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翻译专业求职信范文 第1篇


Dear school leaders




I will graduate from Guangdong University of Physical Education in XX year, and I will bid farewell to my student days and embark on a glorious and sacred teaching career. Sixteen years of studying have made me deeply realize the sacred responsibility of being a teacher for the people, and I also sincerely feel that every teacher is like a ladder of people, sacrificing themselves to become a climber: like dewdrops, nourishing the blooming flowers and fruits. Now, I am about to transition from a trainee to a teacher, which has always been my dream. Therefore, I will devote myself with full enthusiasm and a hundred times more confidence to the education cause that I love.


Being a teacher for the people is what I have always pursued. My long cherished wish is to be admitted to university, which can be said to have taken the first step towards my life ideal and also a good start. A good beginning is half the battle. Therefore, I cherish my four years in university even more. I studied diligently, trained diligently, and achieved excellent grades in all courses. Every year, I received a second or third class scholarship and was awarded the title of _Outstanding Contribution to the Schools Sports Industry_ by the school.


At the same time, he also served as the captain of the sports college team and the long-distance running team, cooperating with the coach to take on the training task of the colleges track and field teams long-distance running, and fully demonstrated his specialized professional abilities. Not only do I excel in my field of expertise, but I also develop my unique skills and hobbies from a secondary perspective, such as popular fitness exercises. Martial arts, volleyball, table tennis, singing, etc., strive to be versatile and specialized. Moreover, I have demonstrated strong organizational and teaching abilities through educational internships, striving for new and effective teaching methods, and have achieved excellent results during the internship.


In order to better adapt to the needs of society, I persist in learning English and computer science. It is through this little accumulation that I gradually enrich and improve myself.


I am so proactive in my studies and also in my thinking. I strictly demand myself with high standards and adopt advanced thinking methods. I objectively approach problems and learn to apply dialectical materialism to analyze and solve problems. Now it has been developed into a probationary member of the Communist Party of China by the hospital.


In daily life, I place great emphasis on interpersonal communication. Therefore, I often participate in public welfare activities and labor organized by the school to cultivate my communication skills. I pay attention to uniting classmates and being helpful, often taking helping them overcome difficulties as my own happiness. Thats why my life is full of sunshine and fun.


Now, I am about to enter society, and at this moment, I can be said to be full of ambition. To realize ones own life value and reflect the demeanor of a teacher; I also want to serve my country and repay the teachers thoughts. I believe that after four years of learning and training, I have met the conditions to enter the teaching position. At the same time, I believe that only when the river is not tired of the stream, can there be its rolling waves; High mountains never tire of their broken stones, only then can they be majestic and majestic Therefore, I firmly believe that your school will always strive for excellence and talent. I hope that your school can give me the opportunity to join your team. I know that although my podium is narrow, my footsteps will cover all corners of the world. I can use my youth and knowledge to give myself wings of vastness, and I will do my best to contribute to your school.





Job applicant:



翻译专业求职信范文 第2篇


Dear leader




Thank you for taking the time to review my cover letter amidst your busy schedule: I graduated from Nanjing Audit Institute in July this year with a major in accounting. Three years of college life have cultivated my superb professional skills. While mastering important accounting theoretical knowledge such as principles of accounting, financial accounting, cost accounting, and the application of UFIDA financial software in company financial management, I also conducted accounting simulation experiments organized by the school and went to enterprises and institutions during winter and summer vacations to further enrich my practical experience.


In order to better adapt to society and meet challenges, I have tried my best to improve my abilities in all aspects. My computer skills have reached the national level of Level 2, VisualFoxpro. In my spare time, I work part-time as an accountant, distribute flyers, promote sales, and become a young volunteer to exercise my courage and problem-solving skills, enhance my confidence, and enrich my experience.


I saw your company posting a job posting today, and I would like to apply for the position of Accounting Assistant. I am now submitting my personal information with great caution, and I sincerely appreciate your companys favor. I am honored to be a member of your company and contribute my humble efforts to its further prosperity.


Finally, I wish your company continued success in its business. Create another glory!





Job applicant:



翻译专业求职信范文 第3篇


Dear leaders of your company:


Hello! Firstly, thank you for taking the time to read my self recommendation letter amidst your busy schedule. I am a undergraduate international student with a bachelors degree in Computer Science and Technology.

Over the past four years, I have benefited greatly in both knowledge and personal qualities. I study hard and work hard, achieving excellent results, and have been awarded school level scholarships multiple times. Successfully passed the Computer Level 2 Examination and the English National Level 4 Examination. Through self-study, I have mastered the use of office software, become familiar with some operating systems, and have a certain understanding of computer graphics, web design, and other aspects.


In addition to having a good level of English proficiency, computer skills, and excellent grades in professional courses, I also focus on improving my overall abilities and qualities, and have obtained a drivers license; I seize every opportunity to exercise myself, having worked as an advertising agent in a company and as a legal assistant in a law firm. During my university years, I became a Communist Party member with excellent performance. Based on what I have learned, I am willing to pursue a career related to computer science and strive for the lifelong success of the Chinese nations computer industry.


Throughout my four years of university life, I have always aimed to improve my own qualities and strive for comprehensive personal development, establishing a correct outlook on life and values. Learn to work while working, and learn to learn while studying. As a student leader, I place greater emphasis on cultivating my own abilities. Optimism, persistence, and hard work are my navigational landmarks. Lifting the sail of hope in dangerous rapids and highlighting a brave personality in rapids are my lifes creeds.


I hope that through this self introduction material, you can have a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of me. I look forward to becoming a member of your company, engaged in computer and related work. I hope to gain exercise and improvement in future practice. I will be down-to-earth and do every job well, everything for the company, everything for the company. I will make up for it with my passion and diligence, and repay your company to the best of my ability.


Looking forward to your reply. Wishing your company continued success and steady development!





Job applicant: XXX



翻译专业求职信范文 第4篇


Dear leader


Hello! Sorry for taking up your valuable time. We apologize for any inconvenience caused!


I am studying Registered Asset Appraisal in the Department of Financial Accounting at Jiujiang University. During my three-year college education, I have worked hard to improve my overall quality and have been awarded two _Second Class Scholarships_, two _Third Class Scholarships_, and the honorary title of _Three Good Students_. So, in the Jiangxi Provincial College Entrance Examination, I was admitted to the undergraduate program of Accounting at Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics with excellent grades, majoring in Accounting, and will graduate smoothly.


As a college student majoring in accounting, I love my major and have invested my passion and energy into it. During my time in school, the content I learned covered many aspects, from basic accounting knowledge to practical applications. Through the study of these knowledge, I have gained a certain level of understanding and mastery of relevant knowledge in this field. This major is a tool, and the ability to use this tool is the most important. Through various related practices and internships conducted in sync with the course, I have developed a certain level of practical operation ability. In school life, strengthen the exercise of social skills, learn management knowledge, and absorb management experience.


In addition, on the premise of mastering this major, I have developed an interest in computers and read relevant books. I am able to use Jindisk, UFIDA financial software, and related office software.


I aspire to showcase my talents in a broader world and hope to be exercised and improved through practice. If I dont give up, I will do my job well and do my best to achieve good results in my work. I believe that through my diligence and hard work, I will definitely make the due contribution.


I hope all leaders can consider me, and I eagerly look forward to your reply.





Job applicant: xxx



翻译专业求职信范文 第5篇

Dear sir,

i take the liberty to write you in the hope that you might need someone to fill in for you. i feel that i am qualified as an administrator. i am currently a student at college, i have over a month more to complete before i graduate. my major is business administration. i have excellent grades in all my subjects. if you wish to look at these information it will be sent to you later. i have worked at a trading company as a secretary, but i hope to seek more responsible employment. i am 25 years old and very honest and dependable.

if you need someone with my qualifications, please let me know. thank you very much for your kind attention. sincerely yours,dear sir,i take the liberty to write you in the hope that you might need someone to fill in for you. i feel that i am qualified as an administrator. i am currently a student at college, i have over a month more to complete before i graduate. my major is business administration. i have excellent grades in all my subjects. if you wish to look at these information it will be sent to you later. i have worked at a trading company as a secretary, but i hope to seek more responsible employment. i am 25 years old and very honest and dependable. if you need someone with my qualifications, please let me know. thank you very much for your kind attention.

sincerely yours

翻译专业求职信范文 第6篇


Dear leader


Hello! First of all, thank you for taking the time to read my cover letter. My name is Chen xxx, and I have served as a senior staff member in the sales department of New World Products Company for four years. I am confident that I have sufficient work experience and can serve in the position that your company is recruiting. Since 20xx, I have been working as a document channel writer for sales and correspondence. During my work, in addition to my formal business scope, I have had close contact with customers in various regions and have learned a lot about handling business issues in my spare time.

Sales is about being human, being a member of society, being free, equal, and loving; Economic people, survival, development, mutual benefit, and win-win. As a salesperson, it is important to understand the pressure of customer survival, the desire for development, and to collaborate in a mutually beneficial manner, ultimately achieving a win-win situation. As a salesperson, the first step is to understand ones own product and market demand, as well as the compatibility between the two. There is no product in the world that cannot be learned; As long as the product is market driven, there is always a market for its size. Of course, there should still be an evaluation of the companys products, services, and business model. As a salesperson, you need to find your customers. The economic situation in our country is very good, and the market economy is becoming increasingly mature, with customers everywhere. Throw a copper plate out, and customers can jump out of a pile; Call out online: Anyone who wants to do business with me will raise their hand.


On the occasion of writing, I solemnly make a small request: whether you choose me or not, respected leader, I hope you can accept my sincere gratitude!





Job applicant:



翻译专业求职信范文 第7篇

Dear Sir/Madam:

Your advertisement for a Network Maintenance Engineer in the April 10 Student Daily interested me bacause the position that you described sounds exactly like the kind of job I am seeking.

According to the advertisement ,your position requires top university,Bachelor or above in Computer Science or equivalent field and proficient in Windows and LINUX System. I feel that I am competent to meet the requirements. I will be graduating from Graduate School of Tsinghua University this year with a . degree . My studies have included courses in computer control and management and I designed a control simulation system developed with Microsoft Visual InterDev and SQL Server.

During my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. Not only have I passed CET-6, but more important I can communicate with others freely in English. My ability to write and speak English is out of question.

I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.

With many thanks,

Wang Lin

翻译专业求职信范文 第8篇







第二,我在学校社团工作两年,仪容仪表端庄得体,普通话标准流畅,沟通能力强。有创新意识,能够自发学习,获取新知。有较强的文艺能力和语言组织能力,能始终努力在实战中丰富自己的实践经验,使自己在短时间内成为企业需要的优秀人才。21世纪呼唤综合性的人才,我个性开朗活泼,兴趣广泛;思路开阔,办事沉稳;关心集体,责任心强;待人诚恳,工作主动认真,富有敬业精神。 在三年的学习生活中, 我很好的掌握了专业知识, 物识一个掌握扎实专业知识并具有一定工作能力和组织能力的部下,是你的愿望。谋求一个充分发挥自己专业特长的工作单位,并能得到你的关照,是我的期盼;得力的助手,有助于你工作顺心;合适的工作单位,有助于我施展才华。




翻译专业求职信范文 第9篇

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing you to show my keen interest in the part-time job during summer vacation in your shop which you recently advertised in the local newspaper. I strongly believe I meet the qualification listed in your advertisement.

I was born in June, 1985 and am going to graduate from School of business in Jiujiang University in June, 2007 with satisfactory results in all the courses. I have been doing part-time jobs in several companies before, so I have gained much experience. Furthermore, I’m industrious, friendly and have a GREat sense of responsibility. I believe I am qualified for the post.

Enclosed you’ll find a copy of my resume. I’m available for an interview anytime at your convenience. Or, if you are too busy these days, you can contact me at 13601869708 for further information.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Truly yours

Li Ping

翻译专业求职信范文 第10篇











翻译专业求职信范文 第11篇


姓名:xxx 性别:女

民族:汉 政治面目:团员

学历(学位):本科 专业:英语

联系地址:深圳市福田区深南大道xx号 邮编:518028

email address: xxxxxxx@sohu。com


毕业院校:湖南大学 1993。9——1997。7 科技外贸英语专业 本科





*1999。4———至今 中美合资狄姆阿姆斯壮技术有限公司



*1997。10———1999。4 中瑞合资北京中安消防电子有限公司








另: 最重要的是能力,相信贵公司会觉得我是此职位的合适人选!


翻译专业求职信范文 第12篇

Dear XX hotel Leadership:

Hello! I am XX Sciences University Department of Public Administration, a student, graduated in July this year. I am very happy to see you in the online recruitment .cn information, take the liberty of a letter submitted to the individual job-seekers, looking forward to your view! I studied public administration, but the comparison is more like hotel management.

A senior last semester, I have just come into contact with the hotel management was deeply attracted to the Internet after searching for the information, with a certain degree of understanding, I found that this is what I want to do. Although some nights, but after all, to find love for their work and not easy. So I was very lucky. Hotel is to bring people comfort and pleasant place, the kind of environment and atmosphere is what I aspire to, and engaged in the provision of hotel management in all of this work will be proud of and to meet people. The hotel industry is a dynamic and promising industries, especially the rapid growth of domestic hotels, foreign hotels have entered China, but also gives the hotel industry is full of opportunities and challenges. I am committed to the hotel management as a cause of their own to do, so your company recruited cadres reserve positions, the industry hopes to have a very good development.

Although there is a certain degree of expertise inadequate, but I found the hotel management have a strong thirst for knowledge, I made a four-year university with a very good learning ability, and prepared to apply for assistance after the hotel management division examination. Since I chose the hotel ready to endure hardship on the preparation, your company would like to start from the grassroots to make their own hotel as continuous development of a step-by-step may be raised.

Thank you for reading this letter and consider my request for candidates, hoping to have the honor to interview you, and sincerely look forward to your response!

Sincerely, Salute!

翻译专业求职信范文 第13篇







第二,我在学校社团任务两年,仪容仪表端庄得体,普通话规范流利,沟通才能强。有创新认识,可以自发学习,获取新知。有较强的文艺才能和言语组织才能,能一直努力在实战中丰厚本人的理论经历,使本人在短工夫内成为企业需求的优秀人才。21世纪呼唤综合性的人才,我特性开朗生动,兴味普遍;思绪开阔,办事沉稳;关怀个人,责任心强;待人诚实,任务自动仔细。 在三年的学习生活中, 我很好的掌握了专业知识, 物识一个掌握扎实专业知识并具有一定任务才能和组织才能的部下,是你的愿望。追求一个充沛发扬本人专业专长的任务单位,并能失掉你的照顾,是我的期盼;得力的助手,有助于你任务顺心;适宜的任务单位,有助于我发挥才气。




翻译专业求职信范文 第14篇

Dear XX unit leader:


Thank you very much taking the precious time to read my letter of recommendation, hope it can help you in the tide of college graduates job seeking to make you satisfied.

My name is XX, growth in _n coastal a simple village, folkway is the raising of cultivated my peace of mind, persistence of faith and the quality of diligence, so feel honored.

The dream of life always fly in youth, and the stage of university is a dream of flying. XX 20 years of golden autumn, I have a chance to study at zhejiang university school of law, on the life and a new journey, to pursue the dream of youth!

Knowledge is the most important, I always believe myself I can roam in the ocean of knowledge in a comprehensive university, the university education study is to obtain basic knowledge of various disciplines and professional knowledge of law. In addition to learning, from the beginning of the freshman, put into social practice, social work... Benefited a lot of exercise, there is only the cultivation of personal ability, not only is more of a service consciousness and team cooperation consciousness, social responsibility consciousness...

Usually I like sports, travel and reading. I think sports can exercise, enhanced physique; Travel and make friends can make us open to see the world; While books, especially history books, literature books, popular science books, famous gossip and books about the law at home and abroad, can increase knowledge, but also can edify sentiment.

Innovation and development is my persistent pursuit. _God reward those who work hard_ is my life belief.

Sincerely zhu GUI company macro boom, looking forward to hearing from you!



翻译专业求职信范文 第15篇









翻译专业求职信范文 第16篇





Dear Sir/Madam:

Are you searching for a telecommunications manager with expertise in project management and team leadership?

I specialize in creating and implementing high-performance strategies that directly impact growth and profitability of large telecommunications companies. In addition to my knowledge of business processes, I also offer proficiency in telecom software development and cutting-edge technologies.

I am relocating to Shenzhen and would be interested in opportunities with your firm. Currently, I serve as manager for BIT Company‘s Information Industry Division. Briefly, some of my accomplishments include:

Developed a tool to track and forecast price,quantity,and revenue, which enables client to monitor business performance

Implemented a customized end-to-end testing process and SQL database

My business acumen, technical expertise, and leadership capabilities have contributed to a number of successful projects. The enclosed resume outlines my credentials and accomplishments in greater detail. I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.

翻译专业求职信范文 第17篇


Dear leader




Thank you for reading my personal job recommendation letter amidst your busy schedule!


The good image and employee quality of your company (bank) attract me, a soon to graduate student. I am willing to contribute my humble efforts to your company!

I am a recent graduate from a certain major at a certain school. I worked hard and conscientiously during my school years, and completed the study of basic professional knowledge with excellent grades. Strictly demand oneself, respect teachers, actively participate in various activities organized by the school, get along well with teachers and classmates, be able to speak fluent English, and also self-study courses related to international finance. In my spare time, I plan to set aside time to read various books, magazines, watch TV, and surf the internet, striving to expand my knowledge as much as possible and keep up with the pace of the times. During the holiday period, as I step out of the school gate, I try my best to seize every opportunity to exercise, get along with people of different levels, and maximize my zero distance contact with society, experiencing lifes sourness, sweetness, bitterness, and spiciness, so that I can quickly adapt to the _big family_ of society. I am looking forward to working at your company (bank), combining my theoretical knowledge with practical experience, and making a qualitative leap in my life. I believe that the overall image, management style, and work atmosphere of your company (bank) will be more attractive to me, which is the dream goal I am pursuing in my mind. Therefore, I confidently promise you that if you choose me, you will never regret it!


Attached personal resume on the next page, looking forward to a face-to-face interview! Finally, thank you very much for giving me your attention amidst your busy schedule.





Job applicant:



翻译专业求职信范文 第18篇


Dear leader


I sincerely submit my personal job recommendation letter, hoping to showcase my first value in life at your company.


I am a fresh undergraduate graduate majoring in Marketing from the School of Economics and Management of Shenyang Institute of Technology. I am about to face the choice of employment, and I am very eager to work for your company. I hope to work hand in hand with colleagues from your company, to build a ship of hope and create a brilliant career together.


_The sword is sharpened, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold._ After more than four years of professional learning and university life, when I entered school, I was naive and naive, and now I have become calm and composed. In order to establish myself in society and achieve success in my career, I have been continuously studying hard for four years, and have achieved good results in both basic and professional courses. During my university years, I received two school level _scholarships_ and two honorary titles of _Three Good Students_, as well as multiple individual awards. I also won second prize in the group competition of the School of Economics and Managements Enterprise Management Sandtable and other group honors.


In my spare time, with an outgoing personality and a serious and responsible attitude towards work, I am also very dedicated to student work. During my time at school, I served as the class leader and also served as the director of the office of the School Psychological Potential Development Association and the deputy director of the Organization Department of the Student Union of Shenyang Engineering University. During my tenure as the student affairs department, I gained a lot of exercise and improvement. I also pay attention to constantly expanding my knowledge, using my spare time to self-study the basic operation of computers, familiarize myself with the Windows operating system, proficiently master office software, and be able to proficiently use software such as Authorware and Powerpoint to create and apply. At the same time, I have obtained the National Computer Level 2 Certificate.


For students majoring in marketing, although learning is important, practical skills training is also essential. Over the past four years, in order to improve my practical skills and accumulate social experience, I have been actively participating in social practice activities in my spare time while studying various professional courses since my freshman year. I have worked as a telephone operator, shopping guide, researcher, salesperson, and other part-time social practice jobs. This has strengthened my basic skills in marketing, enhanced my self-learning and adaptability, and enhanced my communication and coordination skills, which have given me confidence and expectations for future marketing work.


Personally, I tend to prefer job positions and professions related to marketing, sales, and service. As a fresh graduate, although I lack experience in formal work, I believe I can handle it through your companys training and learning. I am able to adapt to the corporate environment and meet professional requirements in a short period of time.


The honor of a unit needs to carry its carrier - the selfless dedication of people. I earnestly request your company to give me an opportunity to be one of you, and I will repay your kindness with a hundred times of enthusiasm and diligent work.


Looking forward to hearing back from you! Thank you for taking the time to approve this self recommendation material amidst your busy schedule.





Job applicant:



翻译专业求职信范文 第19篇

Dear Sir:

I am XX school, vehicle inspection and maintenance of professional college graduates, is about to walk into society, I with a sincere heart and to the persistent pursuit of career, sincerely to recommend myself!

In the three years of study life, I to his keen, enterprising, respect work and enjoy company and helpful attitude and performance won the trust and praise from the teachers and students, and constantly strengthen the ideological and political learning, positive to the party. In learning, I not only made the _diligent, rigorous, realistic and innovative_ style of study, and adhere to professional and non-professional hand in guiding ideology, efforts to broaden knowledge, establish rational knowledge structure, to adapt to the needs of the development of the society for talents.

I also have served as a monitor, also served as a student cadre work, has the strong ability of class management, activity organization planning ability and interpersonal skills. Take an active part in all kinds of style, social practice at the same time, also have good performance in the aspect of literature and art and sports.

Three years of college I became a has a more solid basis of knowledge and professional knowledge of college students.

Of course, the achievement of the past does not represent the future, diligence is the real meaning, is the rose flower, always is the eagle will soar aloft. Looks like I will not ask, but beg in suits own position play incisively and vividly. I dont expect is rich in material treatment, only hope with all my wisdom, enthusiasm and efforts to achieve my social value and the value of life.

I just going out from the ivory tower, as a college student, I lack of experience may make you hesitate, but please you believe my energy will make up for this temporary shortage, maybe Im not the best, but I definitely is the most efforts, I believe that as long as the heart, is bound to be successful!







追求永无止境,奋斗永无期限!我怀着紧张而激动的心情踏入社会,也充满着无比期待的心情和热情寻找每一个机遇,把握每一个机遇!恳请贵公司能给我这次展示自己的机会,我会尽自己最大的努力为贵公司做出更大的贡献! 希望各位领导能对我予以考虑,热切盼望您的回音,谢谢!

翻译专业求职信范文 第20篇


Dear leader




I hope this meeting is the beginning of a happy cooperation between us, and I am very willing to do my best to serve your company. I would like to introduce myself to your company and hope that you can give me this opportunity.


My name is xxx, and I am a recent graduate from xxx University. My major is Applied Chemistry.


Although I am not studying this major, I am willing to work in sales and other fields after graduation. Although I may not have sufficient work experience, as long as I am given the opportunity, I believe I can quickly master the relevant skills and be competent in these tasks. In this sincere, united, and enterprising collective led by you, I will do my best to work together and create brilliance.


Four years of university life have constructed my unique knowledge system, cultivated my belief in self-reliance and self-improvement, developed an optimistic, easy-going, sincere and tolerant personality, and developed a resilient, persistent, open-minded and confident personality. In life, I have come to realize that treating negative opinions correctly is a shortcut for a person to improve themselves, and then working honestly with others is the foundation for sustained and healthy career development. In my studies, I pay attention to cultivating and exercising my abilities in all aspects, actively participating in activities organized by the departments classes, so that I can receive better training and exercise in all aspects. My dedication and diligent work attitude are also the reasons why I am confident in joining your institution.


I dare not praise myself as a precious gem, let alone as having exceptional talent and knowledge. In this new century full of challenges and opportunities, in the increasingly fierce social competition, _Give me a piece of soil, I will use my young life to cultivate._ This is the slogan of the new generation of youth, as well as my determination and confidence.


From school to society, I know this is a process of growth, but I am fortunate to live in an era of riding the wind and waves. As long as I strive and have confidence, the drive to move forward remains strong, and I do my best, I will not disappoint your expectations and love. Thank you for taking the time to read my job application amidst your busy schedule. I sincerely wish my career success!




Job applicant: xxx



翻译专业求职信范文 第21篇


Dear leader


First of all, I sincerely thank you for taking the time to browse my cover letter amidst your busy schedule. For a student who is about to step out of school, it will be a great encouragement.


I am a student majoring in Computer Science and Technology at Guangzhou University who will soon graduate in 20XX. With a sincere heart and persistent pursuit of my career, I sincerely recommend myself to you. I am the daughter of a farmer, with the fragrance of soil and the simplicity of farmers flowing through my veins. It has also taught me the principles and methods of perseverance in handling things. The poverty of my family, the expectations of my parents, and the competition in society are the driving forces for my learning.


I cherish my four years of university studies very much, and I feel that I have not wasted them. As I stepped into the gate of Beihua School, I was determined to establish a reasonable balance between _what I want to do_ and _what I can do_. After four years of enrichment and improvement in college, I have become more clear about what I want to do, and I am proud to be able to do more.


In terms of learning, I have received the National Scholarship and the National Inspirational Scholarship. I have been awarded the First Prize Scholarship for two semesters and the Second Prize Scholarship for three semesters. I have achieved excellent results and successfully passed the English CET-4 exam in my junior year. I am now able to read and translate some computer materials. With the strict guidance and personal efforts of my teachers and friends, I have absorbed rich professional knowledge and developed my abilities.

In terms of hardware, by participating in practical activities such as designing microcontrollers, assembling radios, and planning and managing network engineering, I have mastered the working principles of computers and computer network technology. Another thing worth mentioning is that during my time in school, I won the third prize in the Jilin ACM/ICPC Programming Design Competition in China, and also won awards in various computer competitions organized by the school.


Since entering school, I have made full use of my spare time to extensively participate in social practice activities. After studying basic courses, I have been studying and practicing in the ACM laboratory of the college. During the two years of working there, not only did my professional skills improve, but also my management, organization, and communication skills were fully utilized and further developed, earning recognition and praise from my leaders and teachers.

翻译专业求职信范文 第22篇


Dear company leaders



Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read my job application materials. I saw your companys recruitment information online and I am very interested in the position of Network Maintenance Engineer.


My name is xxx, and I graduated from xxx with a major in Computer Science and Technology. With respect and longing for your company, I sincerely write this cover letter to show you a completely authentic version of myself.

The main courses I studied at school during this period are:! Computer network, operating system principles, computer interface technology, database system principles, data structures, algorithms and programming, C language, C++, object-oriented programming, etc. During this period, I studied hard, worked hard, and joined the CPC as a member of the Communist Party. As the secretary of the class youth league branch, I have tried my best to do my job well and accumulated a lot of work experience, which has enabled me to have good physical and psychological qualities. In the past few years, I have worked hard to learn professional knowledge. I started from the basic knowledge of each course, worked hard to master their basic skills and techniques, studied deeply and meticulously, sought their internal laws, and achieved good results. In my spare time, I have to go to the library to serve my classmates. In the library, I learned a lot about all aspects of the Internet. I believe that the accumulation of quantity will inevitably lead to a qualitative change.

Practice is the only criterion for testing truth. So I participated in social training on weekends and during the summer vacation of my junior year. The first training mainly focused on learning xxx and xxx. Through the study of xx course, I have gained a certain understanding of network knowledge and mastered the basic operations of various protocols in the network, such as xxx protocols. In xxs course, there are mainly three courses: routing, switching, and troubleshooting. I have gained a deeper understanding of various protocols in routing xxx, both in terms of basic knowledge and hands-on operations. Through learning troubleshooting, the ability to solve various problems encountered in experiments has greatly improved. After the training, the instructor took us to a company for an internship. During this period, our communication skills and professional skills have greatly improved.

翻译专业求职信范文 第23篇


Dear leader




Sorry to disturb you. I am a college student who is about to graduate from the Accounting Class of the Department of Economics at Wuzhou University in Guangxi. I am honored to have the opportunity to present my personal information and introduce myself to you. On the occasion of entering society, in order to find a job that suits ones profession and can unleash ones talents, I would like to recommend myself to my leaders.


I was born in Yangshuo, a beautiful and picturesque city in Guilin. In XX year, I was admitted to Wuzhou Branch of Guangxi University (now Wuzhou College) with excellent grades, opening a new chapter in my life. I have been serving as the classs Youth League branch secretary all along. The work in the Youth League not only cultivates and exercises my work ability, but also enhances my composure, calmness, and meticulous thinking when solving problems. While doing a good job in forestry, I actively participate in various activities organized by the school, encourage and unite classmates in FI daily life, and always believe that the power of the collective is strong.


My major is accounting, and I love this field very much. I have put in a lot of effort and sweat. In my three-year study life, the content I have learned includes many aspects, from basic accounting knowledge to application. Through the study of these knowledge, I have gained a certain level of understanding and mastery of relevant knowledge in this field, and have developed practical skills and techniques through various related practices and internships that are synchronized with the course.


I know that socialist modernization construction requires management talents with comprehensive qualities. Therefore, while learning professional knowledge well, I also read a lot of system and application software related to logistics, marketing, enterprise management, and UFIDA finance, as well as programming languages such as VFP.


My job intention is to work in accounting, cashier, statistics, document management, and finance related fields. Your company is a leader in the industry, and as I am about to step out of school, I look forward to joining your company, learning and exercising in my work, and better utilizing my talents! Create tomorrows glory together with your company!





Job applicant: XXX



翻译专业求职信范文 第24篇

Respect of sir/madam:

Thank you for reading my cover letter and resume. I study in fujian civil technical secondary school, business English majors in month graduation.

Multiple times in social work, cause me to understand when you need personal defying hardships to strive, cannot escape from any, brave to face it.

I have enough courage and confidence to face the challenge, complete the boss gave me each work.

For career and the future, I will pursue; For failure and setbacks, I#39;ll embrace. I have enough courage and perseverance to embrace life every challenge! I dare not assert that I was the best, but please believe that I will surely is the most hard! The most active! If HuiNa, I will take every care. Stepping into the 21st century China, the competition will be more and more intense, large quantities of outstanding talented person#39;s demand, enable the human resources management talent facing severe tests and will take _strives hard took aim at will attack, firm the confidence move ahead in defiance of difficulties_ continue to work hard

The past does not represent the future, diligence is the real meaning, the practical work, I believe I can adapt themselves to the working environment, familiar with the business in the practical work, and keep learning, and constantly improve themselves, completes the work.

Thank you!

翻译专业求职信范文 第25篇


Dear leader


Hard work! Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read this self recommendation letter! After working outside for three years, I have long heard that your company is a very powerful and promising company with strict requirements for employees. I am currently recruiting talents to join. Therefore, I am writing this self recommendation letter, sincerely hoping to become a member of your company!


I graduated from the Computer Department of Hubei Changyang Vocational Education Center in 20xx, with a Intermediate Level 2 Computer Certificate and a Vocational Qualification Certificate. Proficient in using OFFICE software such as WORD and ExCEL, proficient in simple text processing, image processing, and creating music CDs.


I have worked as a QC, QA, manager assistant, salesperson, sales representative, and other professionals with rich work experience. I have also received recognition and praise from colleagues and leaders in my work. Therefore, I am confident that I can handle the position required by your company. I hope you can use your wisdom to develop my potential, and I will use my potential to create common interests. I sincerely hope to become a member of your company and strive for its development!





Job applicant:



翻译专业求职信范文 第26篇


Dear leaders


Hello! Thank you for taking the time to read my cover letter amidst your busy schedule!


Your companys good image and the quality of its employees attract me, a soon to graduate student. I am willing to do my bit of work for your company!

I am a recent graduate from a certain major and came to a certain school. During my time in school, I studied diligently and completed the study of basic professional knowledge with excellent grades. I strictly demand myself, respect my teachers, actively participate in various activities organized by the school, get along well with my teachers and classmates, speak fluent English, and self-study courses related to international finance. In my spare time, I plan to use my spare time to read various books, magazines, watch TV, and surf the internet, expanding my knowledge as much as possible and keeping up with the times. During the holidays, when I leave school, I try my best to seize every opportunity to exercise, get along with people from different levels, and have maximum zero distance contact with society, experiencing the ups and downs of life, and adapting to the _big family_ of society as soon as possible. I really hope to work in your company, combining theoretical knowledge with practical experience to make a qualitative leap in life. I believe that the overall image, management style, and work atmosphere of your company (bank) will attract me more, which is my ideal goal in my mind. So, I confidently promise you that you will never regret choosing me!


Finally, thank you for your attention amidst your busy schedule. Wishing your company success and success in your business. Wishing you success in your career. Looking forward to your good news, thank you!





Job applicant:



翻译专业求职信范文 第27篇


Dear XX Bank


I am xxx, a student majoring in accounting from xx University. During my university years, I systematically studied the fundamental knowledge of majors such as Finance, Management, and Accounting Management, and actively participated in various academic reports and exchange activities organized by the university, extensively exploring the latest economic situation analysis, marketing, and other information. The diligent and pragmatic academic style not only broadened my horizons, but also enabled me to master a comprehensive knowledge of financial theory. I have been awarded the campus scholarship and the title of excellent student twice in a row, and have passed both the CET-4 and CET-6 exams in one attempt.


In July 20xx, I interned at the finance department of xx company, mainly responsible for accounting and voucher verification, financial analysis, etc. This experience not only gave me a more intuitive understanding of accounting practice, but also enabled me to fully apply the accounting knowledge I learned in accounting statement production and data analysis, rapidly improving my proficiency and skills.

In July 20xx, I interned as a lobby manager at XX Bank, mainly responsible for customer guidance, diversion, and identification. During the internship, I respected my colleagues, humbly sought advice, patiently and meticulously carried out customer business consultation and communication diversion work, actively collected customer opinions and recommendations, and attached great importance to team collaboration. I promptly recommended potential high-quality customers to the account manager, and received unanimous recognition from colleagues and customers. Successfully assisted in the marketing of three platinum cards, financial products worth million yuan, and 100 grams of Ruyi Gold at the branch.


Years of exposure to my family have led me from a young curiosity about banking to a determined growth in professionalism and expertise. I am very eager and eager to become an excellent member among them, with a good spirit of confidence, integrity, pragmatism, and innovation, to start my career.


I hope your bank can provide me with a platform for development. I will cherish it well, strive to realize my life value, and most importantly, contribute to the development of your banks business.


Finally, I wish your bank a prosperous business and thriving performance. I also wish you good health and all the best!





Job applicant:



翻译专业求职信范文 第28篇


Dear hospital leaders




When you personally open this letter, it will be a reflection of my past four years, and when you finally close it, it may determine a new journey in my life. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read my cover letter. I believe I wont let you down.


My name is Cheng Lisha and I will graduate from Changsha Medical College in June 20xx. Sincerely recommend oneself, with a sincere heart and persistent pursuit of career.

I am studying nursing. During the school period, I learned and mastered basic medical theories and nursing professional knowledge, as well as some knowledge about aesthetics, acupuncture and moxibustion and massage, college students psychology and talent. At the same time, my overall quality has also greatly improved. I have served as the Deputy Director of the Propaganda Department of the Student Union, responsible for promoting and organizing various school activities, and have a certain organizational foundation and innovative ability. I always aim to enrich myself, guided by the demand of society for talents, and strive to develop towards versatile talents. Work hard to learn computer knowledge in spare time, be familiar with office software such as Word, Word and Excel, be proficient in using the Internet, and be able to quickly search information on the Internet. I have successfully passed levels four, two, and three.


As a medical student, I actively demand progress, am optimistic and upward, not afraid of difficulties, have confidence, a sense of responsibility, and a rigorous work attitude. I hope to do my best to do better in the future.


Four years of college life have increased the skills, knowledge, and maturity of a diligent and eager to learn young person. My one-year internship experience at the Affiliated Hospital of Luzhou Medical College has given me a solid foundation of professional theoretical knowledge and a certain grasp of nursing practice. On the basis of careful teaching and self-learning by the teacher, I am able to standardize and proficiently carry out various basic nursing operations and specialized nursing operations, correctly execute medical orders, conduct three checks and seven pairs, and do a good job in nursing evaluation and health education for patients entering and leaving the hospital. Seriously implement sterile operating procedures. In the rescue work, meticulous and orderly, we have won unanimous praise from teachers and patients. In short, I always take love, care, and patience as the foundation, always being diligent in my eyes, hands, feet, and mouth, thinking about what patients think and responding to their urgent needs, and wholeheartedly providing high-quality services. Seeing me exchange my efforts and sweat for the patients recovery and smile is the most comforting thing in my heart.


Of course, I still have many shortcomings, such as lack of practical experience and limited social experience, but I firmly believe that time is the best weapon for training and testing people, and diligence is the true essence. For future work, I believe that I can quickly adapt to the work environment, familiarize myself with the business, continuously learn and improve myself in practical work, and do my job well. I think I will become a good nurse and satisfy your hospital! Satisfy patients!


Finally, I wish your institution success in its business! Thank you again for your feedback! Looking forward to your feedback!





Job applicant:



翻译专业求职信范文 第29篇




Dear leaders

First of all, please allow me to extend the sincere regards and the good wishes to you!Thank you for your attention to my letter of recommendation, when you open this page,you have opened the first door that lead to opportunity and success for me,also it is a good beginning for me to display my talent and achieve with a sincere heart and persistent pursuit of would like to take this opportunity to sincerely recommend myself.



Maybe Im not perfect, but Im confident, please give me a chance, I will try my best to make you lack of work experience, but I will Learning modestly, work actively and conscientious, completes the labor of duty, use time and sweat to make up I deeply believe that myself can keep,dedicate and pioneer to work in a position. Regardless of whether you choose me or not,my respect leader, hope you can accept my sincere appreciation! Looking forward to your reply. All the best in your work.

翻译专业求职信范文 第30篇


Dear leader




I am a student who will soon graduate from Beijing Computer Information Vocational and Technical College in 2x77, majoring in computer science.

During my four years in school, I have studied hard and achieved excellent results. I have received scholarships multiple times. With the strict guidance and personal efforts of my teachers and friends, I have acquired a solid foundation of knowledge. In terms of software, the system has mastered C language, data structures, Power Builder, database principles, assembly language, software engineering, and has a certain understanding of object-oriented Windows programming such as DELPHI and VC. I also self-taught VB, VF programming, and web design outside of class. I am now able to independently write a professional database management system. In terms of hardware, by participating in practical activities such as designing microcontrollers, assembling radios, and planning and managing network engineering, I have mastered the working principles of computers and computer network technology.


I am enthusiastic and outgoing, and I love traveling. Every time I travel, I learn a lot and make many friends. I have done many part-time jobs before, including searching for part-time jobs at home. These are all valuable work experiences for me. From a child who doesnt understand anything and has no work experience, I have gradually become mature. I hope to pursue a career that I enjoy in the future, and I will do my best to do my job well.


If I am fortunate enough to join, I can devote myself to software development for your company or work and learn in a certain field according to the needs of the company at any time.

我正处于人生中精力充沛的时期,我渴望在更广阔的天地里展露自己的才能,我不 满足与现有的知识水平,期望在实践中得到锻炼和提高,因此我希望能够加入你们的单位。我会踏踏实实的做好属于自己的一份工作,竭尽全力的在工作中取得好的成绩.我相信 经过自己的勤奋和努力,一定会做出应有的贡献。

I am currently in a period of high energy in my life, and I aspire to showcase my talents in a broader world. I am not satisfied with my current level of knowledge, and I hope to gain practical experience and improvement. Therefore, I hope to join your organization. I will do my job well and do my best to achieve good results. I believe that through my diligence and hard work, I will make the necessary contribution.


_Shunxi, reverse xi, unobstructed I fly_ is my motto; My work attitude is like walking on thin ice, as if facing an abyss; Sincerity and trustworthiness are my greatest characteristics; My broad mindedness has made me many friends. With a smart mind, creative thinking, perseverance to forge ahead, and proficient professional skills, I believe I am your best choice.


Please give me a chance, I will definitely give you a dazzling light.


Thank you for patiently reading my cover letter. If you need detailed information, please contact me.





Job applicant: xxx



翻译专业求职信范文 第31篇


Dear xx Bank


Hello! Your bank has always had a certain reputation in society with a good image. I am about to graduate, and if given the opportunity, I would be very willing to contribute my humble efforts to your company!


My name is xxx and I am studying Financial Management at Shanghai University. Below, I have provided a brief self introduction.


I have gained some basic understanding of your bank. Industrial and Commercial Bank of China was established on January 1, 1984. It is one of Chinas commercial banks, one of the top five banks in China, one of the Fortune 500 companies, a listed company, and has a customer base in China. As a student who is about to end my studies and enter society, I am confident in accepting the tests of society and the challenges from myself. During my time in school, I worked hard and diligently, strictly demanded of myself, respected my teachers, and actively participated in various activities organized by the school. I was fortunate enough to participate in xxxs volunteer work and received unanimous praise for my excellent performance. On weekdays, get along harmoniously with teachers and classmates. In terms of English, I passed the CET-4 and CET-6 exams. I am well aware that bank employees need to have a strong sense of responsibility and practice to gain true knowledge. Therefore, during my time at school, I tried different internships and jobs. I have worked as a secretary, promoted, tutored, and worked as a waiter. Different professions have given me different experiences, which have gradually transformed me from a naive little girl to one with independent thinking, problem-solving skills, and a spirit of unity and cooperation. In order to stand undefeated in the work and do a better job.


I really hope to work at your bank, combining my theoretical knowledge with practical experience, so that I can have a qualitative leap in my life. I believe that the overall image, management style, and work atmosphere of your bank will be more attractive to me, which is the ideal goal I am pursuing in my mind.


Finally, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to give me your attention.





Job applicant:



翻译专业求职信范文 第32篇

Beijing,china 100000dear sir/madam:

now and then corporations send out feelers for just the right type of creative person. this person must fit very specific criteria. usually, after all is said and done, the corporation wants a business person who can manage, create and communicate. a seasoned professional who‘s been around for a you‘ve been looking for this rare combination of business savvy and design expertise, my background might interest you:ten years of working experience. solid background in the management of creative up-and-comers.

know new technologies that show instant profit, such as cad/cam.

this is but a brief summary of my abilities. and there is much, much more to feel i have strong marketable skills in which you would be interested. please contact me if you would like to hear and see many thanks,xxx

翻译专业求职信范文 第33篇


Dear leader

I found your companys job application online. Thank you for giving me the opportunity. Sample job application letter for nursing graduates. Huanggang Second Hospital is a hospital with a long history. I believe that my knowledge, ability, and attention to detail can make me competent as a qualified nurse. Thank you very much for taking the time to browse through my cover letter.

我黄冈职业技术学院20xx届 护理系护理专业1班 学生,我叫何鈺。即将面临毕业。

My name is He Yu, a nursing major student from Class 1 of the Nursing Department of Huanggang Vocational and Technical College in 20xx. Approaching graduation.


Huanggang Vocational and Technical College is a key talent training base for Chinese health schools. It has a long history and excellent traditions, and is known for its rigorous academic research and effective education. In this atmosphere of learning, I have benefited greatly in terms of learning, hands-on ability, personal qualities, and other aspects.

三年来,在师友严格教育下,除了完成专业基础知识,传统地掌握了临床医学,实践操作有关理论 。还选修人力资源管理,市场营销,计算机都取得优秀成绩。获得“文明学生”称号,计算机二级证,普通话二级乙等,英语四级。分别获得国家和学校的助学金和奖学金。

For the past three years, under strict education from teachers and friends, in addition to completing professional basic knowledge, I have traditionally mastered clinical medicine and practical operation related theories. I also took elective courses in human resource management, marketing, and computer science, achieving excellent results. Received the title of _Civilized Student_, obtained the Computer Level 2 Certificate, Mandarin Level 2 Grade B, and English Level 4. Received national and school scholarships and scholarships respectively.

此外我还积极的参加各种社会活动,抓住每个锻炼的机会。在大学期间,我深深的感受到与优秀学生共事,使我在竞争中获益,向实际中挑战,在挫折中成长。祖辈们教我奋斗,尽责,善良和正直。职业技术学院培养我实事求是,开拓进取。我热爱贵单位 从事的事业,殷切地期望能够在您的领导下,为这个事业添专盖瓦,并且在实践中不断学习,进步。我会用我自己的成绩证明我自己。

In addition, I actively participate in various social activities and seize every opportunity to exercise. During my university years, I deeply felt that working with outstanding students has benefited me in competition, challenged me in practice, and grown through setbacks. My ancestors taught me to strive, be responsible, kind, and upright. Vocational and technical colleges cultivate me to be practical, pragmatic, and enterprising. I love the business that your organization is engaged in, and I eagerly hope to add expertise to this cause under your leadership, and continuously learn and improve through practice. I will prove myself with my own grades.

收笔之际 ,我郑重地提出一个小小要求:无论您是否选择我,尊敬的领导,希望能接受我诚恳的谢意。

As I finish writing, I solemnly make a small request: whether you choose me or not, respected leader, I hope you can accept my sincere gratitude.


Wishing the leaders of your hospital good health and all the best





Job applicant:



翻译专业求职信范文 第34篇


Dear school leaders


I am a xx level student majoring in Education at the xx Department of xx Normal University. After four years of university life, I have met the requirements for a qualified graduate.


From the moment I entered the gate of XX Normal University, I followed the school motto of _diligence, innovation, and being a role model_ to comprehensively and systematically shape myself, and strictly demanded myself in all aspects. I have excellent academic performance and have been awarded professional scholarships every year. I pay more attention to the accumulation of professional knowledge and the training of basic teaching skills. In my spare time, I listened to computer courses at XX University and have a certain level of computer operation ability. In addition, I have read a lot of books on history, education, psychology, etc. to broaden my horizons and accumulate a wide range of knowledge necessary as a teacher. During my studies, I worked as a tutor during winter and summer vacations. During my trial lectures and educational internships, I actively exercised myself and gained a deeper understanding of the learning and psychological patterns of middle school students. During my internship in the high school department of Jilin Experimental High School, I received unanimous praise from teachers and students.


In terms of ideology, I actively demand progress and strive to cultivate my character and mindset as a teacher. Becoming a volunteer in Chinas first voluntary blood donation. As a teacher, one should also have a healthy body, good psychological qualities, and excellent organizational expression skills. Therefore, during my four years in college, I participated in grade basketball competitions, long-distance running competitions, and activities such as the _Red Sun_ dance team, achieving certain results and gaining good training.


I love the profession of teaching. Teaching is not just a job, a true teacher will have an impact on the life of students. Four years of studying in university have made me confident that I can become an excellent teacher, and I believe that in the future, I can fully utilize my knowledge and abilities in society.


Attached with this letter is a personal message, looking forward to a face-to-face meeting!





Job applicant:



翻译专业求职信范文 第35篇

Dear sir,

i am seeking a position as a sales manager, which was advertised in the internet. the position seems to fit very well with my education, experience and career intereste.

electronic business in computer studies, july,2011, shandong foreign trade vocational college. my studies have included courses in electronic business, java servlet pages , photoshopcs2 , sales marketing and internet marketing. i am highly organized with demonstrared leadership skil in coordinating and motivating workers and in my recent internship at caijing electronic imp./exp. corporation in jiangsu.

my background and goals seem to match your requirements well. some time ginen,i should have it much better. i am attaching my resume and some writing samples so you may appreciate what i am already able to do, and how much more i should learn to become a full-fledged communications professional. i would greatly appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss how my possible internship with uniglobal could benefit both your company and myself .

thank you.

sincerely yours,

翻译专业求职信范文 第36篇


Dear leader


Hello! First of all, I sincerely thank you for taking the time to review my materials amidst your busy schedule and giving me this opportunity.


I am a 20xx graduate from XX College, majoring in Advanced Nursing. On this occasion of choosing a career, with a sincere heart and persistent pursuit of career, I sincerely recommend myself to you.


The rich and colorful life during my school years, coupled with hard work and hard work, have given me a certain level of life experience, work ability, and professional ethics. During my internship in the hospital, my diligent learning, attentive observation, and the combination of theory and practice have made me more proficient in operational skills and solid in theoretical knowledge in clinical nursing. Having zero distance contact with patients, I understand how to better handle the relationship between nurses and patients, always putting patients at the center, understanding and helping them, providing them with high-quality care, and truly reflecting the value of the angel in white from the patients!


After going through such learning and internship, I believe that I will be able to do my job well, and I also believe that I will satisfy the hospital leaders and patients. I will be able to unite colleagues, treat people kindly, and continuously improve my work ability and progress in my work, making my life worth fully showcasing.


Dear leader, I sincerely hope that you can provide me with an opportunity. Your trust today will undoubtedly become the driving force for me to strive for progress tomorrow, and your choice today will become the source of my hard work and hard work.


Thank you for your attention and looking forward to hearing from you!





Job applicant:



翻译专业求职信范文 第37篇


Dear leader




The water flows rapidly, and there are many talented people. The competition in real society is fierce, and talent is no exception. May I borrow your insight to embark on my journey of a thousand miles.


I am a graduate of Shihezi Health School. Four years of university nursing education have enabled me to master comprehensive nursing knowledge. In addition, the college often organizes clinical practice activities and I have used my spare time to read a large number of nursing related books. I am confident that I can become an excellent nurse.


Dedication is my attitude, integrity is the foundation of my personality, sincerity is my principle of being a good person, love is the greatest wealth I have, and being rigorous and pragmatic is my personality. My parents expectations and social competition are the driving force behind my learning. I cherish my university studies very much, and during my two years in school, I feel that I have not wasted any time. I not only learned professional knowledge and improved my overall quality, but more importantly, it taught me how to be a good person and cultivated my personal qualities of being rigorous, pragmatic, and innovative.


During the internship, I integrated theory with practice, consolidated theory through practice, and gained fruitful results in nursing technology, making myself more mature and stable, and having a solid professional foundation. In learning, we always take _love, attentiveness, and patience_ as the foundation, strive to achieve _diligent eyes, hands, feet, mouth, and brain_, think about the patients thoughts, be urgent to the patients urgent needs, establish good medical ethics and medical style, be able to correctly answer the teachers questions, and standardize and proficiently carry out various basic nursing operations and specialized nursing operation theoretical knowledge and skills. In life, I have developed into a hardworking and hardworking person. Being enthusiastic, proactive, down-to-earth, diligent and honest, and able to work independently are my responsibilities towards work. Independent thinking, good physical health, and abundant energy are the stepping stones for me to fully unleash my potential. The past does not represent the future, diligence is the true essence. Here, I have gained a lot and fallen in love with the sacred mission of being a _white clothed angel_ from my life! I love nursing very much. Watching patients slowly alleviate their pain and recover happily under our careful care, I feel inexplicably happy in my heart! Their comforting and warm smiles are my greatest happiness.


A self recommendation letter is far from enough to give you a comprehensive understanding of me. If you could give me an opportunity to showcase myself, I will provide you with the highest quality nursing work with meticulous and considerate service, professional nursing knowledge, and strong sense of responsibility.





Job applicant:



翻译专业求职信范文 第38篇

Distinguished leadership:


First of all, thank you in spite of being very busy toglance through my introductory material.

I am XXXX, xx university undergraduate course English major students. Hope to get your units appreciation and cultivation, can maximize their English ability, to the expensive unit in this recommendation.

I thought good, good character, easy-going personality, treats people with sincerity, ready to communication, get the students and teachers alike.

In study, I really love this major, in line with the rigorous studying attitude, good grades, and pay attention to the combination of theory and practice, do _live learning_, _learning to use_. In addition, through the professional English four levels, the computer level 2, national putonghua proficiency test such as dimethyl; I also have excellent English in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating ability, excellent teachers quality, has a good pronunciation, natural and easy itself, and be good at innovation in teaching. At the same time, I use after school time widely in a lot of books, mastering the basic knowledge of computer and commonly used operating systems, hard-pen calligraphy training, also cultivate their ability in many aspects.

I also actively take part in all kinds of social activities, seize every opportunity to exercise myself. As a tutor, from elementary to adult is well received by the parents and students, has certain organization management ability, expression ability and coordination ability.

University life has trained me serious scientific attitude and the spirit of working with people. _Learn Gao Weishi, the body is for fan_, I have well prepared to jobs go to peoples teacher, my talent into full play, make my contribution to the prosperity of your organization. Admittedly, the boundless huge crowd Im not the best, also is not the only option for the expensive unit, but I hope I am the most appropriate choice the expensive unit!

Finally I wish your school education career progresses day by day, again!










翻译专业求职信范文 第39篇


Dear HR Manager:




Thank you for taking the time to flip through my cover letter amidst your busy schedule. When you open it, you have opened a door to success and hope for me.

I will graduate from the Accounting Department of Hengyang Institute of Finance and Technology in July this year. I am studying accounting. In school, I focused on studying the production, operation, and management of finance, financial management, and network information technology. During my time at school, I conducted manual accounting simulations, accounting software internships, and financial management simulation internships, which also taught me a lot. This not only gives me a clear understanding of the companys business processes. I also learned how companies should manage their finances.


During my university years, I focused on cultivating my comprehensive qualities and participated in the student union. My academic performance has always been good, and I possess strong organizational and coordination abilities. My strong sense of career and responsibility has enabled me to face many difficulties and challenges. It has laid a firm foundation for future work.


Accounting is essential for the development of every enterprise, and I am willing to contribute my humble efforts to the financial aspect of your company. I am willing to contribute to the bright future of your company. The above is my accounting cover letter.




Job applicant: XXX



翻译专业求职信范文 第40篇

Dear Sir or Madam


I am senior from the Department of Business Administration of Beijing University. I am writing the letter in purpose of applying for admission into your esteemed institution your recently advertised position for a staff member.


I am sure that I am qualified for it. First, enclosed with this letter is my resume, which further details my previous academic qualifications and work experience. Second, not only do my qualifications and experience make me a perfect candidate for it, my cheerful personality is well suited to studying in your prestigious university/working as a staff member. Last, my hobbies include sports and music.


Words fail me when I try to express my heartfelt gratitude to the help you rendered me. Your prompt and favorable attention to my inquiry would be highly appreciated.






Job applicant: xxx



翻译专业求职信范文 第41篇


Dear leader




I am a student from the Physics Department of Northeast Normal University, Class 97, and I am about to graduate.


Northeast Normal University is one of the few key normal universities in China, with the motto of _diligence, innovation, and being a role model_, it has delivered a large number of outstanding talents to Chinas education industry. Under the influence of the rigorous and pragmatic academic style of Normal University, I have benefited greatly in both knowledge and personal cultivation.


The dream of being a teacher had already sprouted in my first year of junior high school, and several years have passed, and the profession of being a teacher remains an unrequited choice in my heart. In the 1997 college entrance examination, I filled in all the admission colleges in the first batch and was fortunate enough to be admitted to Northeast Normal University. After entering university, I realized that as a normal university student, studying well is far from enough. Therefore, I pay attention to cultivating and exercising my abilities from all aspects. In the second semester of my freshman year, I was elected as the class entertainment committee member with the highest number of votes in the class. During my tenure, I organized my classmates to participate in various activities such as the May Fourth Movement Cantata Competition and the New Years Day Celebration Gala. While improving ones organizational skills, make the class activities lively and colorful. In addition, during my tenure as the head of the Blue Moon Choir, I sacrificed a lot of my spare time to organize student activities and personally taught singing songs, which received recognition and praise from my classmates. Usually, I actively participate in departmental exams


The various activities organized, such as the Teachers Ability Competition, Chalk Writing Competition, and Handicraft Competition, have all left my mark. In various activities, not only did I receive honors, but more importantly, I honed my various abilities and laid a solid foundation for becoming an excellent teacher for the people in the future. In my daily learning process, I pay attention to the cultivation of physical thinking, and pay attention to the understanding and application of basic knowledge. In addition, through physics experiments, I have developed the ability to use my own hands and brains.


During the trial lectures in the second semester of my junior year and the internship in the first semester of my senior year, I treated them strictly as a teacher, paying attention to the teaching methods of middle school physics, the use of teaching language, and the design of blackboard writing, and achieved good results. Especially during my internship at Changchun Bus Factory Middle School, I taught a total of four lesson plans and seven classes, all of which exceeded the workload required by the department by twice. The classroom effect was very good, and I received praise from the teachers and students of the internship school, with excellent internship results. So far, many students have maintained correspondence with me, and their understanding and respect have given me a sense of satisfaction and happiness, as well as a sense of the importance of the teaching profession to me.


I open my heart with my heart, ignite it with fire, forge the nobility of my soul with my noble soul, and cultivate the sincerity of my emotions with sincere emotions. With infinite longing and love for educational work, I hope to become a member of your school as soon as possible, contribute to the education cause of our country, and contribute my humble strength.

收笔之际,郑重地提一个小小的要求: 无论您是否选择我,尊敬的领导,希望您能够接受我诚恳的谢意! 祝愿贵校事业蒸蒸日上!

On the occasion of writing, I solemnly make a small request: whether you choose me or not, respected leader, I hope you can accept my sincere gratitude! Wishing your school a thriving career!





Job applicant:



翻译专业求职信范文 第42篇


Dear leader




Sincerely thank you for opening this letter amidst your busy business, which has opened a window of hope for me. Here, I hope you can let me introduce myself.


I am a fresh graduate from XX Vocational College, majoring in Financial Management. I hope to work in accounting and related fields in your company. In my three-year academic career, I have worked hard and strived for self-improvement, adhering to the principle of _details determine fate, details determine success or failure_, and adhering to the concept of _nothing, only better_. I have achieved excellent results and laid a solid foundation in accounting.


Over the past three years, with the strict guidance and personal efforts of my teachers and friends, I have acquired a solid foundation of professional knowledge and systematically mastered relevant theories such as financial management, financial accounting, and tax law. And obtained an accounting qualification certificate, possessing good listening, speaking, reading, writing, and other abilities. Proficient in operating computer office software.


At the same time, I extensively explored a large number of books in my spare time, which not only enriched myself but also cultivated various skills. More importantly, my rigorous academic style and upright learning attitude have shaped my simple, steady, and innovative personality traits.


During my school years, I actively participated in various social activities, seized every opportunity, and exercised myself. During my three years in university, I deeply felt that working with outstanding students has benefited me in the competition. Challenging practical difficulties has allowed me to grow through setbacks. My ancestors taught me diligence, responsibility, kindness, and integrity. It has cultivated my style of seeking truth from facts and being pioneering and enterprising. I love the cause your organization is engaged in and eagerly hope to contribute to this glorious cause under your leadership. And constantly learn and improve in practice. I believe that a unit like yours that values ability, level, and exploration, has potential and foresight, will definitely equate ability, level, and experience, giving newcomers an opportunity. A sincere heart eagerly awaits your trust. A persons life is waiting for your change. I hope your organization can accept me, support me, and let me join your big family. I will do my best to play to the level and talent that your organization deserves.





Job applicant: xxx



翻译专业求职信范文 第43篇










翻译专业求职信范文 第44篇

Dear personnel manager:

hello! when you see the cover letter, i hope we can see that!

i learned from your company's recruitment posters that the company need to recruit analysis laboratory. solid theoretical foundation and skilled operating skills for me to do this job with confidence.

i am a jiangxi vocational college of applied technology 04graduates this year, the applied chemical technology, since september has been to school, i studied three years of professional courses. outstanding ideological progress, four years were given an _outstanding student leaders and pacesetters_ three _students miyoshi,_ three _outstanding student leaders,_ many times _good worker_, _outstanding member_, _best editing_ and other honors title. 3 were given second-class, 1 second, 3 third-class scholarship. i treasure each and every school the opportunity to experiment, the requirements in the theoretical basis of their enhanced skills constantly. lively and cheerful personality, positive thinking and motivated for my rich and varied extra-curricular life, i actively participated in various community activities and serious for a lot of input from the harvest, these fully trained exercise my ability of oral communication, organization and management capacity and analytical ability to solve problems.

by understanding the company's strict management system, business objective and more efficient to improve the work of my love and passion, and i sincerely hope that the company can fulfill the development of greater strength, really look forward to working with you to meet, you can notified of the time i interviewed.

when you put the letter in this sub-job, i thank you from the bottom of my heart, at the same time would like to thank you for a minute to consider my personal capacity and, where appropriate. wish the company success is booming!

With many thanks,

Wang Lin




