the older in future.

With love for the young, our society will be full of sunshine; with respect for the old, our country will be harmony and prosperous.

2023考研英语一小作文范文 第17篇










2023考研英语一小作文范文 第18篇







2023考研英语一小作文范文 第19篇

The picture presents a touching sight to us. Two handicapped men are walking quite quickly by binding their disabled legs together and holding fast to each other’s shoulders, with their crutches left behind. What respectable persons they are! They have surpassed their own physical deficiency and explored a smoother and easier way of advancing by drawing strength and support from each other. Obviously, what is highlighted in the picture is cooperation.

In modern times, cooperation has become an efficient and effective way to solve many problems. To begin with, through cooperation, we can heighten our strength so as to accomplish the things that are impossible to be done only by one person. We all have our own limitations and with the fast development of science and technology, we are facing a world that is more and more sophisticated. Therefore, we often need to combine others’ abilities and resources to gain success. What’s more, cooperation is not the simple addition but fusion of all partners’ strength. Making use of different members’ strong points, offsetting the weaknesses, supporting mutually and sharing resources with each other, we can then attain to a capacity that is much stronger than the sum of all partners.

2023考研英语一小作文范文 第20篇

At first sight of the picture, my eyes are brightened by the pretty girl, beaming with a simile on her face. She is a typical American girl, but she is dresses in our traditional Chinese costume. It seems that the girl is very proud of the Chinese costume.

It goes without saying that the picture indicates that a culture of one nation may become international, which is beneficial to all human beings. Actually the girl stands for two different cultures-western and eastern cultures. Her charming smile is the essential touch of the whole picture, which symbolizes the harmonious blending of the two cultures. With economic globalization, the blending of different cultures has become a necessary trend of the times. On one hand, a large number of people from different countries have been pouring into China. On the other hand, Chinese people are also exposed to different foreign cultures when they go abroad or when more foreign people come to China. In this way, people from various nations in the world will be able to acquire better understanding of each other.

As far as I am concerned, I think this phenomenon is good to all of us. It is an effective way to achieve efficient cross-cultural communication and promote world peace and prosperity.

2023考研英语一小作文范文 第21篇







2023考研英语一小作文范文 第22篇


2023考研英语一小作文范文 第23篇

What is conspicuously presented in the given data is exactly the proportion of spending of inhabitants in a certain city in our country during the Spring Festival. According to the statistics available in the chart above, the total spending can be classified into four kinds as follows: the cost of new year’s gifts, traffic spending, party and gathering costs and others. In general, the figures provided above suggest that new year’s presents, making up 40%, is the largest percentage, then next is traffic, party and gathering, and others at 20% respectively.

It goes far beyond any reasonable dispute that the above chart is a vivid reflection of a fairly familiar social phenomenon: people in mounting numbers spend too much on giving gifts to each other for the time being. Indeed, the previous few decades has witnessed the growing incidence of such a trend. And it’s so prevalent that a great deal of attention is being paid today to such a tide. The general public and the mass media have focused on the strengths and weaknesses of it, but few have come up with relevant actions.

Much can be done. The mass media and schools of all levels, fore and most, could serve as a counterbalance, doing its utmost to awaken the general public to the severity of this upsetting phenomenon. Meanwhile, it is the responsibility of the government to curb such a behavior. I am strongly convinced that the sooner we take such practices seriously, the better our prospect will be.

2023考研英语一小作文范文 第24篇

keep square clean,tidy on sunday,still on display on tian‘ anmen square were dozens of floats that were paraded along chang’ an avenue during the national day celebrations. thousands of people strolled on the narrow lanes be- tween the floats that fragmented the square,busily taking photos. not far from the noisy crowds,yellow leaves fell nonchalantly from locust trees along the driveway,sending out the first signals of the coming autumn. but even if all the leaves fall,they still cannot cover the brown and black spots on the whitish stones in the huge square. such stains of chewing gum,stale oil or some worse blemish have remained a constant pain for city cleaners since the square ‘was re- opened a few months ago after renovations to celebrate the 50th anni- versary of the founding of the people’s republic of china. few renovation project planners likely foresee this discouraging outcome. originally,they merely intended to give the city a face- lift. the square was indeed impeccable when new:the-white terrazzo surface not only looks clean but it was made with materials that help prevent it from becoming slippery. however,as time goes by,the virtue becomes the vice:the sur- face attracts and accentuates dirt. as a result,china‘ s most high - profile site has to suffer the indignity of being paraded daily before the public in a humiliation state. while the tourists who litter should bear the bulk of the blame,the renovation designers should also have learned something:including the square’s sanitary maintenance issue into their consideration.

2023考研英语一小作文范文 第25篇

This cartoon depicts an ironic scene: a man is walking dangerously on a wire with a pole in his hand. On one end of the pole hangs a box which is named _the convenience of jobs_ while on the other end hangs a box which is labelled_illegal profits_. The man is trying hard to reach the end of the wire, where a piece of papar is attached which says _you should be responsible for what you have done. _ However, the man believes that he will not be blamed since he has taken just a little. The sobering aspect of this cartoon is corruption always happens on those who think they are the lucky ones.

Human nature being what it is, most people have a kind of fluke mind that they may not be punished since the amount they take illegally is small. However, this idea could not be more wrong in our contemporary society. Let's assume that all the government officials in China hold this idea. If this assumption comes true, it will definitely exert a butterfly effect: the appetite of these officials will become even bigger. The amount of money they take may end up as astronomical figures. One day their behavior will be revealed as severe crime and they will spend the rest of their lives in jail.

So it can be justified without any exaggeration that when we look at the consequences of curruption, we may find it very difficult to assess the costs. But these costs can be very considerable and may even hurl the whole society system into a occurs to many that the most effective solution is to appeal to the authorities, or to take legal means. But that is just a passive wayand only works on extreme cases. Therefore, I recommend that massive media, school education and family cultivation should be activated to call for self-discipline on this matter.

2023考研英语一小作文范文 第26篇

directions: it is reported that many universities in china have begun to charge students for tuition. should university students in china pay their own tuition ? state two opposite opinions and illustrate them in detail. write an essay of about 200 words within 40 minutes.

tuition system has become one of the hottest topics in china since it was put into effect. reports on this topic are published in a variety of newspapers and magazines. people differ greatly in their opinions on it.

some people think that there is no university in the world which is open to students without tuition. as far as china is concerned, it is a developing country with the largest population in the world. the government is unable to allocate enough funds to pay for various teaching facilities and many different kinds of expenses. one of the ways to relieve the problem is for students to pay tuition. the money raised in this way can be used to improve the conditions for running schools.

others, however, are opposed to the tuition system. they argue that the living standard of the chinese people, especially of those in the poor rural areas, is still low, compared with that in the western world. the university tuition will certainly add to the already heavy burden of the parents, who live on their salaries or wages. moreover, tuition may become an obstacle to the development of china’s higher education. this is because it hinders some talented people from entering the university just on account of their poverty. (210 words)




