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托福写作逻辑论证范文 第1篇

The lecture and the reading discuss ( ). The lecturer puts forward 3 pioints and effectively contradicts the opinions of the reading.

First of all, the reading says that ( ). In contrast, the lecture claims that ( ). By this way, the lecture contradicts the first opinion of the reading.

Second, the reading claims that ( ), while according to the lecture, this is not the case. The lecturer says that ( ). By casting doubt on an important peice of evidence of the reading, the lecture contradicts the second claim of the reading.

Finally, the reading states that ( ), while the lecture claims that ( ). Thus the lecture refutes the last claim of the reading.

托福写作逻辑论证范文 第2篇

The reading passage contends that… (详细的写) The listening material completely refutes the reading passage . It is pointed in the listening that ……(写出main idea 就行)

First, the point, stated in the reading passage, is that … In contrast, the listening passage holds the opposite opinion and believes that ……

Second, the reading passage contends that …… But the speaker in the listening says that …

Third, the author, in the reading passage, believes that …… However, the lecturer in the listening argues that ……

托福写作逻辑论证范文 第3篇


Reading Passage

In the United States, medical information about patients has traditionally been recorded and stored on paper forms. However, there are efforts to persuade doctors to adopt electronic medical record systems in which information about patients is stored in electronic databases rather than on paper. It is argued that storing patients' medical records in electronic databases has several advantages over traditional paper-based record keeping.

Reducing Costs

First, the use of electronic records can help reduce costs by saving money on storing and transferring medical records. While paper records require a significant amount of storage space, electronic medical records take up virtually no space. Moreover, by having patients' records computerized in databases, doctors can easily access the records from almost anywhere and can easily duplicate and transfer them when necessary. This costs much less than copying, faxing, or transporting paper records from one location to another.

Preventing Errors

Second, electronic medical records are crucial to reducing the chances of medical errors. Illegible handwriting, improper transcription of data, and nonstandard organization of paper records have caused errors that, in some cases, have had serious consequences for the patients’ health. In contrast, electronic records are associated with the standardization of forms and legible computer fonts and thus minimize the possibility of human error.

Aiding Research

Third, electronic medical records can greatly aid medical research by making it possible to gather large amounts of data from patient records. It is often impractical, impossible, or prohibitively expensive to manually go through thousands of patients’ paper records housed in doctors’ offices. However, with the existence of electronic medical records, it would be simple to draw out the needed information from the medical databases because the databases are already formatted for data collection. Once in the electronic system, the records could be accessed from any research location.

The reading passage is correct and advocates the adoption of electronic medical records to simplify record-keeping. And yes, modernizing the paper filing system will have a few benefits. But there are a few substantial reasons why it will be impossible to completely eliminate paper records from the medical industry.

To begin with, electronic medical records cannot significantly reduce office operation costs because doctors will still keep paper records, in addition to their electronic records. In many cases, hospital administration doctors and insurance companies require papers with signatures on it for official use. So even though some doctor offices or hospitals we use electronic filing systems, they will also maintain paper records in parallel.

Second, electronic record systems will not entirely eliminate record keeping errors. Human error still exists in the computer age. For example, during medical checkups, doctors still take notes with a paper and pen. These notes are then passed on to other office staff that in turn digitize it and enter data into databases. We all know that doctors have notoriously illegible handwriting, which could be misinterpreted by office staff and incorrectly input into record systems. In this way, errors would still find their way into a digital record system, despite all the best efforts to eliminate them.

Third, the notion that all these electronic medical records could be used in some sort of integrated and large scale research is flawed. Patient medical record privacy is protected by law and not to be shared publicly. Aside from the legal aspect, it is doubtful that many patients would be willing to give legal consent for research teams because obviously this information is very personal and sensitive. This legal obstacle will limit the number of patient participants and not represent a comprehensive data pool for researchers.

Directions: You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and their relationship to the reading passage. Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.

Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they challenge the specific arguments presented in the reading passage.





The reading passage and the lecture mainly talk about the possible influence of using electronic medical record system. The reading believes it offers many advantages, yet the lecture casts doubt on every single point the reading makes.

The author claims that adopting the electronic system helps reduce costs for storage space and information transition that are associated with paper records. Nevertheless, the professor argues that since many doctors still keep paper records as a backup or for legal reasons even if they use electronic systems, the costs for paper records storage still cannot be avoided.

The reading suggests that using electronic systems can minimize errors since it involves standardized form and organization where no handwriting is needed. On the contrary, the professor points out that most doctors still use pen and paper to record information when examining patients even if they have already started using electronic systems. Since the staff members who computerize the information later do not necessarily recognize their handwriting, there still can be mistakes.

The reading passage indicates that the electronic medical records could be used for aiding medical research, for the large amount of data in it is easily accessible. However, the lecture contradicts this opinion and mentions that the privacy laws grant patients the right to forbid others to use their medical information for any purposes other than giving them proper treatments. That means using these large amounts of medical information involves too many complications like getting permissions from patients, thus, medical research based on such a database cannot be as easy as the author suggests.

托福写作逻辑论证范文 第4篇


According to extensive scientific evidence and fossil records scientists have noticed a dramatic decrease in the size and volume of the human brain over the course of 200,000 years. Decreased cranial volume has in turn resulted in decreases in brain mass, irrespective of gender and race. Scientists are still puzzled as to what may have caused this trend but there are three prevailing theories as to the shrinking mechanism.

It is thought that climate change has played a significant role in the decrease in human brain size. Because larger bodies are better at conserving heat, a larger physique would have been tremendously beneficial in the colder climates of the past. As global temperatures rose, natural selection might have favored humans with slighter and smaller frames. Following this logic, as bodies, skeletons, and skulls shrank, the brain also followed suit. A second popular theory correlates the decreased brain size to widespread transitions to agricultural civilizations. Geographically disparate civilizations adopted technologies and practices that made agriculture more viable than hunting and gathering. Paradoxically, the agricultural revolution resulted in diminished nutrition consumption because grain diets lacked sufficient vitamins and proteins vital to the growth of the body and brain. In response to chronic malnutrition, our brain might have shrunk to conserve energy. A third theory postulates that as human muscle mass decreased, so did our brains. Comparison of remains of millennia-old skeletons, distant ancestors of the modern human, indicate a considerable loss of muscle mass as time went on. This decrease in mass may be attributed to an overall decrease in aggression in humans. Simply put, the stronger and larger we are, the more gray matter we need to control massive muscle blocks. As humans dropped muscle mass, there was less need of large brains to control the remaining muscles. In the end, we have a brain that has decreased both in absolute terms and relative to our stature. 【1】气候变化



The human brain has, without a doubt, diminished in size over the millennium. However, the notions listed in the reading passage do not stand up to scrutiny. To begin with, the size of the human brain has nothing to do with changing temperatures. Fluctuating temperatures have been recorded throughout history, and nowhere in the skeletal remains or fossil records. Is there any indication of a corresponding fluctuation and the volume of human skulls. Instead, brain size has only continued to decrease despite temperature fluctuations.

The notion that adoption of agricultural technologies and the shifting of societies to focus on farming had a role in the shrinking of the brain is very suspect. If there was a direct correlation between adoption of agriculture and a shrinking brain, then we would expect to see this in every part of the globe that made the shift agriculture. However, scientists have noted that many areas of the African continent made the transition to agriculture much later than other civilizations. What was observed was that even though they did not adopt agriculture, there was still a shrinking of brain size. Clearly, this is evidence that agriculture and brain size are not interrelated. Finally, let me address the relationship between muscle mass and brain size. Examining the available skeletal and fossil remains indicates that although both muscle mass and brain size did decrease, the decrease was not proportional. The human brain has shrunk roughly ten percent, while the decrease in muscle mass was insignificant, less than two percent. In most cases, if a true relationship between muscle mass and brain size existed, we would expect there to be, if not equal decrease in body mass, then a more dramatic decrease than what has been observed.


You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and their relationship to the reading passage. Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words. Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they challenge the specific arguments presented in the reading passage.

The lecture systematically challenges the three prevailing theories proposed in the reading passage regarding the decrease in human brain size over the past 200,000 years. Each theory from the passage is addressed and refuted based on evidence or lack thereof, as outlined by the lecturer.

Firstly, the lecture disputes the claim that climate change and the need for smaller bodies in warmer climates contributed to a reduction in brain size. It states that there is no evidence in skeletal remains or fossil records to support a correlation between fluctuating temperatures and the volume of human skulls. The lecturer emphasizes that brain size continued to decrease regardless of temperature changes, undermining the argument that climate adaptation influenced brain size.

Secondly, the argument linking the adoption of agricultural practices to a decrease in brain size is also countered. The lecturer points out that if the shift to agriculture directly caused the brain to shrink, this trend would be universally observed in all regions undergoing such transitions. However, the lecture notes that in Africa, where agriculture was adopted later, the decrease in brain size occurred regardless of agricultural practices, suggesting no direct relationship between the two.

Lastly, the theory connecting decreased muscle mass with reduced brain size is challenged. The lecture highlights that while both muscle mass and brain size decreased, the reduction was not proportional, with brain size reducing by approximately ten percent and muscle mass by less than two percent. This discrepancy indicates that the relationship between muscle mass and brain size is not as straightforward as the reading passage suggests.

In summary, the lecture directly challenges the theories presented in the reading passage by questioning the evidence behind climate change effects, debunking the direct impact of agricultural adoption, and disputing the correlation between muscle mass and brain size reductions.












The reading passage and lecture both talk about the reasons that caused the shrinking of human brain size. The author gives three possible explanations, yet the professor is not convinced by any of them.

The passage suggests that the rising temperature could be used to explain the shrunk brain size. However, the professor points out that temperature did not keep going up throughout history, and instead, it fluctuated from time to time. Since no matter how the climate changed, human brain continued to shrink, attributing the shrinking to the rising temperature does not stand up too much scrutiny.

The author believes that human brain shrank due to the transitions to agricultural civilization. Nevertheless, the professor argues that the adoption of agricultural technologies did not happen simultaneously everywhere in the world. Some people on the African continent, for example, made that transition much later than others on the planet, but they too experienced the shrinking of brain size like the rest of the world, which indicates that the transition to agricultural society has nothing to do with the shrinking brain size.

The last explanation made by the author is that human brains shank because their muscle mass decreased, and as a result, a larger brain was no longer needed for muscle controlling. The professor, on the other hand, points out that the decreases of human brain size and muscle mass were not proportional. Actually, while our brain size shank about 10%, the decrease of muscle mass was much less than that (only about 2% loss). That makes it hard to believe that the loss of muscle mass caused the shrinking of our brains.




