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英语作文建议类范文 第1篇




建议信的`内容一般包括:1)提出亟待解决的问题;2) 分析造成问题的原因;3)提出解决办法。


提出问题:It seems that … (not have desired effects, not have obtained the full attention; be not satisfactory/ perfect; have harmful/ deadly/ serious/negative effects)

I am …(deeply/ really/ seriously/ terribly/greatly) concerned / worried / sad / confused about…

分析原因:Currently, … especially … ;Therefore,… ;This leads to…; one of the factors is …;

It is understood that if…it will….

提出解决方法:In order to combat the growing problem of… , … should reduce/ increase/ ensure…; I think it would be more beneficial if you could….; I think it would be helpful to….


英语作文建议类范文 第2篇












英语作文建议类范文 第3篇







英语作文建议类范文 第4篇

Since the winter last year,the haze has occurred a lot of is air pollution in which is mixed up with dust, smoke and other dry particles ,and it obscure the clarity of the sky and interacts with the natural kind of air pollutant come from a variety of natural and manmade sources. Natural sources can include windblown dust, and soot from wildfires. Manmade sources can include motor vehicles, and industrial fuel burning, and manufacturing operations. The one of the main cause that touches off haze is manufacturing operations. Many factories were over measure produced the smog that had over the standard and the smog seriously influence the air become air pollution.

it has done great harm to our daily traffic accidents happened just because of the heavy haze weather,more and more people have to go to see the doctor because the serious disease caused by the haze,quite a lot of flights have to be put off,a great number of people have to stay at home for fear of the poisonous air caused by the haze.

People have realized the great harm caused by the smog and the importance of protecting the all over the country are taking measures to reduce the smog government suggests people go to work or school with the public traffic, such as the bus and the we should plant more of effective solutions to help eliminate haze is to make some chemistry changes during the manufacturing process,so it could reduce harmful emissions which are produced by manufacturing operations According to me, I will go to school by bike or on foot, and I won’t throw the waste addition, I will tell the people I meet to protect the environment as possible as they you like to tell me some good ideas?i’m looking forward to your reply. We are all in this together! We shall survive and thrive together!

英语作文建议类范文 第5篇

At present some people think that money is everything. They say that you can do everything if you have money. You can live in a beautiful house, keep a luxurious ear and have all sorts of delicious food. I don't think so. Indeed, money can buy a lot of things we need. But there are many, many wonderful things in the world that cannot be bough/; with money. For example, knowledge cannot be bought with money. One cannot be rich in knowledge unlehe studies hard. Time cannot be bought with money, either. Who can buy even a second with money? There are still many other things that cannot be bought with money: health,life, happiness,friendship, love and so on. Just think, if a person hasn't these things at all, is the money still useful? Now, do you think money is everything? Can Money Buy Happiness? Can money buy happiness? Different people have different opinions. Some think yes, while others hold the opposite. It is true that with enough money one can buy all the things one wants, and live a life of comfort and security. However, it is equally true that lack of money causes great distress. It is a common view that money is the root of all evil. The pursuit of money drives many people to cheat and steal. In some places there is nothing that cannot be bought with money, resulting in corrupt societies where everybody is miserable. So, money does not necessarily mean happiness. It all depends on how it is used. If we make honest and sensible use of money, it can be a stepping-stone to happinel Although money cannot buy happiness, it can make happinepossible if it is employed sensibly.


英语作文建议类范文 第6篇

Air pollution is one of the major problems of the modern world. A great deal of energy is needed to run the factories of modern industrial nations. Automobile, trains, planes and busses need energy, too. Nearly all of this energy is produced by burning fuels. The burning produces wastes, some of which remain inthe air, causing air pollution.

Scientists are finding ways to stop air pollution especially in big industrial areas and densely-populated cities. They are studying new ways of generating electricity that may be less damaging to the environment. In the meantime, many power plants are being modernized to give off less polluted material. Also, engineers try to design and locate new power plants to do minimum damage to the environment.

However, it may be that we still have a long way to go before we have a _clean_ world. Nearly all of the countries are trying hard to prevent and control air pollution. There indeed seems to be no end to tasks that environmentalists will be required to do.

People will continually find new ways to control pollution.

英语作文建议类范文 第7篇


1. 自己就可以练习口语,想练多久就练多久。

2. 始终有专业的纯北美外教指出学员的不足和错误

3. 教材所涉猎范围极广,可以突破我们自己的思维禁锢,比如我们总是喜欢谈论我们自己熟悉的话题,所以我们总是在练习相同的语言,进步当然就缓慢了。线话英语的外教带领学员模拟各种生活场景来用英语进行对话交流。

4. 选择小说、幽默故事或好的短文阅读,使我们有足够的兴趣坚持下去。



英语作文建议类范文 第8篇

“提建议”是Unit 5的重点语法项目,学完本单元之后你就能掌握好多种提建议的方法!现在让我来告诉你几种提建议的基本方法吧!

一、委婉建议Shall we / I+动词原形...?


Shall we go to the zoo?我们去动物园好吗?

Shall we go for a walk? 咱们去散步好吗?



Let's help them carry the box. 我们帮他们搬箱子吧。

Let's go and see them. 我们去看看他们吧。

三、征求意见What about... /How about...?

What/How about+名词/代词/动词-ing形式表示征求意见式的建议。如:

What about 5:00 tomorrow afternoon? 明天下午5点怎么样?

How about going swimming?去游泳怎么样?

四、Why not+动词原形...?

Why not后跟不带to的动词不定式,表示向对方提出一种建议或询问某种原因。暗含不同意对方而略有责备对方之意。Why not...?常理解为一个省略句,其完整句式是:Why don't you(we)...?如:

Why not come a little earlier?=Why don't you come a little earlier?(你)为什么不早点儿来呢?

Why not go and ask our teacher?=Why don't we go and ask our teacher?为什么不去问一下我们的老师呢?


1. OK!Certainly./Good idea./ Of course.

2. Yes, please. / Yes, I think so.

3. All right. / With pleasure. / I agree with you.

4. I'd love to.


1. No, I don't think so.

2. I'm afraid not.

3. No, thanks.

英语作文建议类范文 第9篇

Directions: You are going to study at a foreign university. Write a letter inquiring about the specific information as regards accommodation, fees and qualifications there. Your letter should be no less than 100 words. You don?t need to write the address. Don?t sign your own name at the end of the letter, use Li Hua instead.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am a Chinese student who wishes to pursue further study at your university. I plan to start my course next semester, and it would be highly appreciated if you would provide me with some essential information.

First, how much are the tuition fees? Though I intend to be self?supporting, I would be interested to know if there are any scholarships available for international students. Second, I wonder what qualifications I need to follow a course at your university, now I have got a master?s degree in a Chinese university, is it enough? Third, as regards to accommodations, if possible, I would like to have a single room, but if single rooms are expensive, I would be willing to share.

I am looking forward to your reply, and to attending your esteemed institution.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

英语作文建议类范文 第10篇


用Let's...?表示“让我们”(包括双方在内)做某事“这一建议时要用以Let's 开头的祈使句。而Let us在表示让我们做某事时,不包括对方在内。如:Let's go and see the pandas. Let us go, will you?让我们去吧,好吗?

用Why not...?Why not...?意思是:为什么不……?后接不带to的不定式(即动词原形)。Why not...?是省略了主语的省略形式,完整句Why don't you/they/we...?如:Why don't you go with me? Why don't you try again?=Why not try again?

用What about...?意为“……怎么”后可接名词、的代词和动名词。如:What about going out for a walk? I'm going to the about you?

用had better 意为“最好”,“还是……好”,常用于口语,后接动词原形。如:You had better stay at home. You'd better go now.

用Don't...来表示建议,通常用于祈使句的否定形式中。如:Don't play in the street. Don't throw it like that.

Would you like+短语?这个句型意思是“……怎么样?”后接sth. 或to do sth.如:Would you like another cup of tea? Would you like some colour pencils?

Will you please+动词原形……?它的意思是“请你……好吗?”如:Will you please come tomorrow? Will you please pick it up?

英语作文建议类范文 第11篇


Photo of My Family

Look at this photograph of my family. There are five people in it. The tallest one is my father. He is forty-eight years old. My mother is standing beside him. She is not as my father. She is three years younger than my father. Sitting in front of them are my grandparents. My grandfather is that fat one with a pair of glasses. My grandmother is as fat as he. This little one is me. I’m sitting between them. All of us love one anther. I have a happy family.

2. A Happy family

I have a happy family. Although it’s small, it’s full of love. There are four people in my family my father, my mother, my elder sister and my self-we all love each other.

My father is a doctor. He laves his work. Every day works from dawn to dark. In his spare time, he likes reading and writing books. My mother is a teacher. She is very with her students but kind to them Every day she goes work early. She is not only a teacher but also a fiend the students.

My sister is a shopkeeper and she has been married for several years I’m a middle school students. My wish is to be a university student. And my parents often encourage me to work hard. I will try my best to realize my dream.

And Sports

Last Friday evening, our class had an English party with our English teacher in our classroom. Some students sang songs. Some danced, some guessed riddles and some told stories.

The most wonderful programmer was named “Buying a sheep and selling a ship.” Which was acted by our English teacher and some students. From the play, We the difference between I and I, and we knew the two opposite words “buy” and “sell”. We should pay more attention to pronunciation.

The party was a success. We all had a good time.

4. Life In Vacation

It was a sun day of the summer holiday. The weather was hot. My little brother and I decided to go to the resrvoir to swim by bike. It took us half an hour when we got there, many people were swimming. The we dived into the water……

About an hour later, suddenly somebody called: “help! help!” We were surprised to see a boy struggling in the deep water. As quickly as possible. We swam towards him and pulled him to the shore. He lost his consciousness. We sent him to the nearest hospital at once luckily, he was saved.

In the end, we were worn out, but felt happy. That day was meaningful. We did a good deed!

Memory Of Campus

Our school factory was opend in 1980, it is over 20 years old since it was opened At the beginning of its opening there were only several workers and the product was still simple. But now the factory is developed into a big one, which has over 100 workers. It produces a lot of products. Such as exercise-books, note books chalks and so on. The products are in good quality and low prices, so they sell well in many areas.

With the development of production, the income is increasing year by year. The factory offers the teachers and students breakfast for free. Every month, we go to the factory to work in turn. In this way, we form good habit of loving work


September 10th Tuesday fine.

Today is September 10th. Teachers’ Day. A teacher was invited to our school to give us a talk. He had taught for fifty years, and had won the gold medals by the Department of Education. He worked hard all his life, and gave all his love to the students. We were deeply moved by his talk. Today many students he had taught before come back to him, and some others from all over the country visit wrote him letters to express their love and thanks. The old man said that it was the happiest moment in his life.

When the bell rings around 1:40 . thousands of students spill into streets. Notebooks and textbooks remain stored in lockers for the next day. Because of a desades-long practice of promoting failing students, some teens know they will advance to the next grade even if they don’t do the homework.

Meanwhile, teachers say they are faced with the daily dilemma of whether to move ahead in a lesson when often only five or ten students out of around 30 have done the homework assignment. Very few kids do homework, and those who do it, cheat. Said a ninth English teacher, It is hard to base a lesson on homework if the work isn’t being done


If you take notice in some places, you’ll see the fact that most smokers are young people and even some are middle school students. It is said that in China the number of the people smoking is about .

Why do so many people smoke? Some think that smoking is pleasure, some believe that they can refresh themselves by smoking. In fact, smoking is a bad habit, which has great harm to people’ health. The study of smoking shows that many kinds of illnesses have something to do with smoking. Smoking itself is a waster. It costs one so much money, Besides, many fires are caused by careless smokers. Today more and more people all over the world want to give up smoking. If you’re mot a smoker, don’t start.

Spring Festival

The Spring Festival, Chinese New Year,is the most important festivalfor all of us. All family members get together on New Year'Eve to have a big the same time, everyone celebrates to each about 12 o'clock,some parents and children light whole sky is lighted brightly. We may watch the fireworks busy it is!

On the first early moring of one year, many senior citizen get up early and they stick the reversed Fu or hang some couplets on the front door. Some house's windows are sticked on red paper Chinese New Year lasts fifteen days. So during the fifteen days, we always visit our relatives from door to door. At that time, children are the happiest because they can get many red packets form their parents,grandparents, uncles, aunts and so on. The last day of the Chinese New Year is another festival. It names the Lantern Festival. So the Chinese New Year comes to the end.

10. Good Health

The desire for good health is universal. In our competitive society it is important to maintain good health. On the one hand, people with good health can do work with full confidence and their progress in work in turn contributes to their health and happiness. On the other hand, a sick person is usually not interested in everything around him and therefore he loses many opportunities to become successful.

There are many ways to keep it. First, those who are always on the go from morning till night should find time to relax because too much stress will affect their health. Second, enough time should be left for sleep because that will help one become rested and refreshed. Finally, regular physical exercises benefit one's health a lot. So one should always keep in mind that a certain amount of exercise is not a waste of time.

As for me, I like playing tennis in the morning. I also attach much importance to enough sleep and relaxation. I believe this will ensure my good health for the rest of my .

英语作文建议类范文 第12篇

I have read many articles on the school magazine. I find that almost all the essays on the school magazine are about the daily trifles in the campus. It is good for us to know the whole things in the campus. But I think if there are some articls about current affairs and learning methods must be better. Current affairs can open students’ eyes to know more about the world.

Sharing learning methods can help some students find the best way for themselves to hope you will find these proposals useful and put into effect as soon as possible.

Yours Sincerely,

Li Lei

英语作文建议类范文 第13篇


Dear Mr. Wang,

We’re so pleased that you are willing to share our views.

In the course of the general revision, what we need is solid foundation. As you know, we didn’t learn well enough in the first two years, so please slow down and make sure we have really mastered something. Besides, we need a little more time to think for ourselves. As for those important points which also make us confused, would you please give us more practice in case we forget? Meanwhile, we need your instruction, for example, in how to write in natural English. I still have another request: assign us less homework in order that we can do it more efficiently.

By the way, we often feel frustrated, which has a very bad effect on our study. We would appreciate it if you would give us some encouragement from time to time.

英语作文建议类范文 第14篇

Many parent thinks use the mobile phone is bad for students .It will must affect students's students will play the games in they will send the information to their friends .That's too bad to them to study .

But ,using the mobile phone also have good things to students ,They can call their friends when they are not in school .It will makes your friendship more close . And ,if your parents can't find you ,they can call you at once .

In a word ,using the mobile phone have the good things and the bad things .The important is if you cancontral yourself .

英语作文建议类范文 第15篇






英语作文建议类范文 第16篇

How to protect the environment Today,The air poulltion,water poulltion,noise environment poulltion is very important in the order to live a better life, we need a cleaner world. We should plant more trees and flowers around us . We shouldn't cut them down . We should stop factories from pouring waste water into the river and waste gas into the people often drive a car to go to should we do?we can walk to work instead drive. I think if everyone do it ,the earth will be batter and batter!.

英语作文建议类范文 第17篇













英语作文建议类范文 第18篇

Swimming is a good sport. It's popular. People like swimming because the water makes people feel cool. But if they swim in a wrong place, it is very dangerous. These years, some people died when they were enjoying themselves in water and most of them were students. Summer holiday will be there again. I want to give you some advice. First, don't get into the water when you are alone. Second, don't get into the water if there is a No swimming sign. Third, you should be careful in the water. If you remember these, swimming will be safe and it's good for your health.


英语作文建议类范文 第19篇



要点: 月12日下午2点28分,我国四川汶川发生了里氏级地震。大批房屋倒塌,人们无家可归,大量人员伤亡,灾民缺衣少药…2.号召大家向灾区人民奉献爱心,捐款捐物,帮助他们重建家园。

要求:1.语句通顺,表达准确,可适当发挥使内容连贯 2. 文中不能出现真实姓名,校名等相关信息。

3.词数在80词左右 4.参考词汇:灾区:quake-astriken area零花钱:pocket money重建:rebuild

A Proposal

All the students in our school,

A sudden earthquake happened in Wenchuan,Sichuan Province at 2:28 on the afternoon of May 12,

Students' Union

June 13,2008

参考中考英语满分作文: A Proposal

All the students in our school,

A sudden earthquake happened in Wenchuan,Sichuan Province at 2:28 on the afternoon of May 12,2008

Many houses fell down and lots of people have become homeless. A large number of people were badly injured and so many people lost their lives. The people in the quake-striken areas are short of food and medicine. So ,every,let's show our love to 's give away some of our pocket money,clothes or something else to them. Let's try our best to help them rebuild their homes. Come on ,everyone!

Students' Union

June 13,2008







英语作文建议类范文 第20篇


nowadays,population as well as environment has become a very important problem.

with the development of china ,the population is growing faster and faster,though,chinese government has put forward strageties, such as ,one child at the same time ,the increase has slown down,which is to our relief.

as for the environment,the biggest problem is that people do damage to it and seldome do they would like to say,if they still don·t stop those silly mistakes made to destroy the environment,one day ,human beings will be the last creature in the world. protect the environment!our earth is our mother for all of us.

英语作文建议类范文 第21篇

Dear Jack,

How is everything going ? I’m glad to learn that you’re going to China this winter. You say you’re worried about your Chinese if you are in China. Now let me give you some advice.

Fisrt, you should be brave and confident to speak Chinese when you communicate with others. We Chinese are very friendly, so you don’t be afraid to make any mistakes. Second, speak Chinese slowly and clearly when you talk to others. In this way, you can make yourself understood easily. Finally, you can use pictures or drawings and body language. As you know, most of body language is in common in the world. I hope these suggestions will help you.

Best wishes!


Li Hua

英语作文建议类范文 第22篇

Thesedays,we students are trying best to study as studying is really important for students have to give up their favorite activities to adapt to busy are some tips for students who are facing such problems

First,you must study hard,noting is difficult if you put your heart into you want to achieve your beautiful dream,you must give up 'smore,you should communicate with your friends when you feel friend will help you to forget your trouble and be more give up if you are determined to get good set aside your hobbies for a few pick it up in the future.

英语作文建议类范文 第23篇







英语作文建议类范文 第24篇


A Letter of Suggestion

【express your wish to be a volunteer.】

Dear Wang Qishan,

I am a senior in Peking University. The Beijing Olympic Games is coming in two years. After watching the Athens Olympic Games, I can not help writing to you.

First of all, here is my suggestion for the preparation work of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. The construction work of the sports building must be completed in time according to the contract. In Athens, the swimming stadium was not accomplished in time so that the event had to be held in the open air, which has brought negative effect on the performance of athletes. In one word, to protect the international image of China and ensure the Olympic competition, we must finish our preparation work well and in time.

英语作文建议类范文 第25篇

Nowadays,societies shools families or even students themselves give high shool students too much improve learning efficiency and lead a active lifestyle,it's important to remove the high need something to depart our thing is our hobbies definitely.

In my spare time,I' to take some aerobic sports such like playing tennis,jogging or to music is also a wonderful soft gentle tune make me feel almost forget all those trouble which disturbed 's a fascinating thing to go through.

Finally,Knowing how to fix ourselves is a lesson that all of us need to take.

英语作文建议类范文 第26篇

Dear editor,

I have read many articles on the school magazine. I find that almost all the essays on the school magazine are about the daily trifles in the campus. It is good for us to know the whole things in the campus. But I think if there are some articls about current affairs and learning methods must be better. Current affairs can open students’ eyes to know more about the world. Sharing learning methods can help some students find the best way for themselves to hope you will find these proposals useful and put into effect as soon as possible.

Yours Sincerely,

Li Lei



英语作文建议类范文 第27篇

Nowadays, the university graduates have found it’s been more and more difficult to find a better work, therefore some people thought the university professors should put more energy in the usable curriculum, such as: computer, business trade and so on. As for traditional foundation curriculum, like history, geography, and so on, it seems there need less energy to invest in.

For instance, one of my friends likes history more than computer, but he has to take computer as his specialty because it is easy to look for a job. Likewise, in the urban construction, we inevitably must demolish some old houses to improve the basic structure.

Of course, the different person has the different view. Some people thought the old house should not tear down because they have the historical significance or the cultural relic value. However, in my opinion, I believe those hindered the urban construction should be removed for practical reason. It is the same for graduate students to switch their majors, unless those who are wealthy to sustain their interests.

英语作文建议类范文 第28篇

Grasps a set of good study method to our foreign language study is extremely useful, it often can play the twice the result with half the effort role.

I believed that, first, the interest is best teacher, we must have the strong interest to English study, only then cannot think the study foreign language is an arid tasteless matter. At the same time, we also should have the strong will and the full confidence, only then cannot because of meet difficultly on the study road is discouraged the giving up.

may read English newspaper, listens to have the English reading material massively, consults the English England dictionary .This can form English mentality in the mind, enhances the study interest in unconscious, grasps the new ability. When you study wearily might as well transforms the study method, like this can let you study with ease interesting.




