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雅思考官范文 第1篇

Wild animals have no place in the 21st century. Some people think that preventing these wild animals from dying out is a waste of resource. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion.

Biological diversity has never been so threatened as it is today as a result of the process of human civilization. The various forms of pressure created by human activity have destroyed natural balance, led to the deterioration of natural habitats, genetic erosion and the rarity, even disappearance, of a number of plant and animal species.

As the pace of civilization accelerates, more people, taking more space, needing to use more natural resources, engaging in ever-growing consumption, impose severe deterioration on the habitat of animals. An increasing number of people come to realize that the disappearance of animals will result in serious threat to the equilibrium of ecosystem. Simply put, the extinction of hawks, a rat-eating bird seen in many regions, will result in the rapid propagation of rats. And rats, further, will destroy the prairies and threaten the other animals like gazelles, zebras and others, who live on grass and green lands. The coexistence of animals and human beings creates perfect harmony and brings about the vividness to our planet.

It is hard to imagine what our world would be like without animals. Sociologists also point out that the disappearance of animals can cause social and economic problems. Animal trade, as a supporting sector to the world economy, was very active before. However, the situation is beyond control since animal trade is very profitable and alluring. Many species cannot escape the adversity of being killed.

Certainly, our diet cannot be without meat. There are living stocks, which can provide us with sufficient and nutritious produce. Therefore, we need not to resort to wild animals, especially the endangered ones. To protect animals is to protect our living environment. Every individual should join efforts to keep the diversity of animals.

雅思考官范文 第2篇

Tuning to the BBC or CNN, one is besieged by (news about) formidable disasters, diseases, conflicts, and controversies. But none is more challenging than the shortage of fresh water, a source which has long been mistakenly assumed to be inexhaustible. Unfortunately, few people realize the impending (急迫的)potential catastrophe (灾难)arising from the insufficient fresh water. Governments must be blamed if they have not informed people the importance of fresh water.

Fresh water has been closed associated with life, not only the life of human beings, but also the life of all kinds of plants and animals. Lacking fresh water, the earth will become ill. Nevertheless, human beings are confronted with the crisis of insufficient fresh water.

The shortage of fresh water can be attributed to the lower efficiency in water utilization. The irrigation in many countries wastes overwhelmingly. Some developing countries still use the primitive irrigation system, which is believed to waste at least 70% fresh water.

Life water utilization also shows strikingly lower efficiency. Many citizens have no concept of saving water. In most cities in China, fresh water is used to flush lavatories. Moreover, most citizens use wash-machine, which consumes a larger volume of fresh water.

Besides, fresh water has been polluted by agriculture and industry activities. Aquatic(水)ecosystem has largely been ruined by unrestricted drainage (排水)of sewages (污水). In metropolis (big cities大都市), the hospitals and laboratories are also the serious sources of water pollution.

Governments are expected to launch campaigns against water pollution. Individuals, households, and the states all should use their unique ways to save the limited resources.

雅思考官范文 第3篇

Describe a custom from your country that you would like people from other countries to adopt.

Model Answer:

In our modern stressful world we often forget about our customs and traditions. However, I think that people should keep their traditions because they help to remember our forefathers and value the beautiful moments we have in our lives.

In my country we have a great custom called _Maslenica_. It is a holiday, which is celebrated at the end of the winter. Many people gather on the biggest square of the city and see of the winter. They say to the winter good-bye and ask the spring to change the winter. They celebrate the beginning of the life when everything starts to grow.

People at this holiday bake pancakes and treat each other with them. Also, many people gathered on the square play different games. For example, the most well-known game _pulling a rope_ subsists in that two teams pull a rope. The winner is the team, witch has a longer rope. Other people draw on the icy pole. People have fun at this holiday even if they just observe those games and do not participate.

In conclusion, I am sure that _Maslenica_ would benefit many countries all over the world. People have the opportunity to relax, leave their troubles and worries behind and have fun. Also, this holiday helps people to find out more about each other, communicate and meet new people. In addition to those practical benefits, _Maslenica_ helps people to slow down their life pace and enjoy the present moments that are irreplaceable and beautiful.

雅思考官范文 第4篇

In Britain, when someone gets old they often go to live in a home with other old peoples where there are nurses to look after them. Sometimes the government has to pay for this care.

Who should be responsible for our old people?

Model Answer:

Many old people in Britain, after a lifetime of hard work and the toil of bringing up children, are put into homes for the elderly by their families. There, they are looked after by professional nurses, and this is sometimes at the expense of the government. However, this situation has raised controversy about whether we extend to our elders the care and respect they deserve.

The critics of this system say that it is the duty of the family to look after its senior members in the years when they are no longer able to work. They point out that in retirement homes old people tend to feel useless and unwanted by their family members, who seldom come to see them. In addition, there is evidence that younger people benefit from the experience and wisdom of older people who live with them on a daily basis.

On the other had, those who support the system say that retired parents can be a burden to young families. Not only is it expensive to support old people who have little or no income, but the fact that old people are often ill and need a great deal of looking after can be too much for their busy children.

In my opinion, neither side is completely right. Old people in good health and with enough finances to support themselves can be a great help to their children. For instance, they can look after their grandchildren while children are out at work. On the other had, sick and penniless old people are better off being looked after in retirement homes at government expense.



