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大学英语辞职信范文 第1篇









Dear School



First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to all the leaders for their long-term care, support, and affirmation of my work. Over the past 18 years of work, I have always lived and worked as a teacher, always adhering to the belief of serving the Partys education cause for life. In school, I feel like living in a harmonious community, with the care of all the leaders and the care of many colleagues. Every day, when I see the cute smiling faces of my classmates, I truly love my school. Today, I have been pondering for a long time and will share with you the reasons for my resignation:

In the year X, my wife built a platform for her career development in Yangzhou. In the same year, she bought a house and settled down in Yangzhou. Her daughter also attended a school in Yangzhou. Over the past few years, I have been traveling between Jingjiang and Yangzhou, and gradually I feel tired. As a parent, my daughter also grows up day by day, bearing the pressure of her older childs studies. Family is the driving force for ones work and life, I no longer have the motivation to work in Jingjiang, and I dont want the school to bear intangible pressure on me. I cant hold onto my position and not work hard. After a long period of consideration, I have decided to submit my resignation application to you. I hope you can understand and accept my application. At the same time, I wish our school every success.





大学英语辞职信范文 第2篇

Respect school leader:


First of all thank you for your leadership has long been concern for my work, support and sure, work for 18 years, I've been living and working as a teacher, always adhere to the service life of faith, for the party's education career in school, I like live in a harmonious family, the love of the leaders, there are so many colleagues of concern, see the lovely smile of students every day, I really love my school, today, I thought for a long time, say to you I quit reason:

years, my wife for her career, the career development platform is built on the yangzhou, made his home in the same year bought a house in yangzhou, daughter came also the yangzhou school, these a few years, I was running, jingjiang slowly I feel tired, daughter also grew up day by day, as a parent at the same time to undertake the bigger kids learning pressure, the family is the personal work life motivation in jingjiang I don't have the motivation of work, I don't want to school for I bear the invisible pressure, I don't work in earnest, more can't occupy position after long time consideration, decided to apply for resignation to you. Hope you can understand and accept my application.

I wish our school thriving at the same time.

Yours sincerely,


大学英语辞职信范文 第3篇







Dear leader


Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude to the school leaders for their trust and care during my work, which provided me with a platform for development and made significant progress. Due to personal reasons, I have officially submitted my resignation application to the school. I will resign during the summer vacation. Please make corresponding arrangements for the school. During this period, I will definitely stand in the last position and do my job well. I deeply apologize for the inconvenience caused to the school. Hope the leader approves! Thank you! Wishing Guangming School a better and more prosperous future!





大学英语辞职信范文 第4篇











Dear Principal


Sorry! I want to resign. The big family in the kindergarten is likable, but due to personal reasons, I have to resign. I have failed to live up to the expectations of my leaders and the kindergarten as well.

Many times in life, we have many helpless choices and difficulties that prevent us from making the right choices. Teaching in kindergarten is very easy, with regular commuting every day, accompanied by children at work, friendly colleagues, and wise leaders. This makes me very happy and happy to work together in kindergarten. Since graduation, I have been teaching in kindergarten for two years in a blink of an eye, Two years have passed like flowing water.

The purpose of our new job is to make a living, and finding a job is also to support ourselves. Everyone has their own pursuits. I have always positioned my goal as teaching the flowers of our country, and teaching is my responsibility. I never give up, and I insist on treating children like my own every day. I teach with my heart, work with my heart, and arrange every day to be full, fulfilling, and happy, I spent years like this, year after year.

But when we look at our classmates who graduated together and their lives, although their work has been a bit difficult, they have been very happy, every day is very interesting, their income is multiple times that of me, they can live all the life they want, and I have been holding a small salary and persevering, I have to do various tasks every day, not only to worry about this and that, but also to often introduce my parents to their childrens situation at school. I am very tired from work and do not have much income. Our salary is already the lowest here, and many times I cannot buy a piece of clothing. It is very difficult to improve my life, especially when my parents are sick, I cannot provide money to treat them, Because my job is barely enough to make ends meet, barely enough to make ends meet, and there is not much left.

I have to live frugally every day. I can no longer persist in this kind of work. Although it is easy, I am not a hard worker. I also need to consider myself again. Although the kindergarten trusts me and gives me many heavy responsibilities, the more I work, but there is no increase in salary or improvement. How can I continue to work in the kindergarten? No matter how well I do it, my salary is always like this, and if I make mistakes, I will be fined, Even if I enjoy this kind of job, I cant continue working. Ive figured it out, why do I keep seizing this position and not letting go? There are many choices in life. Although work is rare, I cannot always stick to this position without any development, because there are no more opportunities to speak of. After thinking about it, I decided to leave the company and venture outside. I am still young and do not want to waste my youth. I still have the courage to work hard and show off my courage. Sorry to disappoint you. The welfare of the kindergarten needs improvement, but I have insisted on leaving and will not stay.





大学英语辞职信范文 第5篇











Dear leader


I am a new cashier from xx supermarket, and my name is xx. Im sorry and Im also sorry to inform my supervisor about my resignation shortly after I arrived. The leader may think that I am playing around, but after experiencing so many days of cashier work, I really feel that I am not suitable for this position. The reason for not being suitable for this position will be mentioned in the following resignation report, which is the reason for my resignation. Although I am just a small employee and the boss may not take it seriously, I still hope that the leader can read it carefully, after all, this is also what I wrote with my heart.

The first reason I want to resign is because my place of residence is too far away from here, which can waste a lot of unnecessary time on my daily commute. So it may also become a factor that makes me often late, and I dont want to get up so early every day to squeeze the subway and catch the bus. Not only will it make me feel tired, but it will also affect my mood for the day at work, and more importantly, I will encounter danger on the way back at night because it is too late. So I want to switch to a job that is closer to my home. Considering that I did not consider this factor before coming to work here, I apologize to the leadership and apologize for any actions that may have caused losses to the company due to my resignation.

The second reason why I want to resign is that I dont love this job. I cant face it with heart every day and smile at every customer who comes to the supermarket. I think a person should still love their job position in order to work diligently every day. In my current state, I dont know how long I can persist. I work with a feeling of boredom every day, which not only affects the emotions of my colleagues in the company, but also makes customers feel dissatisfied with our service. So I decided to resign and find a job that I love, and keep working there.

The third reason why I want to resign is my lack of abilities. Although leaders may feel that such a simple cashier job does not require much ability. Its said that, but the cashier also needs to be slightly sensitive to numbers and very careful. And I am exactly the type who was not good at mathematics since elementary school, often unable to calculate simple mathematical algorithms, so I am afraid of making mistakes during the checkout process. I always have to confirm multiple times during checkout, which delays customer time and seriously lowers the companys efficiency. And my personality is not that meticulous, but rather that careless, so I am likely to be unaware of overcharging or undercharging customers.

In summary, these reasons for resignation can serve as reasons why I am not suitable for this job. If the leader does not believe me and continues to keep me in the supermarket, it will only have a negative impact on the supermarket, not become better. So please consider carefully.





大学英语辞职信范文 第6篇

Dear Mr. Smith,

I am sorry to inform you by this letter that I plan to resign my present job in the next month. The main reason is that I will move to Qingdao to live permanently with my family, as Qingdao is my hometown.

Looking back upon my five-year experience in this organization, I have had a very happy and enjoyable time working with you and other colleagues, from whom I have received lots of help and have learnt much. Please accept my sincere gratitude, as well as my regret for not being able to serve here any longer.

Yours sincerely,


大学英语辞职信范文 第7篇















Dear Principal


First of all, I would like to express my regret and apology to you. I am very sorry and regretful to have submitted my resignation letter to you at this time. I hope you have time to review my resignation letter.

It has been over a year since I first entered kindergarten. During this time, other teachers and two principals in the kindergarten have provided me with a lot of help. Through you, I have learned a lot of qualities that a preschool teacher should possess, making me a teacher that children recognize and love. This is a great achievement for me.

Here, there is no distinction between a principal and an employee. The two principals are very friendly to each teacher, so our collective relationship is more like a friends relationship. This allowed me to quickly adapt to this environment from the beginning, and it also gave me a sense of dependence on the principal and colleagues. The principal not only gave me the opportunity for this job, but also gave me the opportunity to learn and grow here, giving me an opportunity to exercise myself. My gratitude to the two principals cannot be expressed in words.

However, after working here for over a year, I realized that there were indeed many shortcomings in my work abilities, too many problems that I couldnt solve on my own, and working for such a long time, although my abilities had made progress.

But I have to admit that there is a big gap between me and the other colleagues who entered this kindergarten at the same time as me. I have pondered this issue multiple times and think that perhaps I am not very suitable for this job. Due to my own lack of personal abilities, I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed in my recent work. I have been striving to do this job well, but the results have been unsatisfactory and far from achieving the desired results.

So, after careful consideration, I found that I cannot delay the work process of the kindergarten due to personal reasons, nor can I let those children not receive better education. I hope the kindergarten can achieve better development, and I have decided to resign from this teaching position. Actually, I really dont want to leave here, but my personal work ability does not allow me to continue staying here. I know that my sudden decision will cause inconvenience to the kindergarten, and I am very sorry.

I regret to leave this kindergarten. I hope to leave one week after submitting this resignation letter, so that the two principals can complete the handover of my work and find a more suitable teacher for this job. Before I leave my job position, I will do my best to complete all the tasks assigned by the principal and do my job well.

Thank you again for the valuable experience this kindergarten has given me, as well as the two principals who have taken meticulous care of me.

Finally, I wish all colleagues in the kindergarten a smooth work and believe that under the leadership of the two principals, the kindergarten can continue to create brilliance!





大学英语辞职信范文 第8篇













Dear leader


I am a tallyman and I am applying to resign due to physical reasons. I have been working as a tallyman for five years and have been working steadily. If it werent for a car accident, I wouldnt have chosen to resign. I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused the store. As a tallyman, I mainly repeat five tasks every day:

1. Proficient in mastering the performance, purpose, and usage of the products operated in this position.

2. Regularly record the shortage of goods operated and develop a replenishment plan.

3. Products and shelves must be cleaned every 5-7 days, and floor utensils must be cleaned once a day.

4. Conduct market research, grasp consumer needs, promptly report to supervisors, and develop new product purchase and sales plans.

5. The display of commodities must be based on the characteristics of seasonal commodities, promotional commodities, best-selling commodities, and Gross margin, and adopt effective and reasonable display methods and the principle of multi commodity display.

Although the work may be dull and boring, I have already adapted to it. Thank you to the supervisor for all these years of care and care for me. Finally, I wish the store a prosperous business and all colleagues good health.





大学英语辞职信范文 第9篇











Dear Principal


Time flies, thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to work at xx. And the help and care you have given me over the past two years! But due to personal reasons, I am resigning here!

In the past two years, xx has given me many opportunities and challenges. I have been continuously improving in my work position, and I have really learned a lot here. I remember when I first went to the podium, I would tremble with chalk and speak incoherently when facing twenty or thirty children. Now, I can hold a microphone and talk freely to four or five hundred children and six or seven parents. I used to be timid when managing a class.

Now we can lead a level where you can lead us to learn the Disciple Regulations. During our learning process, you have taught us the principles and obligations of being a person. Perhaps we have just started to understand and believe that one day we will understand. Many outings have added a lot of knowledge to my education journey, and I will remember that you gave me everything. Sincerely thank you!

Submit your resignation three months in advance, so that you have time to find the right person to fill my vacancy. At the same time, I will also try my best to assist the new employee in their job handover. I also hope that xx does not put so much pressure on themselves, but rather allows themselves to lead a free and happy life, and guides teachers more. The path is taken by them themselves.

Hope the bud is getting better and better!





大学英语辞职信范文 第10篇


I am offering my resignation as operations manager of the XXX plant, effective May 15. As of now, I’m not quite sure where I’ll be looking for employment and am toying with the idea of turning one of my life-long hobbies into a profit-making enterprise.

Frankly, Vernon, I was deeply disappointed the vacancy of general manager was filled by someone from outside the company. Through years of excellent performance appraisals, I was led to believe I was in line for that position. Under the circumstances, I think you’ll understand my decision to resign.

I do appreciate the management training I’ve been given here; it has indeed prepared me well for almost any general business career I decide to pursue. My best wishes for the company’s continued growth.


大学英语辞职信范文 第11篇








Dear leader

Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude for taking the time out of my busy schedule to review my resignation application.

After several weeks of careful research and inner struggle, I have decided to reluctantly submit this resignation report and walk through x years of ups and downs with xx. This relationship cannot be expressed in words. Once again, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all department leaders for their care and assistance over the past x years, as well as the care and support of my colleagues. When I was a child, I entered this big family. In this greenhouse, I thrived and learned how to be a person and do things. At the same time, I also tried my best to complete various duties and tasks assigned by my leaders. In the remaining days, I will still work hard, attend the final shift well, and stand on the final position. And complete the handover work before leaving.

Finally, I wish xx continued glory!





大学英语辞职信范文 第12篇

resignation letter

it is with regret that i must inform you of my resignation from my position as administrator at twin cakes corp. effective jan 1, xx.

i have invested over 13 years of my life at twin cakes corp. and my decision to move on from this position has not come lightly or easily.

it has been a privilege to work with the people at twin cakes corp., i will be forever grateful for the opportunities that have been provided to me during my time here. these years have been so rewarding for me personally and professionally i thank you for providing me with support and guidance over the years.

in the coming weeks i will ensure that any outstanding issues are wrapped up and that records and files are left in order for the incumbent administrator. if there are any priorities that you have for me to wrap up please let me know so i can do my best to ensure that i focus on that for you.

Yours sincerely,


大学英语辞职信范文 第13篇










Dear leaders

Hello everyone! Unfortunately, I officially submitted my resignation to the supermarket at this time. Mainly because my child is already in his third year of high school and will be taking the college entrance examination in June next year. During this crucial period, the child needs better care and attention in terms of life, study, and other aspects, so he cannot continue working in the supermarket and resigns. I hope that xxxx from the supermarket can understand and understand my actual situation. After careful consideration, I hereby apply to resign from my position as a supermarket employee. Please approve.

Actually, I am writing this resignation letter with a very complex mood. Since I started working in the supermarket, I have received the care, support, assistance, and trust of xxxx and employees in the supermarket, which has enabled me to learn the working procedures and methods of the supermarket in a short period of time. I quickly entered the work role and successfully completed my own job and various tasks. After working in the supermarket during this period, I have learned a lot of knowledge and accumulated some experience, which I am deeply grateful for. Due to family reasons, after careful consideration, I have decided to resign from my job at the supermarket. I know this will cause some inconvenience to the supermarket, and I deeply apologize for this. I am ready to leave my position as an employee at the supermarket within a month, and during this period, I will continue to abide by the supermarkets rules and regulations, consciously and actively completing my own job.

Thank you very much for your care and attention during this period. The experience in the supermarket is very precious to me. At any time in the future, I will feel proud and honored to have been a member of Yuanchen Supermarket. I am confident that this work experience in the supermarket will be a significant part of my entire career development.

Finally, I wish supermarket xxxx and all colleagues good health and smooth work!

Once again, I apologize for the inconvenience caused by my resignation to the supermarket, and I also hope that the supermarket xxxx can empathize with my current situation and approve my resignation application.





大学英语辞职信范文 第14篇









Dear school leaders


After careful consideration, I have decided to resign from my current position at the school. At this point, I chose to leave not on a whim, but rather a decision I made after a long period of consideration. I also believe that you will approve my application after reading my resignation report. There are many helplessness in reality, and everyone will encounter such situations. Every family has its own difficult lesson to learn. The fact is, I have encountered great problems in my work and life, and I need to change my environment and mood to continue working.

The current situation is that I have decided to leave the school and hope that the leadership will not detain me. I am not a significant figure in the school and do not have strong work abilities. Therefore, I firmly believe that the school leadership will let me go. I will definitely work better in my future work, keeping in mind my work situation at the school. I believe that I will do it and continue to work hard, I believe that everyone will have a beautiful future. I have been working hard in the past, and I will continue to work hard in the future!

May my colleagues be healthy, happy, happy, and happy!!





大学英语辞职信范文 第15篇









Dear leader


Unfortunately, I formally submitted my resignation to the company at this time.

XX Supermarket is my first official step into social work. Over the past two months of study and exercise, I have realized my shortcomings and understood the process of transitioning from a student to a full-time worker. For a student who has not yet left school, I have been fortunate to receive the sincere guidance and enthusiastic help from the leaders and colleagues of xx company. This has given me many learning opportunities, knowledge, and experience, and I have improved my abilities in all aspects. I am deeply grateful for this.

Leaving xx is purely due to family reasons, and I dont want to say much about it here. What I want to say is that my experience at the company is very precious to me. At any time in the future, I will feel honored to have been a member of the company. I am confident that this work experience at the company will be a significant part of my entire career development. Leaving xx and colleagues who have been away for nearly two months, I really cannot bear to part with the sincerity and friendliness between my colleagues.

Finally, I sincerely wish xx Building Materials Supermarket a thriving performance and a prosperous future. All friends who work hard in the company work smoothly, have successful careers, and are in good health!





大学英语辞职信范文 第16篇













Dear leader


I regret to formally submit my resignation to the hospital at this time.

But recently I feel that I am not suitable for this job, and I also want to change my environment. I am also well aware that resigning from the hospital at this time is a test for myself. The hospital is currently in the midst of hiring, and with the launch of a new project, all follow-up work is highly valued and promoted by the hospital. It is precisely considering the rationality of the hospitals future arrangement in this project, and with a responsible attitude towards the hospital, in order to prevent decision-making errors caused by me, I solemnly submit my resignation to the hospital. I wrote this resignation report with extremely complex emotions. Please believe me, this is not an impulse, but a decision I made after careful consideration.

It can be said that the best time of my life was spent here. After three years of study, I have gained a deeper understanding of the theoretical knowledge I learned from previous books, and my professional abilities have also been continuously improved, completing my transformation from a student to a social person. I am considering leaving the hospital within 24 weeks after submitting this resignation, so that you will have time to find suitable candidates to fill the vacancies caused by my resignation. At the same time, I can also assist you in providing onboarding training for new employees to familiarize them with their work as soon as possible.

The days when I can serve the hospital are numbered, and I will definitely manage my last shift well, handle the handover work well, and strive to achieve a balanced transition in the project. Leaving this hospital, leaving these colleagues who have shared joys and sorrows, I am very reluctant to part with them. I cannot part with the earnest teachings of my leaders, and I cannot part with the sincerity and friendliness between my colleagues.

In just two years, our hospital has undergone tremendous and gratifying changes, and I regret not being able to contribute my own efforts to the brilliant future of the hospital. I can only sincerely wish the hospitals performance to soar all the way! Hospital leaders and colleagues are working smoothly!

Whats important is that I learned how to be a person here.

But I had to resign due to personal reasons. Please understand and wish my leaders and colleagues a better future!





大学英语辞职信范文 第17篇










Dear Director

I regret to formally submit my resignation application to you at this time.

It has been a year and a half since I came to this kindergarten. During this year and a half, I have received various help from colleagues and principals in the kindergarten. I am very grateful to all the colleagues in the kindergarten. I have had laughter, tears, and gains here. The equal interpersonal relationships and open-minded work style in kindergarten once made me feel a bit reliant. Here, I can work and study happily.

But recently I feel that I am not suitable for this job, and I also want to change my environment. I am well aware that resigning from the kindergarten principal at this time is a test for me and myself. At this time of employment, and considering the future development of the kindergarten, and with an attitude towards the kindergarten, in order to prevent the kindergarten from making mistakes due to me, I solemnly submit my resignation to the principal.

I am considering leaving after x month x day, so that you have time to find a suitable candidate for the kindergarten. I regret not being able to contribute to the kindergarten. I can only sincerely wish the kindergarten a more brilliant tomorrow! The leaders and colleagues of the kindergarten are working smoothly!

Hereby report.





大学英语辞职信范文 第18篇

Dear Richard,

however, a friend of mine introduced me to abc company, and i have decided to accept a post that will give me greater possibilities for promotion and an increase in my salary. i therefore write this memo as formal notice to terminate my engagement with you one month from todays date.

So how do we navigate this? How do we know when to invest in an upgrade? And what’s the best way to pull off one than enhances our goals? Here are some tips:

After careful consideration and soul-searching, I have decided resign my position as internal auditor at ICC company. I assure you it was not an easy - decision to make.

Perhaps you have heard me mention on occasion that I would like to run my own accounting business. Ever since I graduated from xxxx university, this has been my long-range goal. I am thinking of applying to a graduate business school to earn an MBA in accounting and eventually to sit for the CPA exam. I suggested an effective date of January 30. if , however , you would like more time to find a replacement, I am writing to extend that by two weeks . on the other hand,of you feel that an earlier department would be more convenient to you, I will certainly understand.

however, a friend of mine introduced me to abc company, and i have decided to accept a post that will give me greater possibilities for promotion and an increase in my salary. i therefore write this memo as formal notice to terminate(终止) my engagement with you one month from todays date.

I cherish the experience I have received at ICC company . I’m confident that it will be very usual to me in my future career.

Sincerely yours

大学英语辞职信范文 第19篇










Dear leader


I am xx, and the six months spent in customer service here at xx have been very fulfilling. I truly feel that this is a test for me, not always being able to do a good job. The work of customer service may not seem so difficult, but after six months, I naturally know that it is not easy, and doing something well is also very fulfilling. Of course, these are all built on the foundation of hard work. This time, I have come to resign with you, The work of the past six months has made me think a lot, but it is also very complicated. For a student who graduated less than a year ago, I really feel confused. I have been thinking, trying every thing I do, and then judging whether I can do it well. Now, I am not very patient when doing something, but I know this is also my weakness. I have always been thinking about how to strengthen myself, I am a bit strict with myself in some matters, and I am very sorry to resign this time. However, I also need to be responsible for my work and have a satisfactory answer.

I still want to make it clear that I have resigned. Of course, I will definitely improve my work handover. Looking back on the past six months, I feel that I have gained a lot. These gains refer to my own abilities, and when it comes to my own abilities, I think they are very valuable. Before coming to xx, I was very curious about the customer service profession, and I also had some confidence to do this job well, but I have not put them into practice, Half a year of work is all I have put into practice. Over the past six months, customer service work has made me suddenly enlightened. I have learned a lot, not only about my own abilities, but also about various aspects, such as work and business, as well as my own language expression. These are all exercises and improvements for me.

Looking back, I think time is really fast. As a customer service representative, I feel like I should have patience. However, resigning now seems like Im too impulsive and not so firm in doing things. I really think I should stick to some things for a while. Isnt this something everyone should do well? I came to resign this time because I dont really like this job that much. I know its irresponsible to say these things now, I should have been stricter with myself in some things, not letting down the company or you. However, these are all things that can be done well. Looking back on the entire process of the work, I am very uneasy. This is not a simple matter. It requires sufficient preparation for the work to express it. I have lost a love for work, how can I continue to do a good job in customer service.

These days, I have also been searching for what I really want to do. I think I still need time. This job is not what I want to pursue. I am truly sorry and disappointed with myself, but life always requires choices. Please approve my resignation from the leadership.





大学英语辞职信范文 第20篇







Dear Mr. Bao,

By this letter I am resigning my position as Quality Engineer, effective immediately.

Recent circumstances incompatible1 with my personal beliefs and styles require that I change my appreciate the opportunity to work and learn at ABC Company.





大学英语辞职信范文 第21篇

dear (employer name):

i want to thank you for all you have done for me here at (company). itx39;s been a pleasure working with you, and representing the company as your (job title).

i have accepted an offer with another firm and have decided to tender my resignation as of today. this decision has nothing to do with the opportunity you have provided for me here. you and the company have been fair with me, and i genuinely appreciate all your support.

i wish (company) continued success, and i want to thank you for allowing me to be a part of your team. please feel free to contact me at any time if i can be of further assistance in helping with a smooth transition.


大学英语辞职信范文 第22篇











Dear leader


I will resign from my telephone customer service position at the company this weekend, and I hope you can approve it at that time.

Half a year of telephone customer service work has left me extremely confused about my career. I really dont know where to work hard. I am completely lost in this job now. I am only involuntarily completing my own responsibilities without any direction for my work. Let me tell you this, I dont even know the meaning of my daily work, am I wasting my time? Im sorry, I really need to think carefully about my future.

I only came to interview for this job six months ago because I was thinking about being playful and choosing a job that was relatively easy. Therefore, I chose to work as a telephone customer service provider. After all, this job does not require too much technical expertise, and naturally the salary is also low. I have been working here for six months now, and what kind of salary and benefits did I receive when I joined the company? What kind of salary and benefits do I currently have, There hasnt been any change, but the group of classmates who graduated with me at the beginning are all working in jobs related to their majors, and one of my roommates has a salary that is three times mine! When he asked me about my salary, I was embarrassed to say it. Do you know the taste? I started from the same starting point, while others were almost at the finish line. My childs starting point was stagnant, which was caused by my lazy thinking before. I could also be like them because I wasted half a year of time for no reason. Others were working hard in their fields of expertise, but I completely abandoned what I was good at, only for the major we studied, They have been making progress all the time, but I am actually regressing. I envy others salaries now, and who can blame me? This is all I asked for myself. I dont know how to make plans, but I can be clearer about poverty. I absolutely cant continue to work in this telephone customer service job. Personally, there is no benefit to myself. Let alone work for another three or four years in the past six months, I cant keep up with my current roommates level, so people still have to be not afraid of hardships and experience more setbacks and trials to grow.

I should also let go of this job. If I continue like this, I will really be abandoned. There is no future to talk about. I have a wealth of theoretical knowledge and no practical experience, and no one is interested in it. My mistake was that I should not choose this telephone customer service job. After resigning, I will first think about my own plans for the future, and then move on. I will never go on a useless path again.

If I were someone who is content with the status quo and doesnt want to make progress, perhaps I wouldnt resign. However, under the stimulation of my classmates, I am infinitely eager to prove myself. Im sorry, but I can only say that my aspirations are not aligned with the company. Could you please hire another customer service hotline.





大学英语辞职信范文 第23篇










Dear school leaders


With the ideal of dedicating ones youth to the education cause of our country and infinite admiration for the most glorious profession under the sun, we joined this warm and united collective of xx 20 xx years ago. In a blink of an eye, my xx Teachers Day has already passed.

Looking back on my journey back, every achievement and joy I have achieved are filled with your care and trust in me, as well as the help and love from my colleagues. It is precisely because of your care and trust, as well as the help and love of colleagues, that I have grown and matured happily in this beautiful family full of warmth and love in XX.

Recently, due to my development needs and personal reasons, after a long time of reflection, I have had to make the decision to resign from my course teaching role and leave xx school. Therefore, I solemnly submit my resignation to the leadership. Thank you very much for your concern and understanding. In the following working hours, I will continue to work diligently, assist in the handover of related work, and stand in the last position.

I believe that I deeply love xx, and under your wise leadership, we will be able to set one brilliant milestone after another. Blessing xx!





大学英语辞职信范文 第24篇















Dear leader


After writing this resignation report, I hesitated for a long time. I have been at xxx Kindergarten for x years, and I really like it here. I hope to persist and continue to develop here! But I understand that life cannot always be smooth sailing, nor can everything be carried out according to ones own ideas. Therefore, I can only submit this resignation report!

Im sorry, but I decided to leave xxx Kindergarten due to my own reasons. Over the years, I have always kept in mind the training and guidance you have given me in education. Thank you for your guidance and assistance! But in my current situation, I am not suitable to continue working as a teacher at XX Kindergarten. In order to handle my own affairs well in life, I must submit my resignation to you here. I am truly ashamed of the trouble and impact it has caused you, but I still hope you can approve it.

Although I am a Preschool teacher, I have always been proud of my responsibility as a peoples teacher! In educational work, I am full of enthusiasm and a spirit of struggle, actively leading the children in my class to learn and grow in xxx Kindergarten! Over the years, watching the children of Class XX grow up day by day, my heart is also filled with joy and pride.

But now, due to changes in my own situation and the need to deal with many things in my family life, I have to resign from this job and focus on handling my own affairs.

I also feel very ashamed to make such a choice. As a Preschool teacher, I have to leave so many students behind! Leaving behind your beloved kindergarten?! This decision made me very resistant at the beginning. But soon, I also realized that such a choice was inevitable. Nowadays, I have many things to be busy with at work, but there have been many changes at home. As a teacher, I am unwilling to let go of my responsibilities, but as a family member, I cannot let go of my responsibilities towards my family!

Im sorry, I chose to take responsibility for my family, but it also means that I have to choose to leave the school. Im sorry, but this is an inevitable choice, and I can only make that choice.

Im sorry, but due to my own problems, I have added trouble to you again. Although my departure will bring a lot of pressure to other teachers, I hope everyone can forgive me more. I also wish that there will be even more outstanding and outstanding new teachers coming to XXX Kindergarten, bringing more gains to children and experiencing a better childhood.

Afterwards, I will leave the kindergarten in a month, and I hope you can prepare for the handover as soon as possible. I will persist until the last moment of my position!

Here, I also wish the teachers and students of xxx Kindergarten good health, smooth work, and progress in learning! Wishing everyone more and more happiness!





大学英语辞职信范文 第25篇











Dear leader


First of all, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read my resignation report. I am writing this resignation report with a very complex heart. Since I entered Suguo Supermarket

With guidance and trust, I have gained many opportunities and challenges. After working in a supermarket during this period, I have learned a lot about supermarket knowledge and accumulated some experience. I am deeply grateful for this. Due to my lack of experience, my recent work has made me feel inadequate. For this reason, I have been thinking for a long time and feel that the current work arrangement in the supermarket is not completely consistent with my previous career planning. After careful consideration, I have decided to resign from this job in order not to affect the sales performance of the supermarket due to my personal reasons.

I know that this process may cause you some inconvenience, and I deeply apologize for this. I will complete the work handover during this period to reduce the inconvenience caused to the supermarket due to my resignation. Thank you very much for your guidance and care during this period. The experience in the supermarket is very precious to me. I will feel honored to be a member of Suguo Supermarket at any time in the future. I am confident that this work experience in the supermarket will be a significant part of my entire career development.

Wishing supermarket leaders and all colleagues good health and smooth work! I apologize again for the inconvenience caused by my resignation to the supermarket, and I also hope that the supermarket can understand my actual situation,

Consider and approve my application.





大学英语辞职信范文 第26篇

Dear Mr.

Please accept my resignation as associate chemist at the GERT Institute. I plan to leave my job here on September 30, 19,taking a few days of annual leave just prior to that effective date.

As you know, my primary interest has been in the oil and gas industry. Therefore, I’ve accepted a position with Fury Refining, Inc., that should put me back in touch with my “first love.”

Although I’m eager to accept the challenges in this new position, I regret leaving the institute. You and the organization as a whole have treated me very well over the past three years. I won’t forget the friendship and professional growth I’ve experienced as an employee here.

Best wishes to all of you for years of expansion here.


大学英语辞职信范文 第27篇











Dear leader


I am a new employee at your supermarket. During these three months of work, I am very grateful for the opportunity to work and study at your supermarket. But here, I will regretfully submit my resignation application to the supermarket.

I have been at the supermarket for three months, and in less than half a year, I have learned a lot of business knowledge and deeply experienced the enterprising spirit of your supermarket. Our employees are very dedicated and working overtime is no longer a novelty. Some employees even work hard to complete tasks in a timely manner. The supervisor is also very serious and responsible, and there is no lack of empathy and understanding towards the employees. So I believe that with such excellent employees and leaders, supermarkets will surely thrive.

However, a good job may not necessarily be suitable for everyone. My personal personality is relatively introverted. However, my adaptability is not strong, and it is difficult to adapt to the work. After a long period of consideration, I have come to the conclusion that I am not feeling well and should work. So, I have decided to resign.

I deeply apologize for the impact my actions have had on the company. Finally, in the remaining days of working in the supermarket, I will definitely stand by the last shift to ensure that there will be no major mistakes in my position. And do a good job in handover work.

Wishing the supermarket industry prosperous development, and also wishing all leaders good health and smooth work!





大学英语辞职信范文 第28篇











Dear leader


I came to work at our convenience store in August, and now its December. These four months have made me feel the hardships of the retail industry and given me some new ideas for my future. So after repeated struggles, I chose to resign. The main reason for resigning this time is because I have figured out what I really need. I am also more stable than before, so after repeated struggles, I still made this choice. I will not regret it, and I hope you can achieve it. Thank you!

I used to be a very stubborn and rigid person, and I couldnt accept night shifts, but I still did this job. Since entering this position, I have come to understand that every job is not so easy to do. Sometimes, only by allowing ourselves to change can we improve our environment and achieve some real growth. This is an inevitable thing. I will always firmly believe in this principle, allowing myself to constantly strive, move forward, change, and grow.

I am still quite young now, in my twenties and fours. I first chose the retail industry because I was more interested in it. I want to learn and exercise more while I am still young. Although I am a girl, I should be able to do my job well. Previously, I couldnt accept staying up late because my skin was poor. Although I worked as a salesperson, I didnt want to encounter any trouble because of this. However, to exercise myself, I inevitably had to go through some unavoidable things. So I still persevered, but until now, I feel like I cant hold on anymore. Although I am already familiar with this environment, in fact, for me, life still requires passion and desire. I want to change myself, change my current life, and also change my low state.

The job at a convenience store is not very tiring, but it can also be quite tedious and complex. Sometimes, I may encounter unexpected events, and I may feel panicked and at a loss. However, gradually, I still grew up. I began to understand how to handle these things time and time again, and how to arrange my time and life. I am still growing and moving forward with my goals. Now, unfortunately, my goal has changed direction, and I believe it is also a good goal, and I look forward to this future.

I am very grateful to my store manager. You have had a great impact on me and have given me a lot of substantive encouragement and support. I really appreciate your support and I think I will continue to work harder. No matter what setbacks and difficulties you may encounter in the future, I will always remember your advice and continue to move forward.





大学英语辞职信范文 第29篇


您们好! 首先向您们说声抱歉,我辜负了您们对我的期望,今天写信是向您们提出辞职的。








Dear school leaders

Hello everyone! First of all, I apologize to you for not living up to your expectations of me. I am writing today to resign from you.

Since I arrived five years ago, I have been receiving various tips and help from you. Its not just a simple _thank you_ thats enough, but I still want to solemnly say to you, _Thank you! Thank you for letting me grow up happily and happily! I really enjoyed working in this big family, and its already been my fifth year without realizing it. Sincerely thank you!_ I remember that I only graduated from university six months ago, Suddenly, I transformed from a student into a glorious peoples teacher, and I am both familiar and unfamiliar with the profession of teaching. When I first came to school, I didnt understand anything and had very little courage. It was under your leadership that I adapted to the environment, understood the basic situation of the school, and put my work on track.

During these five years of work, due to factors such as personality and work experience, I may have caused a lot of trouble to you and the school. I deeply apologize for this!.

In these five years of teaching life, I have truly felt the bits and pieces of education, although it is hard, it is also sweet. Although I have not achieved great success in teaching, I can still say that I have a clear conscience. Because I really insist on _giving students more love and being more sincere about education!_ But now due to family reasons, I need to change my workplace, so please understand! I am submitting the reason for my resignation. Please review it carefully.

I also appreciate your trust and support during my tenure, and wish all the leaders and colleagues of the school greater success in their future work. Wishing you all the best!





大学英语辞职信范文 第30篇




一旦你投入到一份新工作中,这意味着你的.生活将发生新的变化。当然,我认为在XXX工作对我来说是一种全新的生活方式(公司名), 与我最初的生活相比有很多明显的不同,我仍然对这两年我个人生活中发生的这些变化感到惊讶。也许这些仍然会在我未来的生活中留下一个标记。





Dear All:

Now it is time for me to say Bye to everyone of you for being co-working in the last more than two years.

Here, Id express my sincere thanks to you for the demonstration of team work spirit , and your professional technical/ Management skill and experience really impressed me deeply.

Once you plunging into a new job, that means a new change will happen in your life. Surely, I think it s a totally new life-style for me to work in XXX(公司名), there have abounds of definite difference compared with my originals, I am still astonished these changes in my personal life happened in this two years. Maybe these will still keep a marked sign in my future life.

Good Luck...





大学英语辞职信范文 第31篇

Dear all friends,

I would like to take a moment to let you know that I am leaving XXX(公司名) and tomorrow will be my last working day。 The past four years have been the most remarkable and rewarding time in my working career。 The privilege to work with you is a gift that I will always treasure and one which I never took lightly。 And your support in believing in me and what we could accomplish together will never be forgotten。 Thank you all for the support, guidance and encouragement you have provided me in the past。 Thank you all for enriching my life and for letting me be a part of this wonderful family。 Please keep in touch。 I can be reached at my personal email address or via my mobile phone +86 1350XXXXXXX。

Thanks again for everything。

Yours truly,


大学英语辞职信范文 第32篇










Dear supermarket leader

Hello everyone!

Thank you very much for the trust and care that the supermarket has always shown me, and for providing me with a platform to leverage my personal strengths. During my four years working in the supermarket, my leaders have also given me a lot of cultivation, which has taught me a lot and made me progress. At the same time, I have also seen the cruelty and ruthlessness of social competition. But because I couldnt get what I wanted in the supermarket, both mentally and materially. During this period, my mood has been quite suppressed, and the pressure from various aspects has made me gasp for breath. As a result, my enthusiasm as a supermarket employee has gradually faded. I dont want to work with this kind of emotion, as it will only cause me to feel sorry for the supermarket and myself. Moreover, I deeply feel that my abilities are limited, unable to meet the requirements of the supermarket, and my abilities are not enough in all aspects of the supermarkets needs. So, I am resigning from the company and hope that the company can understand.

Hope Motor Company can find the right person to take over the cashier work as soon as possible and hope to formally resign in a month. I would be grateful if you could give me more time to find a job, and Hope Motor Company understands! When I submit this resignation, I will definitely do my duty and do what I should do before leaving the position.

I will complete the final work diligently and responsibly during the final period, marking a complete stop. After leaving my job, I will never do anything that would harm the interests of the supermarket, nor will I disclose the internal situation of the supermarket to the public. I sincerely wish the supermarket every success and prosperity in its future development journey! Supermarket leaders and colleagues are working smoothly!

Please review and approve by all leaders of the company!





大学英语辞职信范文 第33篇










Dear leader


Due to personal career planning and some practical factors, after careful consideration, I hereby apply for resignation.

During my time working in the company, I have been fortunate enough to receive the heartfelt guidance and enthusiastic help of various leaders and colleagues. In my current job and professional skills, I have greatly improved. I would like to express my gratitude to the company for providing me with this excellent platform. This work experience will be a valuable asset in my future career. Here, I would like to express my special gratitude to all the leaders for their strong support and assistance in their past work and life; Thank you to all my colleagues who have helped me. I know that this process will cause some inconvenience to the company, and I deeply apologize for this. I will complete the handover work in the near future. In order to minimize the impact on my current job, in the early stages of my departure from the company, if any colleagues have any questions about my previous work, I will promptly respond and assist in resolving them.

Please approve my application and assist in handling the relevant resignation procedures. I will continue to do my current work diligently before officially leaving.

Wishing the company prosperous development and bright prospects.





大学英语辞职信范文 第34篇










Dear leader


Unfortunately, at this time, I officially submitted my resignation to xx company. It has been almost two months since I joined xx company, and I began to feel that the atmosphere of xx company is like a big family. Everyone gets along harmoniously, there have been laughter, gains, and of course, pain here. Although somewhat unhappy, at least I learned some things here.

In over a month of work, I have indeed learned a lot. However, the lack of achievement in work always makes me feel lost. I began to ponder and think seriously. Thinking about it, even I was surprised by the result. Perhaps I am not suitable for the job of customer service. And the purpose of coming here to work is just to have something to do and earn some money during this period, and I have no intention of developing here. Because I didnt even know about applying for the job at the beginning, it was just a friend who submitted me the information, so I came here in a daze. After some days, I realized that my current situation was not the same as my own goals. I havent heard about the start of the class either. I always thought it would be better not to do something without value, but now it seems that this job can be classified into this category. More than x months of time have been wasted in vain. I think I should try another job.

I am also very aware that resigning from xx company at this time is a test for myself. xx company is in the midst of hiring, and all previous work is highly valued and promoted by xx company. It is precisely considering the rationality of xx companys future project arrangements, and with a responsible attitude towards xx company, in order to prevent xx company from making mistakes due to me, I solemnly submit my resignation to xx company. I will also leave on the xx day of the month, and I will complete the resignation process and complete the handover work.

Leaving xx company, leaving these colleagues who have shared joys and sorrows, is indeed very reluctant, unwilling to part with the sincerity and friendliness among colleagues. But I still have to decide to leave, and I earnestly ask my colleagues and leaders to forgive me for leaving.





大学英语辞职信范文 第35篇











Dear leader


I have been working as a nurse for more than a year unknowingly. Although I have been guided by the Matron and colleagues, I am sorry that I failed to make progress in my work. I feel guilty for still doing nothing for more than a year. The important thing is to make me realize that I am not suitable for working as a nurse through various performances in my work, Therefore, I have chosen to submit my resignation letter and hope to receive the understanding and support of my leaders.

Failure to fulfill the responsibilities of a nurse is a waste of hospital resources. After all, the hospital leaders have invested a lot of energy and resources in cultivating nursing staff. However, it is shameful that I am behind others in terms of work ability. Although I also take care of patients in the ward with care, I understand that having others take over my duties can do better. It is important to note that the completion of nursing work is crucial for the patients recovery, If I fail to do this job well, it will affect the image of hospital nurses. I dont want patients to think that hospitals are all incompetent because of my own incompetence. If I can create a good work atmosphere with my resignation, even leaving the hospital will make me feel more cost-effective.

Due to a long period of failure to make progress, I feel a bit frustrated with my own performance. Through the support I have received in my past work, I feel very sorry for the trust of the hospital leaders. However, it is really too late to understand this truth at this stage. At least my current situation is no longer suitable for continuing to work as a nurse. Due to repeated setbacks in my work, I have realized that I am not suitable for the position of a nurse, However, due to the shortage of staff in the hospital, I can only grit my teeth and persist. As my first job since graduation, I dont want to give up easily. The decision to resign this time was also a result of long-term observation. Based on the analysis of current nursing work, it can be concluded that I am not suitable for this position.

Although I suddenly resigned and left feeling a bit reluctant, it was for the sake of the hospitals development. As a hospital nurse, I always love the collective and hope for better development in the medical industry. However, without making any contributions, I have also affected the work of other colleagues. As my current situation is not suitable for continuing to work in the nursing position, I plan to resign and leave the hospital no later than early next month, I will find a suitable candidate to take over the nursing job during this period, hoping that someone with better work abilities can take on the nursing position. This self aware approach is also beneficial for the development of the hospital.

Adhering to a responsible attitude towards the hospital, I have decided to leave the nursing position and find a job that is more suitable for me to exercise myself. However, I will keep in mind the efforts I have made in the nursing position in the past and wish the hospital more brilliant achievements under the leadership of hospital leaders.





大学英语辞职信范文 第36篇








Dear leaders of xx Primary School:


I regret to formally submit my resignation to xx Primary School at this time. I have been at xx Primary School for almost a year now, and I am honored to be a member of xx Primary School. I have learned a lot of knowledge and skills during my one-year work at XX Primary School. I am very grateful to xx Primary School for providing me with the opportunity to work and study in such a good environment. But I need to resign due to personal reasons. Due to my own physical condition, I need to go home for recuperation. I hope that my personal reasons will not affect the progress of my work. Therefore, I have to endure the pain of leaving my beloved position.

I hope to complete the work handover before xx (date), xx (month), xx (year). Please arrange the candidates for the work handover. Before leaving my position, I will definitely stand in the last position. The work in my position should be assigned by the leader, and I will definitely do my job well and do what I should do. Please approve my application and assist in handling the relevant resignation procedures. Wishing you good health and success in your career.





大学英语辞职信范文 第37篇











Dear Principal

Hello, I have been working in your kindergarten for two years, and during these two years, I have learned a lot. Both in terms of class leadership and teaching, great progress has been made, all of which are the results of the careful guidance of the leaders and the care of the teachers. I express my sincere gratitude for this.

I remember when I first came to kindergarten, I didnt have any experience or ability to lead the class. It was all under the patient guidance of my class teacher and principal that I gradually made progress. Perhaps I have experienced many difficulties, but I will strive to overcome them.

When I first took over the new class, I was really at a loss. Even the children in the small class didnt listen to me and loved crying, so I had no way to start. Thanks to the diligent guidance of the principal, I have learned a lot of knowledge and principles from it. These are things that cannot be learned from outside. Sometimes, I also make mistakes and receive criticism from the principal. However, I am grateful to you from the bottom of my heart that you have taught me a lot of things and principles.

Now, due to the expiration of the contract period and my throat problem, it has been unresolved for several months. This has made me determined to resign from my current job. I must take care of my throat and then start over. I hope you can understand, please approve.

Thank you to the principal, all the teachers and colleagues. Thank you to the kindergarten for bringing me so much joy and providing me with such a good development platform. I believe that no matter where you are, you are my most beautiful memories.

Here, I wish your kindergarten every success and great success.





大学英语辞职信范文 第38篇

Dear Mr. Smith,

I am sorry to inform you by this letter that I plan to resign my present job in the next month. The main reason is that I will move to Qingdao to live permanently with my family, as Qingdao is my hometown.

Looking back upon my five-year experience in this organization, I have had a very happy and enjoyable time working with you and other colleagues, from whom I have received lots of help and have learnt much. Please accept my sincere gratitude, as well as my regret for not being able to serve here any longer.

Yours faithfully,

Wang Hua

大学英语辞职信范文 第39篇










Dear leader


Firstly, I would like to thank all the leaders for their long-term care, support, and affirmation of my work. Since entering this big family, I have been inspired by the spirit of _unity, pragmatism, exploration, and dedication_. Here, I would like to apologize to you for choosing to leave at this time, but I am also very reluctant to part with it.

Unconsciously, time flies and I have been in school for four years. With the blessing of heaven, I was fortunate enough to join the excellent team of Changzhong Middle School and become a glorious teacher of the people. It was here that I began to step into society and completed my transformation from a student to a member of society.

I still remember that it was already evening when I arrived at school, and you took the trouble to come to our teacher dormitory to offer your kind condolences. The kind conversation helped me eliminate the sadness of leaving my hometown alone, adding a warm and friendly feeling, and an optimistic belief in the future. I still remember the scene on September 1st, xx, when I spoke on behalf of the 14 new teachers at the school opening meeting. The weather, what I said at that time, and the mood at that time were all clear and memorable. I still feel a little excited even when I think about it.

Looking back on these four years, I have so many experiences, I have too many regrets, I have too many people to be grateful for. They watched me grow, they experienced my joys and sorrows, but at this moment, I had to bid farewell to all of them. I am very sad and cannot fight alongside my colleagues, nor can I be with my dear students. I want to return to my hometown, Returning to my aging parents, no matter where I am in the future, I will never forget everything here. Thank you! Finally, I wish our school to leverage its strengths and achieve a thriving enrollment rate in future work!








