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初三英语第四单元作文范文 第1篇





初三英语第四单元作文范文 第2篇





阴晦( yīn huì ) 萧索( xiāo suǒ ) 猹( chá) 祭祀( jì sì )

五行( wǔ xíng ) 装弶( zhuāng jiàng ) 伶俐( líng lì ) 潮汛( cháo xùn ) 髀(bì)间 伶仃( líng dīng ) 愕然( è rán ) 鄙夷( bǐ yí )

嗤笑( chī xiào ) 应酬( yìng chou ) 世面( shì miàn ) 惘然( wǎng rán )

瑟缩( sè suō ) 廿(niàn)年 黛青(dài qīng) 隔膜( gé mó )

潺潺( chán chán ) 恣睢( zì suī ) 寒噤( hán jìn ) 颧骨( quán gǔ )

脚踝( jiǎo huái )

第15课 《我的叔叔于勒》

拮据( jié jū ) 衣冠( yī guān ) 栈桥( zhàn qiáo ) 糟蹋( zāo tà )

无赖( wú lài ) 与日俱增( yǔ rì jù zēng ) 十拿九稳( shí ná jiǔ wěn ) 别墅( bié shù ) 褴褛( lán lǚ ) 牡蛎( mǔ lì ) 撬开qiào

郑重其事( zhèng zhòng qí shì ) 女婿( nǚ xu ) 端详(duān xiáng)

恭维( gōng wéi ) 阔绰( kuò chuò ) 煞白( shà bái ) 狼狈(láng bèi)

嘟囔( dū nang ) 流氓( liú máng ) 诧异( chà yì )

第16课 《孤独之旅》

家底( jiā dǐ ) 眺望( jiā dǐ ) 雍yōng 觅食( mì shí )

嬉闹( xī nào ) 空旷( kōng kuàng ) 撩逗( liáo dòu ) 炊烟( chuī yān )

狗吠( gǒu fèi ) 胆怯( dǎn qiè ) 掺杂( chān zá ) 驱除( qū chú )

镰刀( lián dāo ) 恶劣( è liè ) 温顺( wēn shùn ) 戳破( chuō pò )

歇斯底里( xiē sī dǐ lǐ ) 旧茬 chá 纯粹( chún cuì )

肥硕( féi shuò ) 撅断( juē duàn )

初三英语第四单元作文范文 第3篇















初三英语第四单元作文范文 第4篇

科目 英语

年级 高二

文件 high2

标题 Mainly Revision

章节 第四单元

关键词 内容



rose check magazine 四会

fix face to face take a photograph (of) hand (vt.)

deliver rail

as well

care for

daily 三会

chief event immediately develop add lorry


be popular with somebody suitable weekly rewrite

Business Weekly

journalist editor advertisement headline interview 二会

get down to photographer

latest publish edition section besides


Are you /Will you be free then? Yes, I'll be free. I'd like to go.

Let's go together then I'll meet you at the theatre at six-thirty.

Good! See you then.

What time shall we meet? Where is the best place to meet?

What about meeting outside? I suggest….




1. I want to have a look at what's on this weekend. 我想看看本周周末上演的什么。

句中的What's on this weekend是名词性从句,在句中作短语动词look at的宾语。what's on…?是一个固定的表达方式,后跟时间或地点状语,表示“……(时间/地点)上演什么?”on在此是作为副词用的,应重读。on是一个十分活跃的词,作为介词用时,它也可以表示类似的形容词所表示的意思,表示“在……进行之中”例如:What's on at the New Star Cinema tonight? 今晚新星电影院上演什么?

Is there a new film on lately? 最近上演什么新电影了吗?

My parents are on their holidays. 我父母亲正在度假。

They are on a friendly visit to our country. 他们正在对我国进行友好访问。

2. Is there anything good on? 有什么好节目在上演吗?

句中的good是不定代词anything的定语。当形容词作定语修饰象something, anything, nothing这类不定代词时,要把形容词放在这类不定代词之后。例如:

There is nothing important in today's newspaper. 今天报上没有什么重要消息。

Do you have anything interesting to tell us?你有什么有趣的事要告诉我的吗?

3. They are said to be very good. 据说他们很棒。

a. 句中的they指的是前一句中的a pop group(流行音乐演唱团)。

b. 不定式短语to be very good在句中作主语补足语,说明主语(they)的情况。全句相当于:People say they are very good.或It is said that they are very good.在此,句型sb. is said to do和It's said (或They / People say )+that从句所表示的意思是相同的,可以相互替换。作“据说……”,“听说……”解。例如:It's said he works for China Daily (=He is said to work for China Daily.)据说他在《中国日报》社工作。

It's said the bridge is now over 700 years old. (=The bridge is said to be over 700 years old.)据说这座桥已有七百多年历史了。

1. Reporters are then sent to cover the events.然后记者就被派去采访这些事件。


The experienced reporters were sent to cover the confrence. 有经验的记者被派去报导大会的消息。

All important events in this area are covered in the local newspapers.




The magazine had a picture of a horse on the cover. 这本杂志封面上画着一匹马。

Our desks and chairs are fitted with loose covers. 我们的桌椅均配有桌套和椅套。


She covered her knees with a blanket. 她把毯子盖在膝盖上。

I was covered in/with mud by a passing car. 一辆过路的汽车溅了我一身泥。

His lecture covered the subject thoroughly. 他的演讲对这个问题阐述得很透彻。

The soldiers can cover the distance on foot in an hour. 士兵们可以在一小时内走完这段路程。

Is that word covered in the dictionary? 这部词典里有那个单词吗?

2. As soon as the reporters know what to write about, they get down to work. 新闻记者一旦得知他们所要写的新闻,就着手干起来。

句中的短语动词get down to sth, 作“开始干某事”解,(相当于to begin to do /doing sth.)其中的to是介词,后接名词,代词或~ing形式。例如:

It's time I got down to some serious work. 我该认真干点正事了。

When you get down to something, you should work hard. 当你着手做些事的时候,你应该努力地去做。

While the weather was fine, my father got down to repairing the house. 趁着天气好,我父亲开始修理房屋了。

telephone people and fix a time for a face-to -face interview with them. 他们同有关人士打电话,约定时间同他们进行面对面的采访。

a.句中的face-to -face是一个固定词组,意思是“面对面”,在句中作定语,修饰名词interview.例如:

It's hard for them to have a face-to -face argument. 进行面对面的争论对他们来说不容易。

需要注意的是,如果face to face不连写时,作状语用,意思是“面对面地”,“面对着”,“碰面”。例如:

The hospital and the food store stand face to face. 那家医院正对着食品店。

I've heard of the famous professor, but I never met him face to face. 我听说过那位著名的教授,但是从没和他见过面。

除了这一词组外,类似还有一些,如:heart to hear心连心,贴心的,hand in hand手拉手,arm in arm臂挽臂shoulder to shoulder肩并肩。

b.句中的fix是动词,作“确定”,“约定”解。fix a time for…是“约定时间干某事”的意思。例如:

Have you fixed a date for the wedding?你们举行婚礼的日子确定了吗?

The lecture was fixed for eight o'clock in the morning. 报告会定于早八点举行。


My watch has stopped. I'll have it fixed. 我的手表停了,我要去修理了。

初三英语第四单元作文范文 第5篇

科目 英语

年级 高二

文件 high2

标题 Mainly Revision

章节 第四单元

关键词 内容





1.对话(Lesson 13)



Making an appointment(日常约会)

Will you be / Are you free this evening? Yes,I'll be free.

Are you going to see the new film? Yes,I'd like to.

Let's go together then,shall we? Ok.

What time shall we meet? I suggest 7 o'clock.

Where is the best place to meet? What about meeting outside the theatre?

Sounds good idea. See you. See you then.





a.理解课文大意,能回答有关问题( Exercise 1);






journalist, event, cover, fix, face-to-face, interview, photographer, editor, save, headline, check, develop, deliver, rail, daily, cost, everyday.


get down to work, fix a time for, work on, type……into computer, hand sth. to sb., be popular with, as well, care for, take a photograph (of), look up.


例1:What's on this weekend at the People's Theatre?

”The Red Roses“ are giving a performance.

例2:If you want to get a job in the company, you may have a face-to-face interview with the manager.

例3:As a teacher of English, she is liked by her students.

As a teacher of English, she ____ ____ ____ her students.(is popular with)

例4:Final examination is coming, and you should begin to prepare it.

Final examination is coming, and you should ____ ____ ____ ____ it.(get down to preparing)

例5:It is said that the performances are very good.

People ____ ____ ____ ____ are very good.

The performances ____ ____ ____ ____ very good.(say that the performances);(are said to be)


1、The most important event of this year is that Macao will return to China in December.


2、Which events have you entered for?


3、They sent the best reporters to cover the conference.


4、Cover the table with a cloth.


5、By sunset we had covered thirty miles.


6、His research covers a wide field.


7、Is that word covered in the dictionary?


8、They have fixed the date for the wedding.


9、My watch has needs fixing.


eyes were fixed on the gun.


is fixing his thought on what he is doing.


had a shelf fixed to the wall.


will save time if we drive the car instead of walking.


will save me 50p if I buy the smaller box.


is saving to buy the computer.


doctor saved the child's life.


man saved the child from drowning.


are saving for a new car.


delivered your order to your door.


you deliver my message to my father?


delivered his speech effectively.


must help to deliver them from misery and suffering.


's time to get down to some business.


's fix a time for meeting.


sat up far into the night, working on the report.


had a face-to-face argument with them.


are standing there, face to face.


type the article into the computer.


hand the book on the desk to me.


in your examination papers now, please.


teacher handed out the books at the beginning of the lesson.


new book is very popular with readers.


'm going to London and my sister's coming as well.


realy care for the students in my class.


cared for her father in his dying years.


you care for some tea?


wants to take a photograph of the Great Hall of the People.


up the time of the next train in the timetable.




1)Seeing is believing.


2)Playing football is his favourite sport.



It is +名词(或形容词)+动名词

No use

It is no good doing that.

A waste of time

So nice / interesting / foolish……

It's a waste of time waiting here.


It'sso nice talking to you.



There is no + 动名词

如:There is no joking about such matter.这事开不得玩笑。



Group I: admit, appreciate, avoid, celebrate, consider, delay, deny, dislike, enjoy,

excuse, explain, finish, forgive, imagine, keep, mention, mind, miss, practise,

prevent,risk, suggest, understand……

GroupII: need, want, require

GroupIII: permit, allow, forbid, require

*Group II: need, want, require 三个词后面跟的动名词必须是主动形式。同时,其动名词不能随意扩大。例如:

(1)This house needs cleaning.这房间该打扫一下。

(2)That car wants repairing.那车需要修理了。(但不能说:I want resting.我需要休息。)

*Group III: 第三组词跟人作宾语后,必须用不定式作补语。例如:

This room won't allow smoking.在这间屋里不准吸烟。

We do not allow anybody to smoke here.这里不许吸烟。


(1)We enjoy dancing like you do.我们和你一样也喜欢跳舞。

(2)Would you mind opening the window?打开窗子你介意吗?



remember +动名词 表示动作已经完成

forget +不定式 表示动作尚未发生

I remember locking the door. 我记得把门锁上了。

You must remember to lock the door.你一定要记住锁好门。

I'll never forget seeing the Alps for the first time.我永远不会忘记第一次看见阿尔卑斯山的景。

I'm afraid he will forget to write to me.恐怕他会忘记给我写信。


+动名词 表示停止做某事

+不定式 表示停下来,开始做某事

The man stopped working and began to have a rest.那人停下手里的活,开始休息。

The man who was talking stopped to work.正在说话的那人停下来开始工作。


+动名词 表示学习某事/物

+不定式 表示学会了某事/物

Having learned to skate, she began to learn swimming.



+动名词 表示继续做同一件事

+不定式 表示继续做另一件事(动作不变内容/方式变)

He went on reading the story.他继续读那篇故事。

He went on to read another story.他继续读另一篇故事。


+动名词 表示实验

+不定式 表示尽量:企图

I tried cooking the meat in wine.我试着用酒煮肉。

Try to get here early.尽量早点到这里。


+动名词 表示害怕做某事的后果(不具体)

+不定式 表示害怕而不敢去做(具体)

He is afraid of falling.他害怕会摔倒。

He was afraid to go there alone, so he remained.他不敢独自去,于是就留下了。


+动名词 表示意味着

+不定式 表示打算,意欲

This will mean giving you some trouble.这意味着给你添麻烦。

I don't mean to trouble you.我并没想给你添麻烦。



Prefer A to B

Prefer to do A rather than do B

Prefer doing A to doing B.

(=would rather do A than do B)


1)I prefer to stay in a house rather than stay in a hotel.我宁愿住在一所房子里也不愿住宾馆。

3)She prefers listening to music to playing the piano.她宁愿听音乐也不愿去弹钢琴。


+动名词 表示情不自禁

+不定式 表示不能帮忙(某事)

Hearing the news, she can't help laughing.


At that time I was very busy,so I can't help(to) repair your bike.


2)后面用不定式和动名词,其含义不变的动词有:begin / start / continue

They began working / to work soon after they arrived.


3)like, hate, love, prefer 等动词既可以接不定式,又可接动名词,意思相同。单表示一个特定的具体动作时,接不定式。

Children like / love to see cartoons.=Children like / love seeing cartoons.


--Can I give you a Life?

--No,thanks. I prefer to walk back, for it is not far.





完形填空(Cloze Test)是外语学习中一种综合练习或测试形式。这种题目提供一篇短文,把文中的若干词语抽出,留出空白,要求学生根据全文的意思,把正确的词语填入空白处。完形填空是一项考查学生综合运用所学词汇,语法知识能力和阅读理解能力的重要题型。同学们普遍认为,这种题很难。但是,如果你掌握了做完形填空的基本规律,正确运用已掌握的词汇,语法知识,完全可以取得较为满意的成绩。
















(1)What's on this weekend?


What's on +时间/地点,表示“在……时间/地点上演什么”,其中on是副词,作表语,意为“上演”,“演出”。

What's on tonight?


What's on at Guanglu Cinema?


(2)They are said to be very good.


本句用了“sb. is / was said +不定式”的句型。它还可以转化为下面两个句型:

i It is / was said + that 从句

ii They / people say +that 从句


It is said that they are very good.

People say that they are very good.

[注]可用于上述句型的动词除say外,还有report, hope, believe, suppose等。

(3)There is no more time left for adding new stories ……


There is (no) …… left for sth. / doing sth. 的意思是“还留下(没留下)……来干某事。”

There is some time left for singing a song.


There is a little money left for buying the books.


There is no space left for putting the writing-desk.


(4)China Daily has plenty of advertisements, which help to cut the costs of making the newspaper.


Daily 是专有名词需要大写。


You have plenty of time to do the work.


There are plenty of men out of work.



My new car, which I paid several thousand pounds for, is not running well.



His salary has been cut by ten per cent.



例1:The public library and the school stand across the street.

to face or C



face-to-face带连字符的合成词在句子中作定语,而face to face不带连字符则在句中作状语。例如:After a face-to-face interview, he got the job.在一次面试后他得到了那份工作。In the carriage they sat face to face.在火车车厢里他们面对面地坐着。类似的结构:heart-to-heart贴心的back-to-back背靠背的hand-in-hand手拉手的shoulder-to-shoulder肩并肩的。

例2:He also learned to messages the 8th Route Army.

; for ; to

; from ; to



deliver: take (letters, parcels,goods, message, etc)to the place or people they addressed to 递送;传送

短语:deliver + 名/代 + to

We delivered your order to your door.


另外,deliver: to say; read aloud 发言;发表

deliver + 名/代

After he came into power, the President delivered a wonderful speech.





Jim: It's very kind of you to come and see me off.

Bob:My pleasure. 1

Jim: Thank you, and please say good-bye to all my friends in the college for me.

Bob: can leave that to me.

Jim: 2 How can I thank you enough?

Bob:You're welcome. 3 I hope you'll come again.

Jim: 'll try my best to come back again and to see my friends here.

Bob: 4 .

Jim: 2:45, they say.

Bob: 5 .We'd better say good-bye now.

Jim: See you.

is only a quarter to go

will you get home?

wish you had a good time during your stay here.

have given me so much help during my stay here.

time is your flight taking off?

wish you a pleasant journey home.

've been happy go do what I could.


6.”Can I have a look at your new car?“”Certainly, .“

look 's to dear

's really beautiful ahead

wonderful concert will be at the theatre across our school.

many pages have you so far?Can you return the book to me tomorrow?

reason do you have for doing so?

was told so was told to

hoped to 'd like to

is often seen to be made behind after school.


's time for us to to some work. We ought to do something every day.

on up

down in

I write something, I usually go to the library to the necessary facts.

up out

down on

is very with many college students.

date has been fixed their visit china.

; to B./; to

; / ; for

professor you want to see is an important experiment now.

on out

on on


's no use with him


quarrelling quarreled

brother regretted a lecture given by professor Wu.


sentence needs .

's a good habit to practise English aloud in the morning.


reading be reading

suggested for an outing next Sunday.


catch up with my classmates means even harder from now on.


22. is easier than doing.



student doesn't mind when he speaks English.

laughed laughed at

be laughed at

are you going to do this afternoon?

---I'm thinking of to visit my aunt.

gone going

25. a reply, he decided to write again.

receiving having received

not not received


When I was walking down the street the other day, I happened to notice a small brown wallet lying on the ground. I picked it up and opened it to see if I could 26 the owner's was nothing inside it 27 some change and an old photograph-a picture of a 28 and a young girl about twelve years old, who 29 the woman's daughter. I put the photograph back and 30 the wallet to the police station, 31 I handed it to the desk sergeant. 32 I left, the sergeant took 33 my name and address in case the owner might want to write and thank me.

That evening I went to have 34 with my aunt and uncle. They also invited a young woman 35 there would be 36 people at the table. Her face was familiar. I was quite sure that we 37 before, but I could not 38 where I had seen her. While talking, however, the young woman 39 mention that she had lost her wallet that afternoon. 40 I realized where I had seen her. She was the young girl 41 the photograph, although she was now 42 .She was very 43 , of course, when I was able to 44 her wallet to her. Then I explained that I had 45 her from the photograph I 46 in the wallet. My uncle 47 going to the police station immediately to claim the 48 .As the police sergeant handed it over, he said that 49 was amazing that I 50 the wallet, but also the person who had lost it.

out for



like if

that that

't meet met not met

to to to

at once once now away

old older older elder



find not only find only found not only found


NANJING(Xinhua)-Suicides(自杀)are on the increase in China, but anyone who feels like taking that route and who lives in Nanjing can now dial 632977 to talk about it.

China's first-ever-suicide-prevention centre opened on July 1st in the capital of East China's Jiangsu Province.

Professor Zhai Zhutao, head of the center, said about 10 per cent of the population suffer from psychological(心里上的)troubles of various kinds, and that suicides are on the rise.

The center offers telephone, mail(信件)and face-to-face advising services while spreading knowledge on how to prevent suicides among people and families.


Friday, July 5, 1991

did the centre open?

July 1 every year

days before the news was published

Children's Day

the first Monday of July in 1991

do we learn about the centre?

sends telephones to those who try to suicide

helps to stop suicide

writes for those who have suicided

often telephones those who live in Nanjing, advising them to prevent suicide

to the news, .

marked increase in suicide has happened in China.

Zhai Zhutao founded the first suicide-prevention centre.

'd better report to the centre on anyone's suicide.

Jiangsu Province has such a centre.

centre's services will certainly work because .

spreads knowledge of life-saving

tenth of the people may suicide

people are suffering

must be some psychological explanation for suicides


father is on China Daily. He is a j .

Wang went to Paris to attend an i conference.

'm going to have a photo taken by the p .

you buy his l book published last month?

you got your films d ?

newly-opened Children's Palace is p with a lot of children.


When you visit London, one of the first thing you will see

is Big Ben, the famous clock which can be heard of all over

the world on the the House of Parliament have not been

burned down in 1834, the great clock would never have built.

It is not only of a huge size, but is extremely accurate(准确的)as well.

Workers from Greenwich Observatory have the clock check twice a

day. On the BBC you can hear the clock when it is stroke because

microphones connected to the clock tower. Big Ben has rarely gone

wrong. Once , it fails to give the correct time. A painter who

had been working on the tower hang a pot of paint on one of

the hands and slowed it down.


1-5 FDGEA 6-10 DDCBA 11-15 CABAD 16-20 AABBC 21-25 CCBBB

26-30 ACBCD 31-35 CABCD 36-40 ABBDA 41-45 BCDBC 46-50 ACDAD

51-54 DBAC 55-60 journalist, international, photographer, latest, developed, propular.

62.去掉of been

65.√ are

初三英语第四单元作文范文 第6篇














天昏地暗 1.形容乌云密布或刮大风时飞沙漫天的景象:突然狂风大起,刮得~。





初三英语第四单元作文范文 第7篇




(2)帮助学生在学习新知识的过程中复习旧知识,并能结合已学句型“How many……can you see ?/ Do you have?/ I can see……/ I have……/等句型进行回答、替换和运用。











本单元授课对象是农村小学四年级学生。经过一年多的学习,对英语保持着浓厚的兴趣 。在上册对1—12的数字的英语学习后,他们期待后面更大数字的学习。所以这一单元,特别是数字词汇的学习,他们会学得主动而轻松。因为教师对学习的了解,本单元就该更关注后进生,给他们更多的机会表现自己,激发他们的学习积极性,让所有学生自然地同步前进,并为接下去的学习打好基础。



1、Everyday English(每日英语)

2、Sing a song.“Ten Little Candle Dance”(师生表演唱)

3、Introduce themselves to new teachers (自我介绍)

Eg:My name is……。I’m a girl/ boy.

I’m from……I like……etc.

4、Play a guessing game(猜数字)

T:which number is in my pocket?


1、Learn to say new words.(学习新数字)



B、Make 13 (让学生用英语编数学算式?+?=13)

Eg:What’s six and seven? Six and seven is 13.




Eg:T:Look!what are they? Ss:Books.

T:How many books can you see?

Let’s count,please.

Ss:One,two……fifteen. B、练习朗读该单词(跟读,打行读,小组读,齐读)


Eg:This is 15. Seven and eight is 15.

I like 15. My brother/ sister is 15.

I have fifteen……


A、T:I have something in my bag. Guess. What do I have?


T:Look!What are they?


T:How many pencils do I have? Guess. Please!


T:Open it and see. Count please. One……eighteen. Oh, eighteen pencils. That’s right. I have eighteen pencils.



Eg:eighteen books

eighteen dogs……


A、T:(拿着球)Look, What’s that? Oh, It’s a ball. I like balls. And I can bounce the ball. Now, I bounce the ball, please count!教师拍球,学生数数,数至20,然后故意把球拍丢了。



教师也用简笔画边画苹果,边提问学生:What can you see? How many apples can you see?(本环节的教学内容可以从数字12添到20。再出示这几个数字卡片让学生读一读。)

2、Listen and repeat.(先给学生听一遍录音,让学生复述自己听到的,然后再翻书指着单词跟读)


三、Practice and consolidation(操练和巩固)



Eg:T:Thirteen, thirteen, Where is 13?

Ss:Thirteen,thirteen, Here it is.


Eg:How many, how many fingers?

Five and seven is twelve. How old are you? How old are you? I’m____


Talk about the picture


教师引导学生就图展开讨论,教师先示范引导:Look this is a picture. Is it beautiful? What can you see? What colour? How many? ……




(2)Listen and connect the dots.(听音连点)

2、二:Read, think and write.(看、想、填)

five fifteen six twelve eighteen

seventeen thirteen nine

3、三:Make a survey.(填写调查表,请用上How many…do you have?I have…。You have…)


Unit 1 …seventeen,eighteen,nineteen,twenty!

A & B Let’s learn Let’s play

5+6=11 5+7=12 5+8=13 thirteen

4→14 fourteen

15 fifteen

6→16 sixteen

7→17 seventeen How many……?

18 eighteen They are……。

9→19 nineteen How nice!

20 twenty The orange one is a bird.


初三英语第四单元作文范文 第8篇

科目 英语

年级 初三

文件 middle3

标题 The World's Population

章节 第二十单元



【 抛砖引玉 】


Ⅰ. 词汇学习

population , billion , India , following , grow , beginning , century . UN , at the beginning of , the more developed countries , the less developed countries , the developing countries , in the year 2000 , hour after hour , on the earth

Ⅱ. 句型结构

What's the population of Germany ?

By what year will the world's population reach 6 billion ?

I didn't know that China's population would grow so fast .

We never asked what would happen to the world .

Ⅲ. 课文学习



【 指点迷津 】


1 . population 人口;人数

- What's the population of that city ? 那个城市的人口有多少 ?

- The city has a population of 300 , 3000 . 该市有30万人口。

The population of the city is less than / 200 , 000 . 此城的人口不到20万。

〖 点拨 〗population 作主语谓语通常用单数,但当其前面有百分数、分数修饰时,谓语用复数。have a population of 有……人口。问人口多少有 what 或者 how large 。

2 . following 接着的;以下的

He became quite well the following day . 第二天,他的身体便好了。

Please translate the following sentences into English .

3 . mouth 嘴

Open your mouth , please .

The boy filled his mouth with food .

His mouth is watering . 他在流口水。

〖 点拨 〗复数直接加 s 。have a dirty mouth 说脏话。from hand to mouth 勉强糊口。

4 . beginning 开始;开端

I've read the book from beginning to end . 我已把这本书从头到尾读完了。

The beginning of the book is interesting . 这本书开头很有趣。

Good beginning is half done . 良好的开端是成功的一半。 ( 谚语 )

He came back at the beginning of the school term . 这学期开始时他回来了。

〖 点拨 〗from beginning to end 从头到尾。

5 . century 世纪;百年

The church is some centuries old . 这座教堂已有数百年的历史了。

6 . by 到……为止 ( 指时间 ) ,不迟于

I'll finish the work by this week . 在本周末前我将把工作完成。

He can't get here by 5 0'clock . 五点钟之前他到不了这里。

This work must be finished by the end of this month .

〖 点拨 〗by the end of 到……末端为止,by the way 顺便说一下。


1 . on earth 在地球上

Two thousand years ago , there were only 250 million people on the earth . 两千年前,地球上只有两亿五千万人。

We live on the earth , but in the future some will be able to live on the moon . 我们生活在地球上,将来有些人可能生活在月球上。

注意on earth 是“世界上;究竟”。如:

What on earth do you mean ? 你究竟是什么意思 ?

He is the greatest man on earth . 他是世界上最伟大的人。

2 . hour after hour 一小时接着一小时,不停地

If the population goes on hour after hour , it will be the biggest problem in our country . 如果人口一小时又一小时地继续增长下去,它将成为我国最大的问题。

So it goes on , hour after hour . In one day , people have to find food for over 250 , 000 mouths more . 随着一小时又一小时地过去,仅在一天内,人们就必须提供25万人吃的食物。

They worked on hour after hour and never left tired . 他们不停地工作,从不感到累。

类似词组还有:day after day 一天又一天 / year after year 一年又一年

3 . at the beginning of 在……初期;在……开头

At the beginning of the twentieth century , the world's population was about 1 , 700 million . 在20世纪初,世界人口大约17亿。

You can find the sentence at the beginning of this chapter . 在这一章的开头你能发现那个句子。

注意at the beginning 是“开始,开头”。如:

At the beginning he wasn't interested in maths . 起初他对数学不感兴趣。

4 . at the end of 在……的末尾;在……的尽头

At the end of the road you'll see the hospital .

At the end of his journey , he went to Shanghai . 在旅行快要结束时,他去了上海。

At the end of 1979 , he came back from Japan . 在1979年末,他从日本回来。

5 . some day 总有一天,有朝一日

Some day you will be sorry about it .

6 . faster and faster 越来越快

The world's population is growing faster and faster . 世界人口增长得越来越快。

注意“比较级 + and + 比较级”表示“越来越……”。又如:

She's getting thinner and thinner . 她越来越瘦了。

7 . no more than 只有,仅有

We have walked on more than ten miles . 我们走了顶多只有10英里。

It took her no more than an hour to write the article . 她仅仅花了一小时就写完了那篇文章。

辨析:not more than 的意思是“至多”,“不超过”。试比较:

There are no more than five students in the classroom . 教室里顶多只有五个学生。 ( 强调“人少”的意思 )

There are not more than five student in the classroom . 教室里的学生不超过五人。 ( 强调“不超过”的意思 )


【 学法指要 】


1 . 以介词开头的特殊疑问句句型

By what year will the world's population reach 6 billion ? 到哪一年,世界人口将达到六十亿 ?

介词 by 在此表示“到 ( 什么时候 ) 为止”。在特殊疑问句中,当疑问句作介词宾语时,有时可将介词放在句首。又如:

By whom is the book written ?

At what time did you tell him to meet us ?

From which library did you borrow the book ?

To whom were you talking ?

2 . 不定式作定语的句型

There will not be enough space even to stand in on the earth . 就是在地球上站着,也不会有足够的地方了。

不定式 even to stand in 用作定语,修饰 space . 注意,stand 是不及物动词。当不定式是不及物动词而作定语修饰名词时,它后面就应有必要的介词。如本句型中的 in 。又如:

He still had no house to live in . 他仍然没有房子住。

There is nothing ( for us ) to worry about . 没有什么值得发愁的。

He is a very nice person to work with . 他是一个很好共事的人。

3. the world’s population 世界人口

( 1 ) population 常用来表示一个地区、一个城市、一个国家的总人口数,当 population在句中作主语时,它后面的动词应该用单数形式。如:

What's the population of the world ? 全世界有多少人 ?

Wuhan has a population of about seven million . 武汉大约有七百万人。

( 2 ) people 常用来表示一个较小范围内的具体人数。如:

About two hundred people came to that meeting .

4 . 英语中数词的读法

( 1 ) 大家知道,数字每隔三位数就有一个分节号,分节以后,各节就成了101 - 999第三位数了。第一分节号前是 thousand ( 千 ) ,第二个分节号前是 million ( 百万 ) ,第三个分节号前是 thousand million ( 英国读法 ) 或 billion ( 美国读法 ) ( 十亿 ) 。读的时候十位数 ( 或个位数 ) 的前面一般要加 and ( 也可不加 ) 。因此,333 333 333 读作:three hundred ( and ) thirty - three million , three hundred ( and ) thirty - three thousand , three hundred and thirty - three

( 2 ) 英语没有单独表示“万”和“亿”的词,所以:

10 000 ( 一万 ) 读作:ten thousand

10 000 ( 十万 ) 读作:one hundred thousand

10 000 000 ( 一千万 ) 读作:ten million

100 000 000 ( 一亿 ) 读作:one hundred million

5 . About eighty - one million 是 The population of Germany ( 或 It ) is about eighty - one million 的简略形式。

6 . … and find out the answers to these questions . ……并找出这些问题的答案。

( 1 ) 辨义:find 与 find out

find 多用于直观所“发现”或“找到”的东西;find out 则强调通过思索、调查等所发现的事物。例如:

I haven't found my pen yet .

We must find out the result of the thing .

( 2 ) 句中的介词 to 表示一种对应或配套关系,不可用介词 of 。例如:

This is the key to the front door . 这是前门的钥匙。

Where is the monument to Liu Hunan ? 刘胡兰纪念碑在哪里 ?

7 . Standing room only 只有立足之地

room 在这里意为“空间,地方”,为不可数名词。例如:

The bed takes up too much room .

8 . By what year will the world's population reach 6 billion ? 到哪一年,世界人口将达到60亿 ?

( 1 ) by“到……止;不迟于”。例如:

By the end of last year , they had learned about one thousand English words .

I'll be back by ten o'clock . 我将10点钟以前返回。

比较:I'll be back at about ten o'clock . 我将于10点左右返回。

( 2 ) 在特殊疑问句中,当疑问词作介词宾语时,有时将该介词置于疑问词前。例如:

With whom were you talking just now ? 刚才你和谁交谈 ?

From which library did you borrow the book ? 你从哪个图书馆借的这本书 ?

9 . Maybe you think that isn't many . 可能你认为174个婴儿并不多。

名右的 that 代替前面提到的 174 babies,这是一个具体的 number ( 数字 ) ,作为一个整体,代词用 that 而不用 those 。例如:

He's learned about five thousand English words . That's really a big number .

The child has learnt hundreds of English words . That isn't easy for him .

10 . So it goes on , hour after hour . 人口出生就这样一小时一小时的延续下去。

( 1 ) so“如此”的意思。it 指上文提到的人口出生。

( 2 ) go on “继续不断”的意思。可作及物或不及物动词词组用。例如:

The work went on well . 工作进行得很好。

Peter went on doing his homework though he was tired .

( 3 ) hour after hour “一小时接一小时。例如:

day after day 一天天 ,year after year 一年又一年

11 . In one day , people have to find food over 250 000 mouths more . 每过一天,人们就不得不为增加的25万多张嘴寻找食物。

( 1 ) 句中的 in 与表示“所用的”时间连用。例如:

She finished reading the book in a week . 她用一星期时间看完了这本书。

( 2 ) 介词短语 over 250 000 mouths more 是介词 for 的宾语。例如:

250 000 mouths more“多25万张嘴”。注意这种表达结构,其中的 more 表示数量的增多。例如:

We don't hear clearly . Please read the text once more .

They've learned about one thousand English wors . And we've learned two hundred more . 他们学了约 1000 个英语单词,我们还多学了 200 个。

( 4 ) 介词 over 可作“多于”、“超过”之意。例如:

It cost me over ten yuan .

12 . Just think how many more there will be in one year ! 想想看吧,在一年时间里将会增加多少人 !

( 1 ) just 常与祈使句连用。例如:

Just come here a moment . 请到这儿来一下。

( 2 ) How many more there will be in one year 是动词 think 的宾语从句。

13 . The population problem may be the greatest one of the world today . 人口问题可能是当今世界最严重的问题。

( 1 ) the greatest one 即 the greatest problem , one 为代词。

( 2 ) 介词短语 of the world today 是 one 的定语。

14 . The world's population is growing faster and faster . 世界人口增长得越来越快。

( 1 ) grow 意为“增长,增大”。句中用进行时 is growing , 很好地表达了当今世界的人口状况。

( 2 ) faster and faster 是副词重叠,修饰 is growing,作状语。副词和形容词比较级的这种重叠使用,相当于汉语的“越来越……”。例如:

The train ran faster and faster . 火车开得越来越快。

15 . But at the beginning of the twentieth century …,然而在二十世纪初……

at the beginning of…“在……之初”。例如:

At the beginning of the class , the teacher drew a picture on the blackboard .


16 . A Un report says that world population will pass six billion by the end of the twentieth century . 一份联合国报告表明,到二十世纪末,全球人口将超过60亿。

( 1 ) Un= ( the ) United Nations“联合国”

( 2 ) pass 意为“超过”。例如:

Run faster , or Li Ming will pass you .

( 3 ) pass 通常还作“通过”、“经过”之意。例如:

We all passed the exam last week .

17 . People say that by the year 2010 , it may be seven billion . 人们说,到 2010 年,世界人口可能达到 70 亿。

( 1 ) by“到……为止,不迟于”。

( 2 ) 句中的 2010 是 the year 的同位语。例如:

the year 1949 一九四九年,the year 1997 一九九七年也可说 the year of 1949 , the year of 1997

这里的介词 of 表示同位关系。

18 . There will not be enough space for anybody else . 再也没有足够的空间来容纳任何其他的人了。

anybody 为不定代词,副词 else 修饰不定代词必须后置。

19 . the more developed countries 比较发达的国家

the less developed countries 不太发达的国家

20 . Which country has the larger population , Canada or Australia ? 哪个国家人口多些,加拿大还是澳大利亚 ?

population 一词指的是总人口 ( 见本单元 1 ) ,所以,说人口多就用 large population 或 big population , 反之就用 small population 。

21 . population ( in hundred million ) 人口 ( 以亿为单位 )

介词 in 表示“用……方式”。例如:

( 1 ) Answer my question in English , please ?

( 2 ) Look , the students are standing there in rows .

22 . There will not be enough space even to stand in on the earth . 地球上将连站立的空间都不够。

( 1 ) 不定式 even to stand in 是 space 的定语,而 space 在逻辑上 ( 或意义上 ) 则是介词 in 的宾语。这种结构中的介词是不能没有的,因为 stand 是不及物动词,不能接宾语,要特别注意。

我们可以说 stand in space 而不能说 stand space 。

( 2 ) 当上面结构中不定式的动词是及物动词时,则不能用介词。例如:

I've some important letters to write .

23 . 同义词 hear 与 listen 的区别。

hear 与 listen 这两个词都是动词,都有“听”的意思。但意思有区别,用法也不同。

hear 是及物动词,表示“听见”,“蝗到”,可能是有意识的听,也可能是无意误解的听。

Louder , please , I can't hear you .

We heard someone laughing in the next room .

hear 还可作不及物动词,后接 of ( about ) 表示“听别人说” ( 指间接听到 ) ;后接from 意 思是“收到 ( 某人 ) 的来信”。如:

I have never heard of such a thing . 我从未听说过这种事。

Have you still not heard from him ? 你还没有收到的来信吗 ?

listen 是不及物动词,表示有意识或注意地“听”,交不说明是否听见的结果;必须加 to 才能接宾语。如:

He often listens to news on radio .

I listened but heard nothing . 我注意听了,但什么也没听见。

24 . 相似词 after , in , later 的区别

after 作介词表示在“某时间之后”, ( 1 ) 它可以表示“在过去的一段时间之间”。 ( 2 ) after 后面不用将来时,而是用现在时态表示将来的含义。如:

She went after three days . 她是三天后走的。

I'll phone you after I arrive . ( or : after I have arrived . ) 我到了之后,给你打电话。

但不说:She will go after three days .

也不说:I'll phone you after I'll arrive .

in 表示从现在起,将来的某时间之后。如:

I will come and see you in five days . 五天以后我来看你。

later 用作副词,常用在过去时的句子中,表示“一段时间之后”。如:

She came a few minutes later . 她几分种后就来了。

later 也可用在一般将来时中。如:

You will realize your mistake later .


I shall call on you three months later .


25 . 同义词 field , ground , earth , land 的区别

( 1 ) field ( 土地,田地 ) ,指可以耕种和种植农作物的土地。

The peasants are working in the fields .

( 2 ) ground ( 地,土地,地面 ) ,主要指大地、陆地的表面,也可以指土壤、场


The little boy was lying on the ground .

( 3 ) earth ( 土,土地,泥土,地面 ) ,可用作“大地”,以别于天空。用作“地面”,以别于海、洋、大气和天空。还可用作“泥土”,以别于坚硬的岩石。earth 还可作“地球”解。如:

The house is built of earth . 这房子是用土筑成的。

The earth is bigger than the moon . 地球比月亮大。

( 4 ) land ( 土地,地面,田地 ) ,作陆地、大地讲时,是河流、海洋的相对用词。用以指土地或土壤时,着重指它的性质、用途,即可耕种的田地。如:

Are you going by land or by sea ? 你走陆路或是海路 ?

Fish cannot live on land . 鱼不能在陆地上生活。

He owns a lot of land , but he never works on the land . 他拥有许多土地,但他从不耕作。

26 . 数字表达法


英语和汉语在表示“百”、“千”、“百万”、“十亿”时分别有相应的单词,如 hundred ( 百 ) ,thousand ( 千 ) ,million ( 百万 ) ,billion ( 十亿 ) 。但在英语中,没有单独的词表示“万”和“十万”,而要用“ten thousand”表示“万”,用“one hundred thousand”表示“十万”。例如:

数字 汉语 英语

100 一百 one hundred

1 000 一千 one thousand

10 000 一万 ten thousand

100 000 十万 one hundred thousand

1 000 000 一百万 one million

10 000 000 一千万 ten million

100 000 000 一亿 one hundred million

1 000 000 000 十亿 one billion

1 200 000 000 十二亿 one billion and two hundred million

【 妙文赏析 】

A Foolish Man Buys Shoes

There was once a foolish man . One day he wanted to go to the market to buy a new pair of shoes . He first measured his feet with a ruler and then took a piece of thread the length of his feet on it . He was in such a hurry to set off that he left the thread of home .

At the market , when arriving at a shoe store , he felt in his pockets , but he only found that thread wasn't in . So he said to the shop assistant in a regretful voice , “I've left my measurement at home , so I don't know the size , I'll have to go back for it . ”With these words , he hurried off .

He hurried home for the thread and then ran back to the market . It took him a lot of time in the trip home and back . By the time he reached the market , it was almost dark and the market was already over . He had gone to all this trouble for nothing , failing to buy the shoes .

Then someone asked him , “Do you want to buy the shoes for yourself or for someone else ? ”

“For myself , of course ! ”he answered .

The man asked him , “Well , but haven't you brought your feet with you ? What do you need to bring the measurement for ? ”

【 思维体操 】

Ⅰ . 考考你的智力,请作出正确的选择

1 . Which of the five designs is least like the other four ?

( a ) ( b ) ( c ) ( d ) ( e )

2 . If you rearrange the letters in “NAICH , ”you would have the name of a ( n ) :


( a ) (b) (c) (d) (e)

3 . Jack is 15 years old , three times as old as his sister . How old will Jack be when he is twice as old as his sister ?

18 20 24 26 30

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

答案: 1 . E All the other figures are symmetrical . 2 . A“NAICH”→“CHINA . ” 3 . Jack is ten years older than his sister . In five years Jack will be 20 , and his sister who is now 5 will be 10 .


【 心中有数 】




1. should / would + 动词原形

He said he would be there before Sunday . 他说他星期天以前将在那里。 ( be 动词肯定式 )

I hoped I should not go the next week . 我希望下星期我不去。 ( do 动词的否定式 )


2. was / were going + 动词不定式


They told me that they were going to have a picnic . 他们告诉我他们将要举行一次野餐。

They were going to have a meeting . 他们曾经打算开个会。


I was just going to ring him up when he came . 我刚要给他打电话,他就来了。 ( 电话没打成 )

有时也用 was / were + coming 表示过去将来时,如:

I didn't know when they were coming again .

3. was / were + 动词不定式

was / were about + 动词不定式

Mary was to meet Jack at the street corner . 玛丽将在街道拐角处同杰克见面。

We were about to leave when the telephone rang . 我们正要走,电话铃响了。

【 动手动脑 】


Ⅰ. 给下列短文每空一个词

I'm glad that I have two good friends . Jack is the ( 1 ) diligent ( 勤奋 ) of them and in fact the ( 2 ) diligent student in my class . He does well in maths . But at first his English was ( 3 ) poorer than mine . He had more English grammar books than ( 4 ) else , but he didn't read or speak often . So my spoken English was much ( 5 ) than his , with the help of the teacher and the classmate , he has spoken even ( 6 ) English than I ( 7 ) the beginning of last term . Many say that my English is not ( 8 ) good as his now . My elder sister says that I must learn from Jack and study ( 9 ) hard ( 10 ) he does .

Ⅱ. 改写句子 ( 在改写后的句子空白处填入一个适当的英语单词,使句意合乎要求或

与原文相符 )

1 . You don't like singing . He doesn't like singing , either .

_____ you _____ he _____ singing .

2 . He is as friendly to us as before .

He is _____ _____ as _____ _____ us as before .

3 . What's the population of that country ?

______ ______ ______ ______ ______ in that country ?

4 . There are over 60 students in our class .

There are ______ ______ 60 students in our class .

5 . Why did you go to that factory ?

______ did you go to that factory ______ ?

6 . I think you are wrong .

I ______ ______ you are ______ .

7 . He is tired , I'm tired , too .

He is tired , ______ ______ I .

Ⅲ . 补全对话

Mary : Hello ! ( 1 ) I speak to Allan ?

Mrs Black : Sorry , Allan isn't in . This is Mrs Black speaking , Who's ( 2 ) ?

Mary : ( 3 ) is Mary , Mrs Black . I called at four thirty this afternoon . but ( 4 ) was in .

Mrs Black : Oh , we were all out . I ( 5 ) back just now . Can ( 6 ) take a message for John ?

Mary : Yes , of course . Please tell John that all the English - Chinese dictionary are sold ( 7 ) . I will ( 8 ) him one . I have been busy these days . I have ( 9 ) important to do today . Would you please tell him to come and get my dictionary ?

Mrs Black : OK .

Mary : Thanks a lot . Good - bye !

Mrs Black : ( 10 )

答案:Ⅰ . 1 . more 2 . most 3 . much 4 . anyone 5 . better 6 . more 7 . since 8 . as 9 . as 10 . as Ⅱ . 1 . Neither , nor , likes 2 . getting on , well , with 3 . How many people are there 4 . more than 5 . What , for 6 . don't think right 7 . So am Ⅲ . 1 . May Could 2 . that 3 . This 4 . nobody 5 . came 6 . I 7 . out 8 . lend 9 . something 10 . Bye - bye

【 创新园地 】


1 . Books are the ever - burning lamps of accumulated wisdom .

- G . W . Curlies

2 . That is a good book which is opened with expectation and closed with profit .

- L . W . Alcott

3 . A good book is the best of friends , the same today and for ever .

- M . Tupper

4 . The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest men of past centuries .

- R . Descarles

5 . Histories make men wise , poems witty ; the mathematics subtile ; natural philosophy deep ; moral grave ; logic and rhetoric able to contend .

- F . Bacon


1 . 好书乃积累智慧之长明灯。 -- 寇第斯

2 . 好书使人开卷有所求,闭卷有所获。 -- 奥尔科特

3 . 好书如好友,友情永不渝。 -- 塔珀

4 . 阅读好书,就好比是同过去多少世纪最杰出的人们交谈。 -- 笛卡尔

5 . 读诗使人明智,读诗使人灵秀,数学使人周密,科学使人深刻,伦理学使人庄重,

逻辑修辞学使人善辩。 -- 培根

【 同步题库 】

Ⅰ . 词汇知识

A ) 用英语写出下列数字的读法

1 . 3 , 333 ______________________

2 . 43 , 210 ______________________

3 . 501 , 522 ______________________

4 . 333 , 333 , 333 ______________________

5 . 6 , 232 , 456 , 101 ______________________

B ) 用括号中词语的正确形式填空

1 . Homework must be ______ on time . ( do )

2 . Man - made satellites have been sent up into space by many ______ . ( country )

3 . Sheep are kept by farmers for ______ wool and meat . ( produce )

4 . Do you enjoy ______ football ? ( play )

5 . Mary is made ______ her clothes by her mother . ( wash )

6 . They ______ here for more than twenty years . ( live )

7 . Neither you nor he ______ well . ( swim )

8 . The population may be the ______ one of the world today .

9 . At the ______ of the twentieth century the world's population was about 1 , 700 million . ( begin )

10 . What was the population of the ______ developed countries in 1950 ? ( much )

Ⅱ . 单项选择

1 . 1 , 988 , 356 in English is ______ .

A . one billion , nine million , eighty - eight thousand , three hundred and fifty - six .

B . one million , nine hundreds and eighty - eight thousands , three hundreds and fifty - six .

C . nineteen million , eighty - eight thousand , three hundred and fifty - six .

D . one million , nine hundred and eighty - eight thousand , three hundred and fifty - six .

2 . ____ is the population of France ?

A . What B . How many C . How much D . How many people

3 . It's too crowded in this house . There's no ____ for us .

A . rooms B . any space C . some place D . room

4 . After rest , we walked two hours ____ .

A . much more B . many C . more D . much

5 . I wanted to know what ____ him in twenty years .

A . will happen to B . happened with C . has happened at D . would happen to

6 . The world's population ____ faster and faster .

A . are growing on B . is turning C . is growing D . are getting

7 . The country is ____ than that one .

A . much developed B . much more develop C . developer D . more developed

8 . There will not be enough space for ____ in about 600 years .

A . anybody B . else somebody C . anybody else D . nobody else

9 . During these years , many doctors went to the ____ countries to help them .

A . not developed B . less developed C . no developing D . not much developed

10 . Three - fourths population of this country ____ farmers .

A . is B . are C . be D . to be

11 . The mother knew that she was going to ____ .

A . grow a baby B . have a baby C . produce a baby D . plant a baby

12 . ____ what year will the world's population reach six billion ?

A . To B . In C . By D . On

13 . China has ____ of more than 1 . 2 billion .

A . population B . populations C . a population D . the population

14 . The world's population is growing ____ than ever before .

A . more quicker B . much quickly C . much quickly D . more quickly

15 . During the last two years , they ____ many houses in their village .

A . will build B . have been built C . built D . have built

16 . I don't think there is enough space for you ____ ____ the earth .

A . stand , in B . standing , on C . to stank , at D . to stand , on

17 . ____ of this year , they went to Paris for a visit .

A . In the beginning B . On the begin C . At the beginning D . To the begins

18 . He came to borrow my car ____ , but I didn't lend it to him .

A . someday B . one day C . some day D . any day

19 . Go straight ahead , you'll find the library ____ of the street .

A . in the end B . to the end C . at the end D . by the end

20 . People landed on the moon for the first time in ____ .

A . 1969 years B . the year 1969 C . the year's 1969 D . 1969 of the years

21 . ____ I haven't been to France .

A . Since B . Then C . So far D . Just away

22 . The girl looks very ____ .

A . beautiful B . wonderfully C . carefully D . care

23 . ____ does he write well , ____ he also speaks well .

A . Not only , but B . not also , but C . Either , or D . Both , and

24 . What happened ____ Mr Green yesterday ?

A . for B . in C . at D . to

25 . There are a lot of trees on ____ side .

A . every B . neither C . either D . both

26 . China is a ____ country .

A . develop B . developed C . developing D . develops

27 . By the end of last year , I ____ 2 , 000 new words .

A . learnt B . had learned C . have learned D . learn

28 . He promised me that he ____ buy me a present .

A . should B . would C . shall D . will

29 . That city has a ____ population .

A . large B . much C . many D . little

30 . The teacher told us to read the ____ passage as quickly as we can .

A . follows B . followed C . follow D . follwoing

31 . Is there ____ room for her to stand in .

A . the B . a C . \\ D . an

32 . One day , people have to find food for over 250 , 000 ____ .

A . more mouths B . mouths more C . many mouths D . mouths many

33 . Who is the girl ____ red skirt ?

A . with B . from C . in D . on

34 . Class is over . Let's stop ____ .

A . have a rest B . to have a rest C . having a rest D . to having a rest

35 . Hurry up _____ you'll be late ____ school .

A . and , in B . but , at C . so , on D . or , for

Ⅲ . 完形填空 ( 单词的首字母已给出 )

Charles was eight and a half years old , and he went to a school near his house . He always went there and came home o ( 1 ) foot . He usually got back on t ( 2 ) . But last Friday he came home f ( 3 ) school late . His mother was in the kitchen . When she saw him , she said to him , “W ( 4 ) are you so late today , Charles ? ”

“My teacher was angry and s ( 5 ) me to the headmaster after our lesson . ”Charles answered .

“To the headmaster ? ”his mother said , “Why did she send you to him ? ”

“Because she asked a question in the class , ”Charles said , “and n ( 6 ) of the children gave her the answer e ( 7 ) me . ”

His mother was angry . “But why did the teacher send you to the headmaster then ? Why d ( 8 ) she send all the other fools to the headmaster ? ”she asked Charles . “W ( 9 ) was the question ? ”

“Her question was who put glue ( 胶水 ) o ( 10 ) my chair ? ”

Ⅳ . 阅读理解

In England nobody under the age of eighteen is permitted to drink in a bar .

Mr Pete liked going to the bar near his house . But he never took his son , Mike , because he was too young . One day when Mike had his eighteenth birthday , Mr Pete took him to the bar for the first time . They drank for about half an hour . And Mr Pete said to his son , “Now , Mike , I want to teach you something useful . You must always be careful not to drink too much . But how do you know that you have had enough ? Well , I will tell you . Do you see those two lights as the end of the bar ? When they become four , it means you have had too much , and you should go home . ”

“But , Dad , ”said Mike , “I can only see one light at the end of the bar , and do you think I am drinking too little ? ”

1 . ______ will be able to drink in the public places in England .

A . Nobody B . No children C . Only old people D . No young people

2 . Mr Pete told his son ______

A . that he was not old enough to drink too much

B . that nobody was allowed to drink too much

C . not too drink more than enough

D . that he should drink much if he wanted to go home

3 . The number of the lights at the end of the bar is ______ .

A . two B . four C . one D . sometimes two and sometimes four

4 . Mr Pete thought ______ .

A . he should not take his son to the bar B . he would no longer take his son to the bar

C . he hadn't drunk more than enough D . had drunk too much .

5 . This is ______ time for Mike to drink in a bar .

A . the first B . the second C . the third D . maybe the fifth

Ⅴ . 补全对话

A : Do you mind my ( 1 ) down here ?

B : Not ( 2 ) ( 3 ) . Do sit down , There's plenty of ( 4 ) .

A : Thank you . I guess you don't smoke , right ?

B : No .

A : May I open the window ?

B : Go ( 5 ) . The weather's great today , ( 6 ) it ?

A : Oh , yes . I hope the good weather will ( 7 ) .

B : You can never tell . It's so changeable ( 8 ) this time of year . Well , do you know when the train ( 9 ) New York arrives .

A : ( 10 ) , I don't know .

B : That's OK , I'll ask the front desk .

Ⅵ . 介词填空

1 . The boy helped the old lady ______ the street .

2 . Shut the door ______ you .

3 . Are you for it or ______ it .

4 . The car runs ______

5 . I met him yesterday , but I knew of him long ______ that .

6 . The temperature today is ______ freezing point .

7 . That will be bad ______ your health .

8 . Steel is made ______ iron .

9 . The house is ______ fire .

10 . The river flows ______ the town from west to east .

Ⅶ . 翻译句子

1 . 世界人口将到哪一年达到六十亿 ?

______ what year will the world's population ______ 6 billion ?

2 . 我们看见汽车一辆一辆地过去了,但没有一辆停下来。

We saw car ______ car go by but ______ stopped .

3 . 你练习得越多,你的英语就越好。

The ______ you practise , the better your English ______ be .

4 . 人口问题也许是当今世界最严重的问题。

The population ______ may be ______ greatest one of the world today .

5 . 我希望一切顺利。

I hope everything ______ ______ well .

答案:Ⅰ . A ) 1 . three thousand , three hundred and thirty - three 2 . forty - three thousand , two hundred and ten 3 . five hundred ( and ) one thousand , five hundred and twenty - two 4 . three hundred ( and ) thirty - three million , three hundred ( and ) thirty - three thousand , three hundred and thirty - three 5 . six billion , two hundred ( and ) thirty - two million , four hundred ( and ) fifty - six thousand , one hundred and one B ) 1 . done 2 . countries 3 . producing 4 . playing 5 . to wash 6 . have lived 7 . swims 8 . greatest 9 . beginning 10 . more Ⅱ . 1 . D 2 . A 3 . D 4 . C 5 . D 6 . C 7 . D 8 . C 9 . B 10 . B 11 . B 12 . C 13 . C 14 . D 15 . D 16 . D 17 . C 18 . B 19 . C 20 . B 21 . C 22 . A 23 . A 24 . D 25 . C 26 . C 27 . B 28 . B 29 . A 30 . D 31 . C 32 . B 33 . D 34 . B 35 . D Ⅲ . 1 . B 2 . C 3 . C 4 . C 5 . A Ⅳ . 1 . B 2 . C 3 . C 4 . C 5 . A Ⅴ . 1 . sitting 2 . at 3 . all 4 . room 5 . ahead 6 . isn't 7 . stay 8 . at 9 . from 10 . Sorry Ⅵ . 1 . across 2 . after 3 . against 4 . at 5 . before 6 . below 7 . for 8 . from 9 . on 10 . through Ⅶ . 1 . By , reach 2 . after , none 3 . more , will 4 . problem , the 5 . goes , on

初三英语第四单元作文范文 第9篇



4. to

5. plane





1.What’s your hobby?

A.He is a student.

B.I’m reading a book.

C.I like listening to music.

D.I go to school on foot.

2.How are you?

A.Fine, thank you.

B.How are you?


D.Nice to meet you.

3.Does your pen pal live in Beijing?

A.She is from USA.

B.She likes reading.

C.Yes, she does.

D.She can do the dishes.

4.What is Alice’s hobby?

A.She is a teacher.

B.She is listening to music.

C.She goes to work by car.

D.She likes fishing.

5.Good morning.


B.Good morning.

C.How are you?

D.Nice to meet you.

6.What can you do?

A.I get up early.

B.I have an apple.

C.I like singing.

D.I can cook meals.

7.Excuse me, where is the post office?

A.It’s next to the cinema.

B.You can take the bus.

C.I’ll go with you.

D.The bus station is over there.

8.Thank you.


B.Thank you.

C.You are welcome.

D.It doesn’t matter.

9.How does your pen pal go to work?

A.He goes to work by bus.

B.He lives in Hangzhou.

C.He goes to bed at 10:..

D.He is tall.

10.Does your mother teach you English?

A.No, he isn’t.

B.She is kind.

C.She likes diving.

D.Yes, she does.


It was Sunday. I never(从不) get up early on Sunday. Sometimes(有时) I stay in bed until(直到) lunch time. Last Sunday, I got up very late. I looked out of the window. It was dark outside. ‘What a day!’ I thought. ‘It’s raining again.’ Just then, the telephone rang. It’s my aunt Lucy. ‘I’ve just arrived by train,’ she said. ‘I’m coming to see you.’

‘But I’m still having breakfast,’ I said.

‘What are you doing?’ She asked.

‘I’m having breakfast,’ I repeated(重复).

‘Dear me,’ she said. ‘Do you always get up so late? It’s 1:00!’

1.I get up early on Sunday.

2.Aunt Lucy arrived by train. ( )

3.I’m having lunch when aunt Lucy called me. ( )

4.I’m having breakfast when aunt Lucy called me. ( )

5.Aunt Lucy was very surprised(吃惊). ( )

初三英语第四单元作文范文 第10篇








