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英语作文读后续写范文 第1篇

We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn't look at me. Depression hung over him like a heavy dark cloud and tears welled up in his eyes. I patted him on the shoulder gently, gave him an encouraging look and ventured in a soft voice, _You are a regular boy, David. Maybe you were born with some physical defects, but your strong determination will cover the After a split second of pause, David nodded slightly, tears giving way to the usual big toothy smile. Then he got to his feet. It wasn't long before the race began.

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other rwnners. David took the first step, slowly but firmly. My eyes kept on him from the very beginning to the end. Like each previous practice, though he finished his run long after others, he did complete it. He ran rockily towards me with his confident smile. It was his willpower that enabled him to make such a running miracle. For others, it was just a simple cross-country run. But for David,it was a symbol of strong determination and self-breakthrough.

英语作文读后续写范文 第2篇

We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn't look at me. He hung his head, trying to avoid eye contact with me. It was a tricky moment, calling for a good choice of words. Having thought it over,I mentioned some events which won people's praise for his determination and face began to added that even the judges thumbed up at him. The whistle went off and the competitors began to take their places. To my joy, David slowly rose to his feet.

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. David stood firmly in his position, ignoring anything forward without balance, he was left behind. However, when he came into sight, the spectators burst into thunderous cheers and by the enthusiasm and encouragement, David quickened his pace in high spirits. It turned out that he achieved his best record ever. Seeing his confident smiles,I sighed in relief. With the power to conquer himself, he can conquer anything on the way to a promising future.

英语作文读后续写范文 第3篇

We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn't look at me. “ David, you are an ambitious young man full of enthusiasm and vitality.” I held his hands tightly, “ Just look at my eyes. Trust me!” David stood silently, tears rolling down his cheeks. “ Miss, with the brain disease, I had thought I did not practise well enough to participate in the competition so that I am afraid of being laughed at.” David felt frustrated and hopeless. I was absolutely understanding what he felt in his mind. “ Boy, you have done well and your future is very promising.” David looked at me, with his eyes twinkled with excitement, and stood up just like a superman in front of me.

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. As the bell rang, David ran as fast as he could like a wild horse running in the filed. In the first round, David fell behind others about 5 meters. But bathed in a competitive atmosphere, he was in high spirits and felt a sudden strength inside him. In the last 50 meters, seeing David try his best to rush for the finishing line, I was nervous and had my heart in my mouth. When the host announced that David won the 3d prize, he was wild with delight, waving to me with joy and sweetness.

范文 19

We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn't look at me. His head stooped spiritlessly and he seemed to be crying._You know the team needs you, don't you, David?”my words broke the silence.“I don't want to let them down, sir. I couldn't live with myself,_ he whispered, still hanging his head in frustration._You know that by not running you will disappoint them all? Don't you want to run?”I asked.“More than anything but the conditions are so difficult and the forest so dense that I'm afraid I won't make it,”he answered, still looking at the ground.“You’ll never know unless you try!_ David stood up and walked away still without looking at me, a determined look on his face.

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. The starting gun fired, and they were off. All the runners contested for the lead, just with David struggling to keep up. Unluckily, he slipped over. Without hesitation, he picked himself up and plodded off after the others into the forest waited at the finishing line. All the runners raced in but no sign of David. One of the boys said David had fallen a couple of times. After a long time, David emerged from the forest, mud-splattered, bruised and clearly suffering. He refused any help and made his way to the finish line. To his astonishment all the other runners had waited and applauded and cheered him. Then for the first time that day his big toothy smile broke across his mud-streaked face as he was surrounded by his team.

范文 20

We sat next to each other, but David wouldn’ t look at me. He buried his head into his arms and couldn’ t help sobbing. “ Come on, you can do it.” I whispered to her in a soft voice and patted his shoulder gently. “ Really ? “ he suddenly jumped to his feet and shouted in a trembling voice. His eyes were shining with hope. At that moment, I showed the photo in my cellphone with her. In the photo, he was running as fast as he could with all the other boys on the playground. The bright smiles, the loud cheers ,the sweaty face as well as the determination to win victory suddenly crowded into his mind. Without hesitation, he wiped away the tears and struggled to his feet to embrace the challenge.

I watched as David moved up to the Starting line with the other runners. I yelled with a sense of pride. In the distance , David was running as fast as his disabled leg could carry him. The gentle breeze and singing birds seem to cheer for him. Unfortunately, David tripped over by a stone. “ Oh, my God’ I signed and hurried to him. To my surprise, my dear friend gritted his teeth, ignored the bleeding knee and gathered all his strength to stand up and dashed to the finishing line. “ What a brave boy” ! I signed and hugged him tightly with teary eyes.

范文 21

We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn’ t look at me. I asked him, “ Why not run?” He stuttered, “ I-I don’ t know, looking at the crowds. A few seconds later, several words came out of his mouth, “ Maybe afraid of being laughed .” “ But you have practiced so hard recently” , I blurt out, “ Think about the efforts you have made. But of course, it’ s your choice. Guess what? I don’ t think it is a good reason. You know, there are always someone who don’ t like us. The point is whether you want to do it yourself. Just think about it.” It was silence again between us. David was biting his mouth, looking at the distance again. A few minutes later, he stood up and uttered the words, “ I would like to run.” I nodded smilingly. So, he has made up his mind.

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners.David began his running with the starting signal. I was a bit excited when suddenly a shadowy figure fell over. My heart sank. Seeing the small figure, I knew it was David. I ran to him and shouted, “ Get up and run!” The audience around him were also calling, “ Come on ! You can do it.” A few seconds later, he rose and ran again. He disappeared in the distance in no time. I went to the finishing line, waiting eagerly. When the first person crossed the line, lots of other runners finished their running. But no David. I was wondering what might have happened to him when the small shadowy figure appeared again in the distance. “ Well done!” I said to myself. He was approaching the finishing line when I saw the mud in his clothes. He must have gone through a lot all the way. Crossing the line, his usual big smile was there as that sunny day.

范文 22

We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn't look at me. He hung his head, trying to avoid eye contact with me. It was a tricky moment, calling for a good choice of words. Having thought it over,I mentioned some events which won people's praise for his determination and face began to added that even the judges thumbed up at him. The whistle went off and the competitors began to take their places. To my joy, David slowly rose to his feet.

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. David stood firmly in his position, ignoring anything forward without balance, he was left behind. However, when he came into sight, the spectators burst into thunderous cheers and by the enthusiasm and encouragement, David quickened his pace in high spirits. It turned out that he achieved his best record ever. Seeing his confident smiles,I sighed in relief. With the power to conquer himself, he can conquer anything on the way to a promising future.

范文 23

We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn't look at me. A flood of sympathy and sadness emerged in my heart. I tapped him on the shoulder and pulled him into my arm. At that moment, David's classmates approached him and said, _Let's run together._When David saw them, memories of playing and exercising with them flashed into his mind. There is no denying that they all regard David as their friend. David looked up at us, a pleasurable and relaxing smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other rwnners. As the gun rang out, David and other runners began to run. His small body rocked from side to side as he swung his feet forward. His legs were trembling and drops of sweat were running down his cheeks. He held his fists, gritted his teeth and kept running. When he finished, everyone cheered for him and expressed their respect. Never had I expected that my acts could make such a difference to lamp is lighted and my heart is warmed as well.

范文 24

We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn't look at me. He buriedhis face in his arms and began to a split second of pause,I put one hand on his shoulder gently, reached the other out to him and said in an inspiring voice,_You can make it, David! We are all looking forward to your performance._He raised his head, looking at me with confidence in his eyes. For a moment he hesitated, but the idea of beating himself made him gather all his courage to take my hand. Then I nodded to him, giving him a bigbright smile.

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. He took a deep breath and calmed himself soon as the event began, everyone rushed to the head of the team, leaving David's small figure behind, who swung his body side to side. Eventually, he gathered all his strength and struggled his way to the finishing line. At that moment, all his classmates and even other schools' students ran to embrace him and cheered for him. Seeing what was happening in front of him, he flashed that familiar big toothy smile again. Needless to say, David was filled with so much encouragement and his heart was actually lit up by this event.

范文 25

We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn't look at me. Depression hung over him like a heavy dark cloud and tears welled up in his eyes. I patted him on the shoulder gently, gave him an encouraging look and ventured in a soft voice, _You are a regular boy, David. Maybe you were born with some physical defects, but your strong determination will cover the shortages._ After a split second of pause, David nodded slightly, tears giving way to the usual big toothy smile. Then he got to his feet. It wasn't long before the race began.

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other rwnners. David took the first step, slowly but firmly. My eyes kept on him from the very beginning to the end. Like each previous practice, though he finished his run long after others, he did complete it. He ran rockily towards me with his confident smile. It was his willpower that enabled him to make such a running miracle. For others, it was just a simple cross-country run. But for David,it was a symbol of strong determination and self-breakthrough.

范文 26

We sat dowm next to each other, but David wouldn't look at me. He loweredhis head and rubbed his hands._You don't want to give up,do you?_I asked in a soft voice. He nodded with tears in his eyes but still hesitated. Then I showed him some photos, some showing him running every day, and some laughing with hisclassmates. His face lit up and that David, hard-working, determined, full of positive energy,came alive. He looked up at me, promising to find his true self again.

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. He looked back at me and I responded with a bright smile. With the cheers of everyone present, the competition began. At first, students from otherschools whispered and pointed at him. But as time went by, they were overcome by his tough spirit. David finally finished the running, gasping for breath. Despite the last one to reach the finish line, he still earned him admiration and thunderous applause. Everyone is like a flower,some having fragrance,but some long as you bloom, there will be bees and butterflies.

范文 27

We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn't look at me. He loweredhis head and rubbed his hands. Obviously, he was stuck between a rock anda hard place. Trying to break the silence, I tapped him on the shoulder gently._You are special, but that's your uniqueness. Today, you're here to show that uniqueness with all your diligence and determination_, I ventured in an encouraging voice. My simple words, spoken from the heart, found their way straight into his. He raised his head and stared into my eyes. I sensed that his dilemma gave way to trust in me, with his eyes twinkling with determination and hope. That familiar David, hard-working,determined, full of positive energy, came back.

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. I clenched my fist and waved at him. He gave me a determined look, as if to say that he would not change his mind. He took a deep breath to calm himself down, then toed the line, ready to run. With a bang, every runner shot like an arrow.At first, everyone's attention was focused on the winner. But as David, the last one,made it to the finishing line, time seemed to stand still. Thunderous applause broke out, with the name David echoing again and again. Maybe if we knew what other people were thinking, we'd know that no one's ordinary.And we all deserve a standing ovation at least once in our lives.

范文 28

We sat down next to euch other, but David wouldn't look at me. Depressedand low-spirited, David sat silently with his head dropping. And from time to time, he stole a glance at me as if he had something to say. Noticing this scene,I patted him on the shoulder and said with patience and eagerness, _It's been a long time since you started to prepare for the big cross-country run. You really want to let it go?Just try it!?_While he didn't say a word, I knew there was a decision in his heart.

I watched as Duvid moved up to the starting line with the other runners.With a whistle, everyone rushed held on for a while and then he dragged his legs with inner firmness. What was alarming was that he fell down. Gasping with pain,he forced himself to his feet and with slow,shaky steps, began to silence came a storm of applause. Even if David didn't get a good place, he was still happy. I nodded with satisfaction anda little bit more effortsthumbed up at him. Such is the key to_success_—and determination will create a little bit more miracles.

范文 29

We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn't look at me. It was apparent that he was still hesitant whether he should have a try in running with others. Spotting this, I approached him gradually and told him he was no different from other normal students in my opinion and that doubtlessly he could make it without much difficulty. With my words of encouragement David stood up firmly and went to the join the other runners.

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners.In the very beginning he lagged behind others for his strange running style. However, he didn’t lose heart and quit. On the contrary, he sped up little by little and much to the audience’s surprise he was among the first runners who arrived at the finishing line early. Not only were the audience and other students impressed by the fact that David eventually made it in finishing the race, but also they admired him very much for his great determination.

范文 30

We sat down next to euch other, but David wouldn't look at me. I knew he was upset. Out of concern, I comforted him with warm words,_You are the very person that is determined and optimistic. Keep it on however challenging the situation is. Do your best instead of caring about others'thoughts._Hearing my inspiring words, David could see the silver lining in the cloud. His longing for success eventually overcame his fear.

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other breathed deeply and then rushed out with all his courage and strength without thinking twice. However, he was still left behind by other students. To us audience's surprise, he didn't give up half way. Exhausted as he was, he still rushed to the finishing line. Applause and cheers broke out as if he was a winner. David felt a sense of achievement welling up in his heart. _Everyone deserves a better version of themselves,_ as the old saying goes.


We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn’t look at me. It was I who broke the silence first. “David, I think it’s not reasonable to quit right now. Do you remember the days when you spent so much time and effort in practicing?” It seemed that my words worked. He lost himself in thought and then turned to me. “Yes, you’re right. What I should focus on is myself not others’ views.” He replied. Meanwhile, the run was going to start soon. David took a deep breath and stood up.

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. Then with the whistle blowing, the run began. Although David couldn’t run as fast as others, he kept a steady speed. Five minutes later, there was a long distance between David and other runners. However, looking at his body rocking from side to side, no one laughed at him. Instead, kids along the road clapped their hands to encourage David. Finally, with strong determination, he reached the finish line. I went over to hug him and everyone present gave him a thumbs-up. How great to see his big toothy smile again!


We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn’t look at me. Looking directly at him, I firmly said, “David, it’s your rights to pull out of the competition if you don’t want to run today. But it’s not good enough to do so only because you fear the worst for possible sarcastic comments. There are people like doing these mean things. The real matter is whether you let these few people stop you from pursuing your passion for running. If you want to run, David, then you run.” Several minutes after his taking my words, David said with fierce determination, “I’m gonna run.”

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. After the starting pistol exploded, all the runners sprang into action and ran forwardonly to find David fell on the track from time to time. Then, the small bold figure picked himself up and started again and again. I knew he would with the rhythm of his run, he finally crossed the finish line long after other children. There, he gave me his typical toothy smile, saying, “That was easy!”


We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn't look at eyes deliberately avoided mine, and his smile also disappeared on the face, with his limbs shaking as weak as leaves. “It” s not the real you, David”, I broke the silence, walked to his front, holding his shoulders and continued, “Listen, David, you have prepared so much for this running, if you want to quit, I will be for you.” David burst into tears. Suddenly ,a group of kids emerged around us. The came up to David, and embraced him and shouted “Cheer up. David, you can do it !” David stopped crying and his face lit up by their encouragement. Turing around, he gave me a smile and walked to the starting line where other kids were ready to start. (124)

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. Start !All the kids disappeared swiftly like lightening into the forest, leaving David staggering and struggling his steps his body was uncontrollable, soon his heels were bleeding, because his shoes were worn out. After a long time, David was still 100 meters away from the finishing line. The path was lined with the coach and other kids in tears, who were informed of the poor body condition of David. No one laughed at him, but cheered up and clapped for him. David was touched and he was stepping forward when he was tripped by a big rock. “ He is bleeding!” cried the other kids. “David! David!David!” the voice became louder and louder until David dragged his leg surpassing the terminal. He did it, with his belief and encouragement and love from everyone present. It was a miracle. His usual big toothy smile would not be absent forever. (150)


We sat down together on some steps, but David wouldn’t look at me. ( 开始第一段续写处)I quietly said, “David, if you don’t want to run today, no one is going to make you. But if you’re not running because you’re afraid someone is going to laugh, that’s not a good enough reason. There will always be someone who will laugh and say mean things. There are people like that, and that’s just the way it is. The real question is whether you are going to let those few people stop you from doing something you really want to do. Are you going to let them get in your way? If you really want to run, David, then you run!”I held my breath as David took this in. Then he looked at the field and said with a fierce but quiet determination, “I’m gonna run.”

I stood on the sidelines with the excited crowd as David moved up to the starting line. (开始第二段续写)The starter’s gun sounded, and David lurched forward with the other children. But he had only gone a few metres before he tripped and fell flat on the ground. My heart sank. As I started to shout encouragement, other voices around me took up the call. “Come on David, you can do it!” I knew without even looking that these voices were not just those of his schoolmates. They came from parents, teachers and kids from other schools, who quickly understood the courage it took David to attempt this picked himself up and started again. All the other runners had disappeared over the hill. But it didn’t matter. This was David’s run. He had worked for it, and he wouldn’t give up! As long as he was in sight, David heard people calling his waited anxiously by the finish line as the first runners completed the two-and-a-half kilometres of forest trails. Soon all of the other runners had come in and another race had begun. Still no David! I started to feel sick. Had I done the wrong thing? He hadn’t checked out the trail with the other runners. Could he have become lost? Finally, a small figure emerged from the forest. With heels kicking out to the side and his body rocking with the rhythm of his run, David plodded toward the home stretch. He raised his arms in triumph as he crossed the finish line to wild cheers and , when David’s coach slapped him on the back and said proudly, “Good job, David!” he caught my eye, flashed me a toothy grin and said, “That was easy!”At the end of the year, the track coach asked the class to nominate one of their classmates for the athletic award for their grade. Without hesitation the whole class voted for David, saying that no one had worked harder for that award than was an amazing moment at our year-end assembly. The auditorium resounded with cheering and applause when David came forward and received his award for outstanding athletic achievement—from his beaming coach.



英语作文读后续写范文 第4篇

We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn't look at me. A flood of sympathy and sadness emerged in my heart. I tapped him on the shoulder and pulled him into my arm. At that moment, David's classmates approached him and said, _Let's run David saw them, memories of playing and exercising with them flashed into his mind. There is no denying that they all regard David as their friend. David looked up at us, a pleasurable and relaxing smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other rwnners. As the gun rang out, David and other runners began to run. His small body rocked from side to side as he swung his feet forward. His legs were trembling and drops of sweat were running down his cheeks. He held his fists, gritted his teeth and kept running. When he finished, everyone cheered for him and expressed their respect. Never had I expected that my acts could make such a difference to lamp is lighted and my heart is warmed as well.

英语作文读后续写范文 第5篇

We sat dowm next to each other, but David wouldn't look at me. He loweredhis head and rubbed his don't want to give up,do you?_I asked in a soft voice. He nodded with tears in his eyes but still hesitated. Then I showed him some photos, some showing him running every day, and some laughing with hisclassmates. His face lit up and that David, hard-working, determined, full of positive energy,came alive. He looked up at me, promising to find his true self again.

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. He looked back at me and I responded with a bright smile. With the cheers of everyone present, the competition began. At first, students from otherschools whispered and pointed at him. But as time went by, they were overcome by his tough spirit. David finally finished the running, gasping for breath. Despite the last one to reach the finish line, he still earned him admiration and thunderous applause. Everyone is like a flower,some having fragrance,but some long as you bloom, there will be bees and butterflies.

英语作文读后续写范文 第6篇

We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn’ t look at me. I asked him, “ Why not run?” He stuttered, “ I-I don’ t know, looking at the crowds. A few seconds later, several words came out of his mouth, “ Maybe afraid of being laughed .” “ But you have practiced so hard recently” , I blurt out, “ Think about the efforts you have made. But of course, it’ s your choice. Guess what? I don’ t think it is a good reason. You know, there are always someone who don’ t like us. The point is whether you want to do it yourself. Just think about it.” It was silence again between us. David was biting his mouth, looking at the distance again. A few minutes later, he stood up and uttered the words, “ I would like to run.” I nodded smilingly. So, he has made up his mind.

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other began his running with the starting signal. I was a bit excited when suddenly a shadowy figure fell over. My heart sank. Seeing the small figure, I knew it was David. I ran to him and shouted, “ Get up and run!” The audience around him were also calling, “ Come on ! You can do it.” A few seconds later, he rose and ran again. He disappeared in the distance in no time. I went to the finishing line, waiting eagerly. When the first person crossed the line, lots of other runners finished their running. But no David. I was wondering what might have happened to him when the small shadowy figure appeared again in the distance. “ Well done!” I said to myself. He was approaching the finishing line when I saw the mud in his clothes. He must have gone through a lot all the way. Crossing the line, his usual big smile was there as that sunny day.

英语作文读后续写范文 第7篇

We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn’t look at me. It was I who broke the silence first. “David, I think it’s not reasonable to quit right now. Do you remember the days when you spent so much time and effort in practicing?” It seemed that my words worked. He lost himself in thought and then turned to me. “Yes, you’re right. What I should focus on is myself not others’ views.” He replied. Meanwhile, the run was going to start soon. David took a deep breath and stood up.

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. Then with the whistle blowing, the run began. Although David couldn’t run as fast as others, he kept a steady speed. Five minutes later, there was a long distance between David and other runners. However, looking at his body rocking from side to side, no one laughed at him. Instead, kids along the road clapped their hands to encourage David. Finally, with strong determination, he reached the finish line. I went over to hug him and everyone present gave him a thumbs-up. How great to see his big toothy smile again!

英语作文读后续写范文 第8篇

We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn't look at me. He buriedhis face in his arms and began to a split second of pause,I put one hand on his shoulder gently, reached the other out to him and said in an inspiring voice,_You can make it, David! We are all looking forward to your raised his head, looking at me with confidence in his eyes. For a moment he hesitated, but the idea of beating himself made him gather all his courage to take my hand. Then I nodded to him, giving him a bigbright smile.

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. He took a deep breath and calmed himself soon as the event began, everyone rushed to the head of the team, leaving David's small figure behind, who swung his body side to side. Eventually, he gathered all his strength and struggled his way to the finishing line. At that moment, all his classmates and even other schools' students ran to embrace him and cheered for him. Seeing what was happening in front of him, he flashed that familiar big toothy smile again. Needless to say, David was filled with so much encouragement and his heart was actually lit up by this event.

英语作文读后续写范文 第9篇

We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn't look at me. It was apparent that he was still hesitant whether he should have a try in running with others. Spotting this, I approached him gradually and told him he was no different from other normal students in my opinion and that doubtlessly he could make it without much difficulty. With my words of encouragement David stood up firmly and went to the join the other runners.

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other the very beginning he lagged behind others for his strange running style. However, he didn’t lose heart and quit. On the contrary, he sped up little by little and much to the audience’s surprise he was among the first runners who arrived at the finishing line early. Not only were the audience and other students impressed by the fact that David eventually made it in finishing the race, but also they admired him very much for his great determination.

英语作文读后续写范文 第10篇


Paragraph 1

Tom thought Henry must still be anxious was he that he knocked at the door of Henry’s room Tom’s astonishment,Henry was still lying in his was extremely evident that Henry didn’t realize how serious the situation with rage,Tom shouted, “Get up!There is a big must work right now.” Calm and peaceful,Henry responded,“Sir,have you forgotten I told you that storms wouldn’t disturb our sleep?Why not just go back to sleep?” Hearing the words, a wide disappointment took hold of Tom.

Paragraph 2

Tom thought he had hired the wrong helpless,he rushed out to work on his sooner had he gone outside than an unexpected scene came into his sight,all the roofs covered and all his chicken,horses and cows was seized by a strong sense of relief,tears streaming down his was Henry that did all the work well in advance before the storm realized he had hired the best man.











Ⅰ. 1. tutor 2. original 3. upset 4. argued 5. pushy

6. enough 7. style 8. matter 9. compare 10. complained

Ⅱ. 11. surprises 12. except 13. fail 14. pressure 15. compare 16. don't have enough money 17. what should I do/what to do next 18. ask your teacher for help 19. argue with each other for money 20. from a young age

Ⅲ. 21. more 22. sandwiches 23. was invited 24. interested 25. dancing 26. different 27. friend's 28. to buy 29. really 30. carefully

Ⅳ. 31. D 32. A 33. C 34. A 35. D 36. A 37. A 38. B

39. C 40. D 41. B 42. A 43. A 44. A 45. C

Ⅴ. 46. do you 47. doesn't need any 48. the same age as 49. should not , either 50. what to do

Ⅵ. 51-55 C B A D B 56-60 B A D A D

Ⅶ A. 61-65 A A D A C friends 67informtion 68quickly 69eyes 70correctly

英语作文读后续写范文 第11篇

We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn't look at me. He loweredhis head and rubbed his hands. Obviously, he was stuck between a rock anda hard place. Trying to break the silence, I tapped him on the shoulder are special, but that's your uniqueness. Today, you're here to show that uniqueness with all your diligence and determination_, I ventured in an encouraging voice. My simple words, spoken from the heart, found their way straight into his. He raised his head and stared into my eyes. I sensed that his dilemma gave way to trust in me, with his eyes twinkling with determination and hope. That familiar David, hard-working,determined, full of positive energy, came back.

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. I clenched my fist and waved at him. He gave me a determined look, as if to say that he would not change his mind. He took a deep breath to calm himself down, then toed the line, ready to run. With a bang, every runner shot like an first, everyone's attention was focused on the winner. But as David, the last one,made it to the finishing line, time seemed to stand still. Thunderous applause broke out, with the name David echoing again and again. Maybe if we knew what other people were thinking, we'd know that no one's we all deserve a standing ovation at least once in our lives.

英语作文读后续写范文 第12篇

We sat down next to euch other, but David wouldn't look at me. I knew he was upset. Out of concern, I comforted him with warm words,_You are the very person that is determined and optimistic. Keep it on however challenging the situation is. Do your best instead of caring about others' my inspiring words, David could see the silver lining in the cloud. His longing for success eventually overcame his fear.

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other breathed deeply and then rushed out with all his courage and strength without thinking twice. However, he was still left behind by other students. To us audience's surprise, he didn't give up half way. Exhausted as he was, he still rushed to the finishing line. Applause and cheers broke out as if he was a winner. David felt a sense of achievement welling up in his heart. _Everyone deserves a better version of themselves,_ as the old saying goes.




