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高考必备英语范文 第1篇

The positive energy is a well-known word to modern Chinese. It is originally a word from physics, but now it refers to a kind of motive and feeling that is healthy, optimistic, joyful and positive.


In terms of middle school students, the positive energy means that we have to be the kind of youth having such virtues.


Firstly, we should be grateful to others, respect our teachers, and show the filial obedience to our parents. Secondly, we should be warm-hearted. Whenever someone else gets into trouble we should give him our hand with no hesitation. Thirdly, we should be ambitious. We need to study hard so as to make our dream come true. Fourthly, we should cultivate some interests and hobbies so that we might be healthy both physically and spiritually.


These are the positive energy belonging to a middle school student. I hope all of us to be the man full of positive energy.


高考必备英语范文 第2篇




高考必备英语范文 第3篇

Dear Sir,

I would like to offer a suggestion about the way you plan to pair up students for oral practice in theupcomingoral English training the advertisement I know that the students will be paired randomly, which, I am afraid, is not anoptimalapproachas two people or interests may probably be paired together and thus would find quitelimitedtopics for would progress in oral Englishproficiency.

Therefore, I suggest allowing the students to choose their partner, if they are not willing to beassignedone. This will greatlymotivatethem toengage inEnglish conversations and perhaps attract more students to join the activity.

I sincerely hope that you will consider myproposaland I am looking forward to the opening of the camp!

Best regards,

Li Hua

高考必备英语范文 第4篇

Dear Chris,

As a history lover, many influential historic figures are engraved in my mind. But what comes to my mind is , also known as Kong Qiu, was a Chinese philosopher and politician who lived during the Spring and Autumn period. He is widely considered one of the most important figures in Chinese history and his teachings have had a profound impact on Chinese culture and society. Confucius believed in the importance of education, morality, and social order. He emphasized the importance of respect for elders, loyalty to family, and the pursuit of knowledge. His teachings were compiled into a book called the Analects, which has been studied and revered for centuries. Confucius influence can still be seen in modern Chinese society, where his teachings continue to be studied and applied in daily life.

Best regards,

Li Hua

高考必备英语范文 第5篇

I know it’s a bit hard/difficult for you to accept my choice to apply to Tsinghua University (for further study). You have been taking good care of me during the past 18 years and in your eyes I’m a good boy who is always willing to follow your advice. But this time I do hope that you can allow me to make my own decision.

Tsinghua University, one of the top universities worldwide, has appealed to numerous excellent applicants. Not only do they admire these distinguished scholars but also they can share the advanced teaching facilities and reference resources. In addition, graduates from Tsinghua are bound to have more chances to find rewarding jobs. In this competitive society, I can prove myself an outstanding talent and make great contributions to the development of our nation.

I know you are worried that I can’t look after myself if I go to Tsinghua. However, this will enable me to learn how to live independently and stand on my own feet. I really hope you can understand me and support my decision, which will benefit my future.




高考必备英语范文 第6篇

As a student of our school, I am excited to participate in the upcoming English Festival by submitting a personal item for the _Happy Childhood_ exhibition. One item that holds a lot of personal meaning to me is my first received the skateboard as a gift on my 7th birthday and it quickly became my favorite toy. It allowed me to explore the town with my friends and stay active outdoors. Through skateboarding, I gained confidence, balance, and perseverance as I tried to perfect new many ways, this skateboard represents more than just a fun childhood memory. It is also a symbol of the skills that I developed through my childhood experiences. It reminds me to embrace challenges, be adventurous, and never give up.

I hope that by sharing my personal story, others will be inspired to find joy and growth in their own childhood hobbies and you for considering my submission, and I look forward to seeing the _Happy Childhood_ exhibition come to life through the contributions of fellow students.


Wu Lei

高考必备英语范文 第7篇

This is XXX. I learned from your post that you want to improve your Mandarin. I am quite interested in it. I think Im fit for it. As a student, I have been learning Mandarin for many years. In addition, I am Chinese, which means Mandarin is a must for me communicate with others in my daily life. So Im quite confident that I can help you learn Mandarin.

Learning Mandarin takes time, so if you want to learn it well, you should spend much time practicing Mandarin in everyday. As the saying goes, practice makes percfect. Besides, you can also read some books in Chinese, see some Chinese films and listen to some Chinese radio programs. Speaking and listening are very important for a language learning, by which you are sure to make great progress.

In your post, you say you can teach English as a reward. It is just what I want. Im eager to improve my English. So, if you allow me to help you learn Mandarin, you can help me improve my English. We can cintact each other by video chat every night for half an hour in English and half an hour in Chinese, so that we can improve our oral speaking.

Hope for you early reply!





高考必备英语范文 第8篇

As is widely acknowledged, whatever small good deeds we do can definitely make a big difference in our life. I learned this from one of my experiences that I went through during my Senior One school life.

One day, when I was wandering through the street, I suddenly witnessed an old man fall to the ground. Without hesitation, I hurried to help him stand up and rested him in a street chair nearby. What surprised me most was that some classmates warned me not to do it again as the family might mistake me for the offender. I was so frustrated that I almost accepted the fact that I had really done something improper. It was my parents approval and the teachers praise as well as the familys gratitude that helped me the good deed I had done. From then on, whenever possible and wherever necessary, I am always willing to give a helping hand to those in need. It wasnt long before I was chosen as one example in our school for helping others.

From this story, I am absolutely convinced that small kind deeds are worth doing in spite that we may be wronged for this. Only in this way can we contribute to building a harmonious society.




高考必备英语范文 第9篇

When a variety of problems plague the information systems, the critical importance of information security becomes the focus of people's concern.

It does deserve the unprecedented emphasis.

It is widely accepted that information security, to some extent, outweighs other spheres in the field of information. So the related authorities, enterprises, institutions and organizations place the high priority on it.

Information Security concerns a range of problems- information interception, loss, damage etc. Business and military information leakage will have an devastating impact.

For the information owners and monitors, they must drive their efforts to enhance the security protection and maintenance. For example, a strict control over the access to the secret data shouldn't be absent.

The network and software provider should take a set of tailored protection measures targeting different computer crimes.

The security issues should be also considered at the legislative level, so we are clamoring for a law designed to clamp down on various cyber crimes.

高考必备英语范文 第10篇







高考必备英语范文 第11篇

The new skill I acquired was skating. The process is challening but , on watching the Winter Olympics Games in Beijing, I became enthusiastic about skating. From then on, I was determined to master this fascinating , at the very beginning, when I stepped on the ice, Istumbled over myself. Hard as I strive,I stillfell over again and again. The moment I thought of the athletes on the field, I was inspired by their powerful spirits. Eventually, my persistence and painstaking efforts paid off. I can skate freely all by the learning experience, I fully understand that only by diligent practicing can we overcome many kinds of difficulties. And eventually, we can have a good command of what we desire to learn.

高考必备英语范文 第12篇

Dear Chris,

How is everything going? I have good news to tell you. A volleyball match is going to be held in a few weeks and our team will participate.

As for the detailed information of the match, there will be probably dozens of teams which are going to make a revolving competition. Additionally, not only can the top three teams each be awarded a medal but all the other teams taking part in it will get a reward as well. What will be the most attractive is that it will be a great honor for the top three teams to receive special volleyballs that have the name of the most popular volleyball player on them. Therefore, we must do enough preparations before the match, such as training as frequently as we can.

So excited am I that I can’t wait to join in about you? Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua

高考必备英语范文 第13篇

As is often read in the newspaper reports, wild life especially the rare species is threatened with extinction. Human beings are making attempts to hunt wild animals for a big profit., which, of course, results in a sharp decrease in the number of animals. So it is high time for us to take quick action to protect them.

First of all, it's quite necessary for every citizen to realize the importance of animal protection. Only by knowing its importance can people develop a sense of responsibility. People will surely take it for granted to have the duty to prevent any killing of wild animals. So a national publicity campaign should be launched, thus giving animals a good living environment. In addition, the government should pass some laws to forbid any hunting of rare animals. We don't expect anything harmful to wild life to happen again.

If everyone is involved in the protection of wild life, we're sure man will be a good friend of animals rather than their enemy.

高考必备英语范文 第14篇

Many people, especially those who think they are not as talented as others, tend to give up in their undertakings and thus complain about life. Such people will certainly end up getting nowhere. Notice that most successful people are not unlike us. What makes them stand out is their devotedness to the job they are doing, which is typical of the story of Li Dahua, a neighbor of mine.

Dahua was brought up in a poor family. Since he didnt do well in school, he joined his father in collecting garbage for a living soon after he graduated from elementary school. His neighbors shook their heads whenever they saw him, thinking that this boy would by no means carve out a bright future. Years passed by, and Dahua kept collecting garbage, but he took one step further. Through books he knew how to sort out the waste he had collected and have it recycled. You know what? He has set up a recycling factory and become the richest man in town! His success proves the ancient Chinese saying: _There must be a use for my talent.



高考必备英语范文 第15篇

为了使自己更加深入了解英语在社会和实际工作中的应用,丰富已学过的专业课内容,培养理论联系实际的能力,提高在语言应用中分析问题及解决问题的实际能力。为了更好地为完成毕业论文打下基础,为了以后工作的顺利进行。通过实习,还应了解英语在外贸,及涉外和服务行业中的重要地位,了解和积累更多的实践经验,培养热爱专业,献身国家建设的思想。我们使用相关专业课教材,及实习单位提供的相关材料通过参与一个完整的笔译过程(资料,情报翻译)或口译过程(涉外接待,贸易谈判等), 使自己掌握和提高熟练使用英语的技能。

翻译单位是本市唯一的一家经工商局审批注册的专为国内外各机构和个人提供专业翻译服务的企业。拥有各行业的专业翻译人员、高级审译顾问、外籍专家、审译人员、留学回国人员等组成的优秀工作团队。本单位坚持“以人为本”的指导思想,本着“团结拼搏,勇创一流”的精神,恪守“追求卓越 挑战极限”的原则,积极为焦作地区的经济、文化和对外交流与发展,作出我们应有的贡献。单位长期对外承接的翻译服务有:英、日、法、俄、德、韩、蒙、越南、阿拉伯、西班牙、意大利,等近40种语种与汉语不同形式的笔译,陪同口译,交替传译,同声传译等业务。涉及机械、化工、汽车、金融、文学等各个领域。我们实行的是“翻译—副译审—总译审”的三级质量管理体系。合理的翻译运作流程、严格的质量控制体系、独特的翻译员审核标准以及完善的跟踪回访服务是我们优质翻译的保证。我们始终信守诚实做人,踏实做事的原则。秉承“竭诚为客户服务”的宗旨,用我们的辛勤工作换来沟通无限和您的微笑。

高考必备英语范文 第16篇

1. Lantern Festival 元宵节

2. Embroidery 刺绣

3. Double-Ninth Festival 重阳节

4. Tomb Sweeping Day 清明节

5. paper cutting 剪纸

6. Siheyuan/Quadrangle 四合院

7. Warring States 战国

8. Kunqu Opera 昆曲

9. Flower Drum Song 花鼓戏

10. Confucian culture 儒家文化

11. Chinese knotting 中国结

12. hot pot 火锅

13. South Regions of the Yangtze River 江南

14. Tang Poetry 唐诗

15. Tang Dynasty 唐朝

16. Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节

17. lunar calendar 农历

18. the Palace Museum 故宫博物院

19. traditional Chinese festivals 中国传统节日

20. protecting traditional Chinese culture 保护中国传统文化

21. the four great inventions of ancient China 中国古代四大发明

22. The Book of Songs/Classic of Poetry 《诗经》

23. Records of the Grand Historian 《史记》

Story of the Stone 《红楼梦》

25. Journey to the West 《西游记》


Protecting Traditional

Chinese Culture

Protecting traditional Chinese culture is of great importance to China's cultural diversity, economic prosperity, and social development. The government in Guangdong province has made it their mission to protect Chaoju (潮剧), a local form of drama that began in Chaozhou in eastern Guangdong.

In my opinion, specific measures should be taken to protect traditional Chinese culture. To start with, we should make appropriate laws for everyone to follow. Also, we should educate people about the need to protect traditional culture. The more the public knows about it, the more support we can get.

It's time that we start treasuring our own valuable culture.

高考必备英语范文 第17篇

With the wide spread of hamburger Restaurant, especially the McDonald and KFC, our children are exposed to these kinds of high calorie , some people worry that if our children eat too much hamburgers, then they would gain weight quite easily. Some people argue that hamburgers do no bad to children’s health. Standing on my point of view, I suggest that children shouldnt eat hamburgers. Reasons are listed below.

First of all, eating hamburgers leads to fat. It is known to all that all the hamburgers are junk food containing high calorie and high fat while low nutrition. If our children eat them often, then they will be gaining weight easily. What’s worse, they will be dystrophic so as to affect body development.

Secondly, eating hamburgers often will cause cancer. Most hamburgers are fried food. It is investigated that if we eat fried food often, then we will be easy to get cancer.

All in all, though hamburgers are popular around the world, they are classified into the circle of junk food because it will lead to fat and even cause cancer if our children eat too many. So, we shouldn’t take our children to eat hamburgers.








