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商务英语写作感悟范文 第1篇


I have written to youseveral times over the past three months requesting an explanation on why youhave failed to bring your account with us current.

By ignoring theserequests, you are damaging theexcellent credit record you had previously maintained with our company. In addition, you are incurringadditional expense to yourself and to us.

Unless I hear from youwithin ten days, I will have no otherchoice but to turn your account over for collection. I am sorry that we musttake such drastic action but I am afraid you leave us no alternative. Youcan preserve your credit rating by remitting your check today for the amountstated above.

商务英语写作感悟范文 第2篇






(二)、商务英语专业的培养目标:本专业培养高等职业教育层次,德、智、体美全面发展,具有诚信、敬业的良好 职业素质,具备一定专业理论知识和熟练的职业 技能,熟悉国家各种商务法律法规,熟悉应用英 语运用及计算机的实际操作,从事对外贸易、涉外商务、会计、金融、投资、保险及相关法律行业工作的高等应用型复合专业人才。








商务英语写作感悟范文 第3篇


After careful reviewof your charge account, it pleases usto inform you that we have increased your credit limit as follows:



Furthermore, this change in account status qualifies you for use of ourinstallment account. Should you require additional information about thisnew account, please see one of ourcredit representatives the next time you are here for a visit.

You are a valued customer, and as such, you will beadvised of our special customer sales, which we have from time to time. We appreciate your continuedpatronage, and look forward tobeing able to assist you in the near future.

Replying to an enquiry Ex 7: Sample answer: (219words)

Dear Mr Zampieri

With reference to your letter dated 14 June, in which you requested information about A Cut Above, please find enclosed details about our company and the services we offer.

Our aim is always to provide our clients with the best combination of food, entertainment and location. By choosing A Cut Above, you can relax and enjoy your special occasion while we do all the work. Events catered for by A Cut Above include corporate functions such as conversations and Christmas balls and also family celebrations such as birthdays, weddings and anniversaries.

A Cut Above offers a variety of services from simply providing a gourmet menu to helping you choose the right venue and organise entertainment. We specialise in using our experience to meet your needs. To help us achieve this aim, we always arrange a meeting with a new client well before the date of any event in order to discuss the various possibilities.

As you can appreciate, we are unable to give quotations before our initial briefing with a client as price per head varies with the choice of menu.

To arrange a meeting or for any further information, please do not hesitate to contact myself or Elena Polidoro on 01623 713698.

A Cut Above looks forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely

Sinead Welsh


Thank you for yourorder. At this time we cannot fill your order due to an unexpectedshipment delay from our overseas suppliers.

We will hold yourorder for arrival of the merchandise, and ship shortly thereafter. Unfortunately, we cannot provide you with a specific shipping date at this time.

Thank you for youranticipated patience in this matter.

商务英语写作感悟范文 第4篇

(一)、现在,英语已经成为一种工具,越来越多的人能够自如地应用,社会对英语专业人才的需求就大大减少。但家长和学生对于英语专业的热情和投入一直居高不下,过渡关注的结果,导致市场需求的饱和,大批只掌握了英语专业技能的求职者不得不陷入求职无门的窘境。同时,用人单位对求职者的学历层次要求越来越高。若在大中城市的高等单位就业,均要求毕业生具有硕士、博士学位,且大多需求优秀博士毕业生。而且,用人单位还多要求求职者的相关工作经验丰富,这一点又使应届本科毕业生处于绝对劣势的状态。 根据高等学校外语专业教学指导委员会所作的调查显示,传统英语专业人才培养计划所培养的学生,由于只具备单一的英语技能,目前,已经不能满足用人单位的需要,人才市场对单一类型的英语毕业生的需求日渐减少。因此,英语专业人才培养必须转向复合型人才培养模式,只有这样才能满足国家建设和社会发展的需求。另外,随着我国对外开放力度的不断加大,英语学习早已从单纯的语言交流走向多元化,对既熟悉国际商务又熟练掌握英语的高级复合型人才的需求越来越大。



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No renewal orextension of said Note, no release orsurrender of any security for said Note or this Guaranty,no release of any person primarily or secondarily liable on saidNote(including any maker, endorser or guarantor),no delay inthe enforcement of payment of said Note or this Guaranty and no delay oromission in exercising any right or power under said Note on this Guarantyshall affect the liability of any of the undersinged hereunder. The waives presentment, protest,demand, notice of dishonor ordefault, notice of acceptanceof this Guaranty and notice of any kind with respect to said Note or this Guarantyor the performance of the obligation under said Note or Guaranty.






