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银行开立信用证函电范文 第1篇






乙方同意在甲方条件符合的情况下协助甲方在_______开立本地户头或在内地的'外资分行开立离岸户头。 开立的户头一般包含有港币储蓄帐号、外币储蓄帐号和港币来往帐号。








甲方:__________________                  乙方:________________

签字(盖章):__________                  签字(盖章):________

日期:__________________                  日期:________________

银行开立信用证函电范文 第2篇


We have this day drawn the following bill of exchange on your esteemed firm- , $500,000, payable at sight.


We have to acquaint you that, in accordance with your instructions, we have this day drawn upon Messrs, tanaka & Co., at 60d/s for $200,000, inclusive of charges.


We advise you that we have drawn on you this day for $100,000, at 3m/d, to the order fo yourself, which we commend to your kind protection.


We have the pleasure to inform you that we have drawn this day on you for $500,000, at 3m/s. for which we have credited you as usual.



As the wines are not yet disposed of, nor likely to be for some time, we cannot obey Mr. Saito's orders as to drawing on you or remitting you the balance at present.

如有机会,请向本人开出煤炭价款加上保险费的汇票。对于这批出口货物,为弥补发生损害的`损失,请办理保险并在货值上再加保5%金额 。

Should you have an opportunity, you may draw on me for the cost of coal, together with that of insurance, which you will be so good as to effect on the outward cargo to its full value, with an addition of five per cent, to cover expenses in case of loss.


For your reimbursement, you will draw on me at sixty days' sight, and at the most favourable exchange, furnishing me at the same time, with an invoice, bill of lading and insurance policy.


For the amount of your invoice, you will be so good as to draw on Messrs. A & Co. of Hamburg, at three months' date, and forward them a bill of lading, requesting them to effect insurance.

银行开立信用证函电范文 第3篇






第一条 定义

1.信用证:由 银行开出通过 通知编号为 的 信用证。



第二条 贷款金额和用途

1.本合同的贷款金额为 .


第三条 期限

本合同项下的贷款期限为从合同签订日起 个月。

第四条 利息与费用

1.本合同项下的贷款利率为年率 %。





银行开立信用证函电范文 第4篇


1. revocable L/C/irrevocable L/C 可撤销信用证/不可撤销信用证

2.confirmed L/C/unconfirmed L/C 保兑信用证/不保兑信用证

3.sight L/C/usance L/C 即期信用证/远期信用证

4.transferable L/C(or)assignable L/C(or)transmissible L/C /untransferable L/C 可转让信用证/不可转让信用证

5.divisible L/C/undivisible L/C 可分割信用证/不可分割信用证

6.revolving L/C 循环信用证

7.L/C with T/T reimbursement clause 带电汇条款信用证

8.without recourse L/C/with recourse L/C 无追索权信用证/有追索权信用证

9.documentary L/C/clean L/C 跟单信用证/光票信用证

10.deferred payment L/C/anticipatory L/C 延付信用证/预支信用证

11.back to back L/Creciprocal L/C 对背信用证/对开信用证

12.traveller''s L/C(or:circular L/C) 旅行信用证

信用证有关各方名称――Names of Parties Concerned

1. opener 开证人

(1)applicant 开证人(申请开证人)

(2)principal 开证人(委托开证人)

(3)accountee 开证人

(4)accreditor 开证人(委托开证人)

(5)opener 开证人

(6)for account of Messrs 付(某人)帐

(7)at the request of Messrs 应(某人)请求

(8)on behalf of Messrs 代表某人

(9)by order of Messrs 奉(某人)之命

(10)by order of and for account of Messrs 奉(某人)之命并付其帐户

(11)at the request of and for account of Messrs 应(某人)得要求并付其帐户

(12)in accordance with instruction received from accreditors 根据已收到得委托开证人得指示

2.beneficiary 受益人

(1)beneficiary 受益人

(2)in favour of 以(某人)为受益人

(3)in one''s favour 以……为受益人

(4)favouring yourselves 以你本人为受益人

3.drawee 付款人(或称受票人,指汇票)

(1)to drawn on (or :upon) 以(某人)为付款人

(2)to value on 以(某人)为付款人

(3)to issued on 以(某人)为付款人

4.drawer 出票人

5.advising bank 通知行

(1)advising bank 通知行

(2)the notifying ban

银行开立信用证函电范文 第5篇


1. 通知对方以开立信用证

As you have confirmed theorder, we have arranged with the Bank of China to open an L/C in your favor for the amount of US $150,000 in accordance with the trade terms stipulated1.

2. 通知对方已寄出信用证

According to your request for opening L/C, we are pleased to inform you that we have airmailed today through the Bank of China an irrevocable L/C for $200,000 in favor of the New York Trading Co., Inc. on the following terms and conditions.

3. 通知对方已开立并寄出信用证

We hasten to inform you that we have today been advised by the Bank of China of the establishment of an L/C in your favor to the amount of $100,000 available on or before April 30, . We believe it will be in your hands within this week.

4. 通知对方外国银行开立信用证

By order and for your account we have made fax instructions to our Los Angeles branch to establish an L/C in favor of the Pacific Trading Co., Inc., Los Angeles to the amount of US$50,000.

5. 通知对方已收到信用证

Thank you very much for your L/C covering your order . The goods you have ordered are being prepared for shipment. As soon as the shipment has been executed, you will be advised by fax and our letter will follow with the shipping2 documents.

银行开立信用证函电范文 第6篇

6. 通知信用证的开立与有效期限

We have instructed the Bank of China to open an irrevocable letter of credit for US$35,000. This will be advised by the bankers' correspondents, Beijing City Commercial Bank. They will accept your draft on them at 30 days after sight for the amount of your invoices4. The credit id valid5 until September 30.

7. 通知对方已开立信用证, 并支付汇票

We have asked the Bank of China here to open a credit for US$50,000 in your favor and this will remain in force until March 31, 2001. The bank will honor your draft at sight for the amount of your invoice3 drawn6 under the L/C.

8. 督促对方开立信用证

In order to execute your order , please urgently open an irrevocable L/C for the amount of US$100,000 in our favor, available until April 30. As the shipping time is near, we ask you to instruct your bankers to open it so that we can receive it within this week.

9. 督促对方确认订单并开立信用证

We are pleased to confirm your fax order today and inform you that your order No. 100 is now ready for shipment per M/S Pacific leaving Jilong around June 10. Therefore we are anxious to receive your advice of L/C against this order.

10. 要求提早开立信用证

We need a period of three months for production in order to execute this order and request your immediately arrangement for opening an L/C two months before the time of shipment.

11. 督促迟迟未寄发的信用证

The letter of credit covering your order No. 500 has not yet reached us in spite of our repeated requests. We have been working on the manufacturers to execute your order at higher prices.

Therefore we request you open an L/C urgently so that we can make the shipment stipulated1.

12. 收到信用证后,立刻装运货物

The goods of your order are being manufactured in time for the shipping2 date requested. You inform us that you will open an irrevocable L/C, valid3 until August 31 and we as k you to send it promptly4.

Immediately on arrival of the L/C we will pack and ship the goods urgently as requested.

13. 通知准备装运,并督促尽早开立信用证

We are pleased to confirm your order for electric typewriters amounting to US$100,000. As requested, we are preparing to make shipment by the end of October and would request you open an irrevocable L/C in our favor as soon as possible, valid until November 20.

14. 要求修改信用证的付款条件

According to the L/C we received, the payment is to be made at 120 d/s. But we want it to be made at sight. This has been agreed to by you and expressly mentioned in your order sheet. Therefore please amend5 it as stated.

15. 因分批装运而必须修改信用证

We have just received your advice that you cannot carry out the complete shipment covering our order for sundries at one sailing. Therefore we have instructed our bankers to amend the L/C so that partial shipments may be allowed.

16. 因工厂罢工,要求延长信用证期限

We are afraid the L/C may expire before shipment because of the strike in our factory. Therefore please explain our situation to your customers and try to get their consent to extend the L/C to August 31.

17. 要求修改信用证的计价方法

Your order has been accepted on FOB basis. Your L/C is described as C&F basis and some differences will be made between the invoice6 amount and the amount of you require. Therefore please amend the price of your L/C to FOB basis.

18. 由于船位不足,请求延长信用证的期限

In spite of our effort, we find it impossible to secure space for the shipment owing to the unusual shortage of shipping space. Please allow us to request that you extend your L/C to April 10.

19. 答应延长信用证的期限

As requested in your letter of April 10, we have instructed our bankers to extend the L/_o. 1025 up to and including October 31. Therefore you will receive the extension advice by this weekend.

银行开立信用证函电范文 第7篇


11. 督促迟迟未寄发的信用证

The letter of credit covering your order No. 500 has not yet reached us in spite of our repeated requests. We have been working on the manufacturers to execute your order at higher prices.

Therefore we request you open an L/C urgently so that we can make the shipment stipulated.

12. 收到信用证后,立刻装运货物

The goods of your order are being manufactured in time for the shipping date requested. You inform us that you will open an irrevocable L/C, valid until August 31 and we as k you to send it promptly.

Immediately on arrival of the L/C we will pack and ship the goods urgently as requested.

13. 通知准备装运,并督促尽早开立信用证

We are pleased to confirm your order for electric typewriters amounting to US$100,000. As requested, we are preparing to make shipment by the end of October and would request you open an irrevocable L/C in our favor as soon as possible, valid until November 20.

14. 要求修改信用证的付款条件

According to the L/C we received, the payment is to be made at 120 d/s. But we want it to be made at sight. This has been agreed to by you and expressly mentioned in your order sheet. Therefore please amend it as stated.

15. 因分批装运而必须修改信用证

We have just received your advice that you cannot carry out the complete shipment covering our order for sundries at one sailing. Therefore we have instructed our bankers to amend the L/C so that partial shipments may be allowed.

16. 因工厂罢工,要求延长信用证期限

We are afraid the L/C may expire before shipment because of the strike in our factory. Therefore please explain our situation to your customers and try to get their consent to extend the L/C to August 31.

17. 要求修改信用证的计价方法

Your order has been accepted on FOB basis. Your L/C is described as C&F basis and some differences will be made between the invoice amount and the amount of you require. Therefore please amend the price of your L/C to FOB basis.

18. 由于船位不足,请求延长信用证的期限

In spite of our ef

银行开立信用证函电范文 第8篇















银行开立信用证函电范文 第9篇


375 Jiefang Street, Tianjin 30000, China

Tel: (020) 00

Fax: 2000001

September 12, 200#

Norseman Vehicle Building Ltd.

12 Nobel Street

Stockholm, Sweden

Dear Sirs:

We spoke to your representative, Mr. Bergman, at the international Automobile Expo in Tokyo last week, and he showed us a number of snowmobiles which you produce, and informed us of your terms and conditions.

We were impressed with the vehicles, and have decided to place a trial order for ten of them, your Cat. No SM18. The enclosed order, , is for prompt delivery as the winter season is only a few weeks away.  As Mr. Bergman assured us that you could meet any order from stock, we have instructed our bank, Bank of China, Tianjin Branch, to open a confirmed irrevocable letter of credit for USD 108,000 in your favor, valid until December 1, 200#.

Our bank informs us that credit will be confirmed by their agents, Scandinavian Bank, Strindberg Street, Stockholm, once you have contacted them, and they will also supply us with a certificate of quality once you have informed them that the order has been made up and they have checked it.

You may draw on the agents for the full amount of the invoice at 60 days, and your draft should be presented with the following documents: Six copies of the bill of lading

Five copies of the commercial invoice, c, i, f. Tianjin

Insurance Certificate for USD 118,800 (A. R.)

Certificate of origin

Certificate of quality

The credit will cover the in




